Post stuff that symbolizes the death of western civilization
Other urls found in this thread:
>gavrila princip
>a nationalist
>symbolizes the death of western civilization
wew lad
I don't have a picture of Merkel but you get the point.
noice choice
Western civilization died before Hillary Clinton was born.
I'm dee president now
is that franz ferninand...
where's his wife and his driver?
He was not driving. Plus steering wheel was on left side of car.
THAT'S what you question? The fact that Franz Ferdinand wasn't the driver?
Not, you know, the fucking furry with angel wings guiding Gavrilo Princip's hand?
And do not forget the Keeper of the Seal.
wtf ferdinand had way more medals than that
He was only wearing the medals he was entitled to as Inspector-General, not as Arch-Duke.
Hopefully, your flag
>Those two being even remotely similar
Wew lad
That's nothing to question. It legitimately happened.
Well, you got me there. It's a little-known fact even most Sup Forumsacks don't know about.
Lord help us.
He just wanted a boyfriend-free girl ;_;
If we're focusing specifically on the white race and no outside factors.
>We can't get laid so we turn to the streets
>we can't get laid so we shitpost online
Why are guys such fags?
he got the Darwin's medal, that's for sure
Somebody post it.
Is he dead yet?
the tits on that blonde girl though
Wtf. I want a Merkel blowjob now.
That is always the first response to that image, no matter who posts it.
>mfw I know the people in that pic
is death in june fake nazi music
>mfw I know the people in that pic
I'm curious. You are leaf and they are german by the looks of it. Please explain.
that's not Ferdinand.
not even close
"Drivers licence photos are the worst. I hate when they use that shit, senpai."
t. Gavrilo Princip
RIP mario
Fake I suppose is up to your interpretation. Like a lot of neofolk bands he uses a lot of naziesque aesthetics but never state anything explicit. It's good music regardless of his political convictions.