We have a movie called American Sniper, why isn't there a movie called Canadian Sniper?
We have a movie called American Sniper, why isn't there a movie called Canadian Sniper?
Because if you snipe your enemies they win.
nobody cares about canadians
God that movie was fucking garbage
America BTFO, Commonwealth = best.
t. muslim
Black Watch Snipers was a nice documentary.
>Joint Task Force 2 sniper (name withheld)
>1,000+ meter power gap
In all seriousness, how can the most overfunded and overstaffed military in the world fail to compete with the most underfunded military in NATO when it comes to sniping? America should be able to get a 4km snipe just by blotting out the sun with 7.62mm
I literally cried and clapped at my theatre after watching this kino. the urge to kill mudslimes has never been so strong after watching this
thank you based clint thank you ;_;
>double trips
Time to join up, soldier
Canadians are so nice they wouldn't lie about their accomplishments or that they beat up ex-governors
Excellent post...I'm going to go watch it again right nowand try and forget about this thread but no offense you did good
better question: why isn't there a kino called Finnish Sniper?
547.4 million USD reasons
Because we don't have any money to make good movies. Leaf movies suck on the whole at the best of times, and there would be ZERO will in Canada to finance "muh propaganda" films (I liked American Sniper but leafland would shit itself if we tried to make a war movie that isn't Romeo Dallaire or WW1 because we are all pacifists and communists).
there is lots of money but it is monopolized by the NFB and to get funding from the NFB you have to make shitty shitty content that not only conforms to cancon requirements but checks off all of the left-liberal tick boxes whomever is looking at your funding application thinks is important.
>got thread(general no less)
>anime thread
>Canadian Glorification thread
maybe we should delete Sup Forums and start again with new gets
just make the sniper a tranny and it would get all the federal funding it needs
Your veterans aren't gay book writers.
>burgers call in one of the 700 perpetually loitering F-16s to drop 6 JDAMs on the target
>canadians have to make do with a rifle
speaking of gets
Everytime I see this pic it looks like his face is poorly shooped on (his) left side. It's so jagged.
if the movie shows every kill he made it would never be finished.
The joint chiefs aren't losing sleep over a page in the guinness world records.
Americans carry 7 magazines of 30 rounds with them into combat. Canadians are each given 1 bullet. You learn how to use that bullet to maximum effect. One of my buddies managed to kill five Tali's by kiting them into a hallway and firing one 5.56mm through each of their jugulars while they were lined up.
this guy didn't even use a scope
because of their image. They want the world to think they are all nice and shit. The reality is most canadains are assholes.
I bet most of those kills were civilians and little kids
Americans kill nothing but top leaders like Bin Laden and hardcore elite snipers. Every American kill should be worth 5 Canadian kill, just like their dollar.
>most Canadians are assholes
People in Toronto and Quebec are assholes. The rest of the country is okay.
There aren't that many soldiers in the Canadian Forces. We have 68 000 soldiers, but that includes all three service branches. In terms of actual combat troops we only have a couple thousand. As a result our troops are some of the best trained in the world. From my understanding the Americans generally train their soldiers for a single specialized job. In contrast most of our soldiers can fill any role in their platoon. Also we avoid a lot of the pointless cock that you hear about happening in the American military. I've got a former marine buddy who is now a sergeant in my company who said being in the marines was like being on course most of the time. They'd make them do stupid shit like paint rocks and mop in the rain at their units. You don't see that shit here past basic or DP1 training.
Most of his kills were from the highground against an enemy wearing brightly colored clothes against the snow.
He's badass for many reasons, but his kill count was literally a fish in a barrel situation.
This and this.......Sniping is a cuntish form of warfare and it's fitting that Canadians would quietly be experts at it
>The rest of the country is okay
Not really but you can believe whatever you want, Chang
You know he got shot in the face and had it reconstructed, right? He wasn't born like that.
The movie was dumb but the woman and kid carrying out the suicide bombing wasn't. I saw shit like that in Kandahar during my tour.
>manning vehicle checkpoint after carrying out several raids the day prior
>see kid walking towards checkpoint with a jacket that clearly looks stuffed up and something in his hand gripped like a detonator
>kid is clearly fucked up on opium
>yelling at him to turn around, warning shots don't phase him
>kid keeps getting closer
>still can't make out what the kid has in his hand
>my sergeant says fuck this and runs at the kid, picks him off the ground and carries him 100m out
>turns out the kid just had a rock in his hand and a bunch of clothes bunched up under his jacket
>taliban had drugged him up and sent him to the VCP to try and get us to shoot an unarmed kid
>Taliban still had a small victory because it made us think twice about shooting suspicious persons approaching us
Meh, When your "kill count" gets into the three digit range you can fuck right off with your "muh" highground"
Based story and Based sergeant
You OK there, buddy?
>68 000 soldiers
>9.984 million square kilometers
It's like you want us to hate you
NO, I'm power triggered by this thread and am literally contemplating a Burger run
>square kilometers
could someone convert this to none meme measurement please?
Yeah, this is about right.
God bless Meruca
3.855 million mi2
Sorry I sorta did it outta respect
>sniper kills recorded in Imperial
>even though the top four positions of the leaderboard use the Metric system.
Typical burgers.
Long live the Queen, m88.
How is the US military overstaffed exactly? Or rather, what the fuck does that even mean?
The US military isn't overfunded, the defense industry is.
The Canadians leverage having a huge pool of experienced hunters in their vast rural areas into a well-developed sniper training program.
you gave yourself away you fucking leaf
Better than being hated.
If you can't think in metric can you even think?
This isn't true. The problem is we have to use tax credits from NFB BECAUSE we are broke. If we actually had money to make movies without needing NFB tax credits we would be okay.
Theres nothing I'd like more than to double the budget and size of the forces. Unfortunately right now our government won't give us the funding for it, nor any clear goals to work towards that will give out recruiters anything to work with. On one hand the military is shifting back to conventional warfare with a focus on training to fight the ruskies, on the other we are training to fight this unknown African mission that may or may not exist. We also have a bunch of SOF in Iraq and Syria with the potential for reigmental boots on the ground. Nobody knows what we're actually training for in the forces, nevermind the canadian public, which are notoriously clueless when it comes to our military. So right now our recruiters put out half assed campaigns with no clear message while we fail to meet recruitment targets every year since we pulled out of Afghanistan.
I don't know what the UK is like, but here in Canada we use imperial for a load of shit still. Officially its metric, but it is very common for Canadians to talk about miles for distance. The information on our drivers licences is metric, but I only know my height in feet and inches, and weight in pounds. Food measurement is often in pounds, land is still commonly discussed in terms of acres. Etc.
>unknown African mission
interesting, Central Africa is a mess right now
Did he send the dude's family an apology letter?
why bother with sniping when you can call in an airstrike or use drones?
Canadians aren't patriotic
I'm a UK fag and literally everything you said is the same where I am. Apart from maybe acres but I've never really discussed land in that context
compared to burgers, nobody is
It's a lot easier to discriminate between civies and insurgents with eyes on the ground. Who do you think calls in and directs fire/air support on distant targets? Snipers are one of the most important assets to commanders because of their versatility. They can be used to watch for IED planters, kill enemy commanders, provide overwatch during operations or call in airstrikes. If anything the increased use of airstrikes has only made snipers more relevant on the battlefield.
I can't stand fuckjng Canadians. Every one of them, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEM does the "tee-hee we're so nice, we're almost TOO nice! Lol I'm going to say 'sorry' in an exaggerated Canadian accent" as if they're making fun of themselves, but they're not. They're sucking their own cocks. It's like the opposite of self-depreciating humor. Narcissistic fucks.
They are in their own faggy way. Mostly in a definition by opposition way towards Americans. Oh the little weasels couldn't be prouder of every single little thing they do differently from Americans. We get it faggots. Canadians are rat shit, they are trash, they deserve nothing but pain and hardship. FUCK leaves.
a female sniper left him like that
you missed the point americans dont take shots at long distance because they have other options to kill a guy
canadians have no choices they have to take the shot when americans deny their request for airstrikes
Nah. You can count your admirers by you haters.
we just don't like that they don't like their own nation as much as we like our own that is it. It is a vast Beautiful nation and they just don't FUCKING CARE!!!!
>canacucks unironically believe this
kys my dude
This deserves a (you).
SO this is simply a matter of "asset utilization" and the leaderboard being dominated by Leafs and Brit's is basically a couple of there squads hiding in the weeds looking for vulnerable targets while the Americans do ALL the heavy lifting?
Is that some kind of crazy flintlock the dude's holding over his head?
Accurate. Source : I'm a leaf
Honestly I don't know, there are legit military guys lurking this thread and I defer to them...I do know that whatever it is...it and all those makeshift weapons are somehow more terrifying then much more capable modern weaponry
It was shrapnel actually
If this is true we just might get some Kino about him after all
Its not it was shrapnel
unda rat ted!
shut up already with the shrapnel bullshit, he got btfod
>In their efforts to kill Häyhä, the Soviets used counter-snipers, and on 6 March 1940, Häyhä was hit in his lower left jaw by an explosive bullet fired by a Red Army soldier.
I'm pretty sure Parliament and some media shit on it.
That's canada 4u
Your right, weird I always thought it was shrapnel
America only fights fair like men, beady eyed anglos are the jews of the battlefield.
Because they're fighting in USA wars.
>14 Million people in Ontario
>Nearly 9 million people in Quebec
The same system works in the States, Big cities are shitholes regardless of what party they vote for, About half of the country is fucking retarded and lives in liberal shitholes and the other half is what gives you shit like Robert Furlong and the other 11,319-foot shot.
this is not far from the truth. in fact, that canadian with the longest shot probably did it with borrowed american ammo, since canada sent some of them overseas without any.
dat air jordan logo
All the .50 BMG ammo and even .338 Lapua the Bong used were made in America and provided by the military of the United States of America
>I can't stand fuckjng Canadians. Every one of them, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEM does the "tee-hee we're so nice, we're almost TOO nice! Lol I'm going to say 'sorry' in an exaggerated Canadian accent" as if they're making fun of themselves, but they're not. They're sucking their own cocks. It's like the opposite of self-depreciating humor. Narcissistic fucks.
and they love to complain about america, how we treat refugees, etc. always trying to tell us how to do our business.
then they turn around and shit all over their native canadian people
Because I see them on Arma 3 and they always take the fucking sniper class so they can try to get epic 12 year old mile long shots, nothing else
I wouldn't even consider watching a flick called "Canadian Sniper". What can I say, America is a synonym of badass. Canada is a synonym of syrup, eh?
dat Peyton Jersey