Why are people who hate this film so completely incapable of expressing actual reasons why they dislike it...

Why are people who hate this film so completely incapable of expressing actual reasons why they dislike it? They just shitpost and meme their way out of it.

Meanwhile, people who love the film can explain exactly why it is so good.

I saw it yesterday. Its whole premise was terrible.

You just dont understand the symbolism and bible references. The movie is so deep, that without proper swimming gear, you could be in neck deep trouble.

>People who love the film actually explain why it's so good
Here's what I've seen:
>Comparing a screenshot of the movie to something biblical
>"Cinegrids" of the movie
>Posting pictures of DCEU males shirtless
>Posting pictures or webms of Marvel movies with the captions "inhales" or "HAHAHAH"
>Posting pictures of Zack Snyder lifting weights or him beside a Marvel director
>Calling everyone who disagrees with them a numale, shill, cuck, or a pajeet
>Saying it's too complicated for you to understand, and there's no point in explaining it if you didn't get it

None of these are actually telling me why the movie is good.

I'm not going to write a long list because this is obviously bait but I had such high hopes for this movie. Go back and watch the trailers, they looked so great. What the fuck happened

OK, here you go, then.

For starters, it's use of the leitmotif of perception versus reality plays into literally everything happening, up to and including the revelation at the end that Vlark was looking at the world through a filter of his own, doing what we all do - focusing on the polarized extremes and missing the whole truth.

For another, it takes the three principals of the film, and uses them to craft an allegorical tale stressing the importance of communication across cultural divides and the perils of succumbing to xenophobia, paranoia, and a biased media.

Lastly, it uses the characters of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman to represent different eras of myth in both pop culture and antiquity.

In essence, this film takes what Miller did with DKR, swaps the roles around a bit, and ties them more firmly to the modern geopolitical climate, all while doing honor to the history of comics as a medium in general, and the history of the DC characters in particular.

Because you post about this movie every day, people tell you why the movie is dogshit and you just post again the next day pretending it never happened. You have a mental condition, user.


Epic retort, friendo. Absolutely top fucking notch.

Dumb frogposter

People have many times and especially when both version released, but you ignore it because your script doesn't know how to refute it so you brush it off as memes

The best part is that during the theatrical cut the plebs(you) claimed it was quote unquote "kino" and then denounced it as garbage when the ultimate(directors?) cut came out. It's almost as if you're part of some sort of marketing team

You fear what you do not understand my child.

I offer you bread, instead you feed the birds

I offer you wine, instead you feed the soil

I offer you wisdom, instead you feed your hatred

O heavenly father forgive user for his naivety. And in time, let him join us under the sun

~Gospels of Snyder~

batman more like fatman lmao

this will make a good pasta

Zack "Kubrick" Snyder

>shitposters take serious responses and turn them into pasta
>then they have the audacity to try and claim that the serious responses are all copypasta

This is the most disgusting thing I've seen all day, and I just saw a thread about people fucking horses.

Because the people who love this film actually know about film. People who hate this film rely on "plot holes," which are the laziest form of film criticism and betray their lack of intelligence.

We got a new pasta boys


what don't you fucking snyder idiots not get? NOT MUH BATMAN
why is that so hard to understand. there's only one way to write these characters

Really says a lot about how good this film is that people see an in-depth post about it and immediately declare it is "new pasta." You know a film is good when even any praise you can write about it instantly becomes worth preserving for posterity.

zack snyder movies make for great trailers because trailers don't need to maintain any level of coherency for any length of time.

Myvoted my friend!

back to nerd virgin

Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that.

>Because the people who love this film actually know about film
But that's wrong. For entertainment, these people watch the films of Thamrongrattanarit, Herzog, Tsai Ming-liang, González-Rubio, Bertolucci, Mallick amongst other even more obscure artists.

You have every flavor of the month action movie on Bluray.

Fucking. Saved. Thanks, based DChad.

oh wow a representation of his path is cleared!

this movie is so shit

The third trailer made it look really bad and spoiled moments I wish I could have seen for the first time on the big screen. The director's cut is the best superhero film of the decade btw.

There is more philosophical value in that thread about horsefucking than in the entirety of Batman Vs. Superman.

Yeah, and that's why we keep saying they're ill-equipped to properly assess a film like this. They don't know comics lore, pretend it's beneath them, and their utter lack of a knowledge base in that regard has them write things off as empty reference and symbolism when the fans know exactly what it's there to accomplish.

Would they say the Christian iconography in a film like "The Life of Brian" was "empty" and "ham-fisted?" Of course not, because they know what it's there to accomplish. Conversely, the vast majority of comics fans aren't well-versed in literary and film technique to adequately convey what it is they see and understand, so a film like this exists in the eye of a perfect storm of critics who don't know the lore and fanboys who only *think* they do.

>feed the birds
Why is that bad ?

>The director's cut is the best superhero film of the decade btw.
Uh, Watchmen?

Brainlets don't get it, it's unfortunate.

And you keep telling yourself you're an intelligent person even though that is clearly not the case.

Thank you. I fucking hate people who get into the internet culture version of film critique and rely on buzz words like plpt holes and character development when they don't understand them at all

Very good points. I don't know, in general people seem to like to brag about their own ignorance. They want to feel better about being completely uninformed about something so they just dismiss it completely.

>this is how brainlets retort
Someone post the IQ image


Film critics aren't like video game critics. These are people that study the arts and can distinguish schlock from such. If they say it's bad, it's bad.

See the 6th point in

Fuck off, I could pull up dozens of examples of critics that have no fucking clue what they're talking about, have no degrees in the arts, and talk like sixteen year olds who just got out of high school. Hang on a moment.

That's nice. BvS has over 350 reviews on RT.

>The critics are stupid and wrong!
>I'm the one who's right!

Because it was poorly written, mainly. The plot had multiple inconsistencies, the characters has little to no motivation, the characters besides Batman had weak development, Superman acts like a braindead child, and it has some of the worst dialogue I've ever seen. There were upsides though, all of the main actors put in great performances, the cinematography was gorgeous, and it had some great action sequences. Does that suffice?

And half of them are positive reviews.

Didn't think that one through, did you?

It has 26%.

>It’s got bloody great elephants and giant snakes, which weren’t living in Britain in the 8th century, last time I checked. It’s also got weird witches wrapped around some kind of octopus in a subterranean lake, an idea that looks like it was nicked from Macbeth or maybe Mar-a-Lago.

>Make no mistake, this is a very much a lad’s movie, as most Guy Ritchie pictures are. Although there is this wizard bird named Mage (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey), who looks more like a Marion to me.

>What really frosts my pumpkin, if I may say so, is that after wading through about an hour of scattershot edits and on-the-fly plot descriptions set to a sledgehammer score, we finally get down to the task at hand: getting Arthur to pull his magic sword Excalibur out of the bleedin’ stone and get on with being a king, smiting foes and all that.

This is what an actual "critical review" looks like. These are the people you are defending as "masters of the arts."

More like master of your arse you derriere devastated derelict

It's an epic tale of revenge, despair, and redemption that just so happens to be in the framework of two costumed superheroes having a punch-up with alien monsters. There's simply nothing else like it and cements Snyder's status as a true auteur

Nice thesaurus use, too bad you don't know what those words mean.

>Half of them are positive reviews

Nice ad hom
derriere is your arse
Devastated is your arse
Derelict is you

The BvS apologist also thinks King Arthur is a good movie
I'm not even surprised

*posts picture of shirtless Snyder/Affleck/Cavill*

*calls you a cuck*

*denies that it was a massive box office disappointment*

>only one person can possibly like BvS
Damn, you are fucking deluded.

I think what's sad is that critics don't realize no normal person gives a flying fuck about the deeper meaning of the film, they don't give a fuck about "muh plot holes" or "muh character development" either. Only autists and/or people who actually enjoy good storytelling. But people who actually enjoy good stories aren't going to go look for it in a fucking superhero film.

The reason why this movie is bad? It failed to be entertaining, the reason why we watch film.

This. Let's assume for a moment that this film wasn't retarded, it really is kino, and the plebs just didn't get it. That still makes it a bad movie. Movies are products. The purpose of film isn't to be high art, it's to entertain the masses. Isn't only appealing to a worthless elitist perspective exactly what everyone criticizes boring Oscar bait films for?

>DCucks are still claiming Homecoming to be a flop when it's out-profited Man of Steel and BvS with four weeks of release and no China

I laughed at the guy who said "Film critics aren't like video game critics. These are people that study the arts and can distinguish schlock from such. If they say it's bad, it's bad."

Rotten Tomatoes literally accepts reviews from any asshole with a YouTube channel. A lot of these so-called "film critics" literally are video game critics. Really does not make you look good that you did not know this.

>He actually thinks King Arthur was a good movie

Someone already posted a defense you idiot
and dumb brainlets responded with brainlet remarks so of course I'm going to call them out on their bullshit


>Don't like BvS? You just didn't understand it.

>tfw too intelligent to make money

>h-haha I sure btfo them with my reddit remarks
PS SS has made more of a profit that Homocumming and chinks won't save it you smelly Guat

Because BVS fans are delusional as fuck, they even deny that the USB with the justice league members and the opening sequence with Batman's parents are exposition, like they literally claim those sequences were not there to provide background information to audiences.

I'll admit for a blockbuster it's very out there and ballsy, probably one of my top 10 capeflicks, but fucking hell naming it one of the best films of all time and I ironically namedropping it ok every thread and praising Snyder just seems like too much to me.
Oh and the fans here on Sup Forums are just plain fucking retarded for the most part.

C'mon, don't be a contrarian shorter. I liked both BvS and Man of Steel, but they're both terrible on so many levels...
Their upside to Marvel movies is that they had the potential to be great film when marvel makes normie fodder with zero redeeming qualities, except that it's easy watching. Their downside is that their potential is run in the ground because of sheer retardation.

>pacing, editing, tone was way off/all over the place, muh Luthor, muh Superman

There. Everyone's stock responses

It's the only way the premise works. Honestly it's head and shoulders above any other superhero fight, ever, as far as the motivation. Giving Batman a villainous turn was the way to go

Oscar bait movies are made for the award. Genuinely good films are made for their own sake.

if snyder is shit why does Disney always steal his style and shots?

This movie honestly really cemented how many critics are brainlets, as well as audiences (though this was already known)

I don't think any other film has captured as well the social and political climate of America in the last 17 years. It's literally one of the smartest pieces of pop culture deconstruction ever put in theaters as well.

Wow, the new Assassins Creed looks like THAT?

Ant-Man was released in China 2 months after the initial release and made over $100 million. That image means jack shit

You're not wrong

Also, there's a much more obvious reason that box office numbers in China in the early to mid 2000s were comparatively puny. The audience was much smaller.

Lmao okay keep telling yourself this.
This wont happen, but if it does it will only put Spiderman at a 710 million, still less that WW and SS, kek fucking pathetic
Also Ant Man=/=Spider Man

Batman v Superman is unironically one of the greatest movies ever conceived. Snyder, Nolan, Zimmer, JunkieXL, Goyer, and Terrio are all geniuses. You will never see anything like this movie ever again, if at all because nothing will ever be this good from here on out.

There is one critic who saw the big title card that said METROPOLIS and decided in his review that that scene was in Gotham, despite presumably being able to read. There was one critic who thought that Superman addressed the Senate about nuclear weapons. These are people who apparently take notes when they watch stuff.

Two examples there. I have dozens more honestly of critics who completely missed obvious shit in the movie. They're people with opinions is all they are and their analysis is nonexistent anymore

>then why does a child entertainment company imitates him
gee idk

>posts a webm that excises an entire facet of the film (the sound)
>thinks his opinion on film has any serious merit

>disndians will deny this

Name one example of Disney doing this.

>Martha Kent’s (Diane Lane) line, “Focus on my voice. Pretend it’s an island, out in the ocean” as The Last Jedi reveals exactly that, Luke Skywalker’s home on Ahch-To.
>The question of “what Clark did,” as Rey shows off her power to manipulate matter around her, as Clark later can.
>Young Clark asking if keeping his powers secret truly means letting those die whom he could save… as the Last Jedi reveals General Leia observing a starship’s control console, played by the late Carrie Fisher. >Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) wondering in response if letting some die for a greater good actually would be best… as Kylo Ren’s smashed helmet lies smoking.
>Clark (Henry Cavill) stating “I have so many questions…” as a beam of light illuminates what we believes to be Luke Skywalker’s prized Jedi books of wisdom, which he will use to teach Rey the ways of The Force.
>Clark asking “where do I come from?” as a hand, believed to be Luke’s, reaches out to touch the ancient symbol of the first Jedi, suggesting this book may actually be ‘The Journal of The Whills,’ an ancient book literally explaining where the Jedi came from.

I didn't deny it, learn to read.
Read some Derrida before you use words you don't understand.

Why the fuck isn't /o/ on team Sup Forums?

see and If you deny you only prove that you're delusional.
Take the redpill
You certainly are avoiding it

I'm guessing you made this comparison by chance but I actually thinking that staircase looks very structurally similar to the one outside the Assassins' castle in AC1.

I didn't avoid it I just said that if a company that makes films for kids copies Snyder that doesn't mean he's good.

t. brainlet

if you don't see the deconstructionist approach to how they tackled a TDKR Batman for example, that's your problem.

>This wont happen, but if it does it will only put Spiderman at a 710 million, still less that WW and SS, kek fucking pathetic
This post in itself shows how utterly delusional and fucking stupid you DCucks are.
Homecoming's worldwide gross as of now is $671 million at four weeks of release. Even if it stopped making money for some reason and ended up making $100 million in China that'd put it at $771 million. That's also not including Japan.

DC didn't get a win until they went full Marvel

>so completely incapable of expressing actual reasons why they dislike it?
-Bad pacing
-Overstuffed plot
-Really bad motivations for each character
-No surprises (Doomsday revealed in the trailers, Having Doomsday means "Death of Superman")

Why do you keep posting that unfinished version? This is the true image.

Did you fucking see 's image?
By now they probably pirated it like the little bug-eyed fuckers they are

/qa/ is a bunch of whiney faggots from Sup Forums, plebbit, and Tumblr who think bitching about Sup Forums will get it deleted

Why don't you say that to their face instead of whining about them on Sup Forums?

They both have their hands on a book. This, this is undeniable proof that Disney copies Snyder. Damn...

I have, and it's pointless
Kind of like bitching at people on Sup Forums telling them to go back to Sup Forums

Not exactly, because /qa/ is a slow enough board that posting shitty threads there really annoys them. They even have some guy who runs a bot to try and bump threads they don't like off the board (it's not very effective). I personally make a point of posting a few shitty threads there every day just to piss 'em off. I don't even look at the replies, I just set it and forget it.

lel, you're doing God's work user