Sup Forums do you support the Balkanization of USA, Russia and China?

Sup Forums do you support the Balkanization of USA, Russia and China?

There will be no more spheres of influence and European Nations like France, UK and Span can become superpowers again.

European nations will no longer have to bend down to USA or Russian influence. And China gets cucked

Only Russia and China.

Closeup of the Russia pic?

Yes but not that map

The US could stand balkinzation because it's actually well populated, even in flyover states, and the cultural differences are strong enough to justify it.
Russia and China have all their population in dense sections and the rest is an uninhabited wasteland with lots of extractable resources. Balkanization of them makes no sense.

I think China in your pic would still be pretty strong. Tibet, East Turkestan and Inner Mongolia are complete trash.

>European Nations like France, UK and Span can become superpowers again

Balkanize Canada into Western Canada, Northern Wasteland, Eastern Canada, and Quebec

Separate Texas on our own or at least separate us from Louisiana and Alabama

Pic is stupid
>Separate USA into illogical arbitrary segments
>Take the core regions of Russia and China where the population is and split off useless and arbitrary regions which will become satellite states anyways, voiding the purpose of the balkanization

My idea of Russia is Siberia splitting off into smaller countries of Turan. And the rest being the Russian Federation

Top is Russia on Western Front

Bottom is Russia on Eastern Front.
Siberia becomes a nation and forms Turanic nation states. Karelia goes to Finland

The UK was a superpower in the 19th century and early 20th century.

Siberia should be its own country. So should Tibet. Fuck East Turkestan though, don't let Turkic scum wield more political power.

What's wrong with my USA?

I agree, also brazil and various African nations, possibly mexico too

I would go further, making St Petersberg a separate city-state, creating a Keraelian Republic from the Arctic coast, and creating an independent Caucasus, so that the rump Russia/Muscovy is landlocked. A Volga German republic too.

Balkanization is a meme and a bad one.

>9th World superpower while just being a corner of the world
>Still 1st world power in renovable energy
>Russia's riches come from the ''Gold of Moscow'' for supporting the Republicans in our civil war
>The colonization term comes after Colon, a person that worked for us

k sergei don't forget to take your meds

/by the 9th I mean back when franco was alive/

Sounds like wishful thinking, although since a lot of people DO want to be free of China and Russia it may happen for the.

Why not balkanise India, too? Otherwise they will be a pooperpower by 2020.

>Anything north of Virginia

Disgusting and disrespectful.

>Far East Republic
>Lower Canada

Very creative.

Balkanized India + Perfect South America

>The colonization term comes after Colon, a person that worked for us
Wew. You ruined my brain

it's retarded. also dixie is way too big

All these maps are fucking retarded. Glad you guys aren't in charge of anything.

It's provides equal playing ground for all countries and destroys spheres of influence

>making bangladesh bigger
pls god no

>That Huge Dixie
>No Deseret