Daily reminder that anyone who unironically uses "increased the debt" should not be allowed to vote

Daily reminder that anyone who unironically uses "increased the debt" should not be allowed to vote.

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I don't know the total numbers but increasing the debt from 4 trillion to 8 trillion is 100% but then increasing it from 8 trillion to 12 trillion is the same amount but only a 50% increase

yeah its only 10T

super easy to pay back

Great job keeping up to date, nigger.

Reminder that Obama reduced the Bush budget deficit by 75%. Every single Republican president has increased the budget deficit, some retards like Bush turned a surplus into a massive deficit

>last updated 2011


trumpshits triggered

>2009 to 2011

Oh come on, you know as well as everyone that the 2009 budget deficit was a result of the Great Recession, which was principally a result of the awful private lending practices of mortgage lenders and the packaging and slicing of the subprime mortgages.

Budgets are passed by Congress, by the way, and the president's proposals aren't gospel, but just a starting point.