This is accurate

This is accurate.

Very inaccurate.


crawl into a hole and don't come back


Sup Forums is still too blue pilled to realize that (((capitalism))) doesn't benefit them and never will

So... The more of a waste your vote is the better?

Even in a picture where Hillary does not look ugly, she still looks like an evil baroness. Why does she not realize how obvious it is that she sold her soul to Satan?

>fight for socialism
>via equality of outcome we can all be niggers!
>well apart from the champagne socialist elite that own our worthless asses ofc waffles!


i'm here sitting in an air conditioned home typing on my laptop computer, how does capitalism not benefit me?

Can you not be i mean shoo shoo from this universe

Or move to russia/china to feel your beloved socialism.

The surplus value of your labor is being stolen and pocketed by (((them))) all of society is structured to enrich a tiny (((few)))

most Sup Forumsacks can't into class struggle. Every social problem that currently exists like nignogs, mudslimes and jews can be reduced to class conflict and will never go away until classes are abolished.

needs more fuhrer

Vermin Supreme 2020-2024!

He has sensible propositions for Apocameme.

Supreme vermin!
Give that man the world!

But still, Why don't you reveal your power level? Because you're afraid to be fired.

Communists should be shot on sight.

Might as well return to a caste system.

That's barbaric user. Helicopter rides instead.

>Being the red pilled

Fascism is one of the natural outcomes of a failing capitalist society but like capitalism, it cannot last because of inherent contradictions. There will always be a need for an external enemy.

Now the perceived enemy are the nonwhites. Once those are gone, it will naturally lead to war with other countries deemed not white enough and it will eventually self-destruct.


Are you fucking retarded?

You're living in the US. Your wealth was literally built by means of capitalism.

there is no "need" for an external enemy. But history has shown they are in large "supply"

As a misanthropist I totally agree with this graphic.

Are those parties real? KEK

you know socialism doesn't magically ends scarcity and it's pretty much state controlled capitalism right?

Sure there is. Fascism can't work otherwise. It provides a simple and tangible explanation for the current economic depression we're in.

Instead of attributing it to how capitalism naturally works (wealth accumulation for income inequality and outsourcing for job losses) you can point at the nignogs, welfare queens and mexicans.

you say we're in a economic downturn at the moment, and the cause is the lack of an external enemy? I call bullshit, there are plenty of enemies, both internal and external right now in most if not all western countries. The rise of 3rd wave feminism, sjws, white-guilt, affirmative action. These are internal enemies with little to no real evidence behind the 'movements' they stand for. The surge of immigrants, spurred on by yet another violent onslaught that has plagued the middle east for most of modern history. These are external enemies.

You misunderstand, the cause of the economic downturn is related to the natural functioning of capitalism.

Fascism/Populism gives a simpler explanation for this phenomenon. Of course, the liberals that are well-off fuel this movement by completely ignoring the valid problems the majority of the people have.

All the things you listed are valid problems for people to have. They just aren't the source, but the effects.

Here's your (you)

You realize you already live in a state capitalist society except you have no say about it because you have been conned into believing it's capitalism?

>God tier

>Mid tier

>Shit tier
Everyone else in that pic

>labor theory of value

Nigger faggot alert. Eat shit and die.

God tier:
Green Party, Constitution Party or no voting.

Mid Tier:

Shit Tier:
Everything else.