How would Hank react if Bobby turned out gay?
How would Hank react if Bobby turned out gay?
Have sex with him.
I guess he would start out against it and be ok with it at the end
he was afraid Bobby was gay for years. I think he mentally prepared for it. Cotton would fully support Bobby and blame Hank for raising a gay son
>You're a better father than me, after all you made Bobby. All I could make was you!
I came here to post this.
Dangit Bobby. There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits.
Be okay with it as long as his boyfriend isn't a jackass
He'd struggle with it for years ending in a general complacency about it. He'd still love bobby and want to be in his life but would shy away from any details about Bobby's dating life. Though I could see an episode where Bobby brings home a real mans-man boyfriend who Hank gets along with.
Think the dad from Modern Family
he'd make sure bobby would wear the pants in his relationships
But Bobby is a little bitch boy.
Cotton would probably try and give a bunch of things he presumed gay people would want to Bobby.
>He takes Bobby to some gay hookers
Hank would learn to accept Bobby if he was gay
Tranny on the other hand, rightfully no
Hank would thank god as it would explain/excuse Bobby's weirdness.
He would probably disown him, since according to Hank, gay people can't sell propane.
Funny you should say that...
Theres like 12 of these so its gonna be a minute here
I swear the creator of this lurks here and shills this in every koth thread. It's great bait though either way replies always make me laugh when inebriated.
I'm bored
who wants to take over?
post the last part
is there more?
I'll post it
Thanks user.
You're welcome
Read it in his voice.
Hey look it's the ONE TIME the dang ol' faggot KoTH comic is actually applicable.
>dad Im gay
>Siiigh. No you're not
>Hank, he's your son. You need to support him. Like me. Peggy Hill. I support all walks of life.
>He's not gay, he's just following a got dang fad. We've seen him get attracted to girls many times.
>But dad I really am gay.
>Stand up for yourself Bobby! You can better whatever you choose to be!..or where born to be. How's that work again.
>Expected this to be cringe
>Was cringe
>also depressing as fuck
What the fuck. Why are you using these dumb as characters to make me feel this way?
This reaction image has never been more appropriate.
I think he'd be disappointed he didn't have a "normal" son, but in a way, I bet he'd be relieved because it would explain Bobby's out-of-the-ordinary behavior. Probably something he'd try to hide from all his friends though, which might cause some resentment from his son.
the D?