Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?

Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?

Perfect voice for a cartoon villain

Based... for a Jew.

As progressive, he's one of the few conservative I listen to. He's quick on his feet, he's smart, intelligent and articulate.

fav conservative after ann coulter

He is a natural lampshade just look at his forehead.

Very clever lad, often found wasting his time on unimportant issues.

>tfw you will never fugg a 10 year old shapiro backstage at his violin performance
>tfw when his ass hole won't throb and ache while he's on stage
>tfw when you'll never see him squirm in his seat and blush while he makes little mistakes because you're staring at him so intensely


>Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
Therefore he belongs in only one place. Israel.

I overlook his girly voice and sissy haircut and try to soak in his words. He embraces common sense and appears to be fond of the truth. Can't hate on that.

Most importantly, he's not obnoxious.

Too bad about that bloodline, though. Many such cases!

tired of hearing that name
dont know who he is

Wtf. I hope that's copy pasta


Imagine the keystrokes you'd have to type had you inserted into every public forum within every single topic that you didn't know shit . . . that admitting your glaring ineptitude was mandated everywhere.

That's a lot of fucking strokes.

>Hourly Shapiro slide thread


Based ben

paid shill by Ted Cruz

>implying i'm new and shapiro is popular

Quite possibly the most disturbing thing I've ever read.

Ben Shapiro is enjoyable, if you know what I mean.

Implying you wouldn't

That being said, gas the kikes race war now

THAT being said, if during the race war I came across his body in the rubble of an abandoned city, I'd fugg it

one of the smartest fucking dudes right now, but unfortunately being a virgin until 32 or some shit and being a hyper-orthodox jew and overall socially awkward has made him really non-funny and he falls into stupid shit like thinking michelle fields was brutally assaulted and never backing out of it even after the video and trashing trump for being too crass with his speech, basic cuckservative shit

totally on-point about the lefties though, just a bit too critical of trump imo

He's married to a hottie, fit as fuck, and a shitlord to boot.

Top fucking kek

He's got a wife way out of his league lookswise


You can tell she has 80 grit sandpaper for labia.

Britain with an astute assessment.

Found JK Simmons' character from "Whiplash"

>he's not obnoxious
like all good orators, he can be

Trump deserves criticism, it's too bad that like his supporters, he doesn't heed it.

he's obviously autistic

i do like him except sometimes he uses tactics to win debates rather than actual substance. he's a bit flippant on things like weed, abortion, etc.


He's not a conservative. He's a Libertarian/Classical Liberal.


Got turned into a lamp

Shits on leftist cucks. Good enough for me.

Gas him

Smart guy who is a breath of fresh air in the sea of autistic alt-right manchildren who scream "cuck" when triggered.

He's looking for money and he is finding it.
Hardworking guy.

First was heavily against Trump when he saw a chance for Cruz.
Now he supports Trump because there is no market outside the Hillary vs Trump stance nowadays.
And he is pulling it all off.
Smart guy.



He's a smart guy

Seen him perform live; needs to do his top button and wear a tie, gives young conservatives a half assed effort to understand the enemy, doesn't name the Jew ( obviously in his best interest )-based for a kid Angeles Jew though, he's alpha for the betas-libertarians/Cruz people. 8/10.

T-Thats really antisemitic dude...

He's around 5'5" and is sensitive about his height. Other than that, he's ok I guess. He's a more intellectual version of Milo.

A Jewish Shekel Collecting Fuck

Idk, never Trumpers seem to believe there's more money for them if they got a Democratic in office; or the daily show hosts needing fresh blood.

Whiny jew. Never has known hardship and thinks he's better than others. Best forgotten. Knew kids like him at jewish summer camp. Don't miss them.

really made me think...

He's not fit, shakes a weak hand. A Manlet.

He's based, came to say this.

Any YAF people here. I'm thinking about opening a college republicans chapter on my campus and forcing YAF to heel before me.

He tried to battle, he couldn't break free from his shekels, anonymous conquered.