Daily reminder that anyone who unironically uses "increased the debt" should not be allowed to vote.
Daily reminder that anyone who unironically uses "increased the debt" should not be allowed to vote
I don't know the total numbers but increasing the debt from 4 trillion to 8 trillion is 100% but then increasing it from 8 trillion to 12 trillion is the same amount but only a 50% increase
yeah its only 10T
super easy to pay back
Great job keeping up to date, nigger.
Reminder that Obama reduced the Bush budget deficit by 75%. Every single Republican president has increased the budget deficit, some retards like Bush turned a surplus into a massive deficit
>last updated 2011
trumpshits triggered
>2009 to 2011
Oh come on, you know as well as everyone that the 2009 budget deficit was a result of the Great Recession, which was principally a result of the awful private lending practices of mortgage lenders and the packaging and slicing of the subprime mortgages.
Budgets are passed by Congress, by the way, and the president's proposals aren't gospel, but just a starting point.
Britain bringin' the bantz.
Lmao tell me how this correlates with your picture
Daily reminder OP doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
Debt the day Obama was inaugurated
Current screenshot of us debt clock
practically doubled, probably will be doubled after Obama steps down
>which was principally a result of the awful private lending practices of mortgage lenders
Who were following the law which assumed that those lenders were racist for not giving minorities with shitty credit cheap loans.
Republishits are the scourge of American society and should all be hanged
How does that graph even work when Obongo increased the American debt by 2x?
Nope not doubled. You retards fail at math.
Also, it's almost like the costs of Bush's wars, tax cuts and fuckups don't stop as soon as he leaves office.
It's not Obama's spending, retards.
B-b-but it was just 18 trillion not that long ago....
Is this the kind of shit they pass around on reddit?
Obama doubled the debt
>19.4 vs 10
>nope not doubled
Leftist math lol
So let's say 9 trillion worth of debt in 8 years. The total us debt accumulated even after George bush with all his has basicly been doubled in 8 years of Obama. So let's consider that from 1776 to 2010 all of the debt created has been doubled in just 8 years... WTF are you Americans doing letting this happen?
Bush's tax cuts for the very wealthy, what a swell guy. I'm still waiting for that money to "trickle down."
This is a blatant lie. Kill yourself traitor scum. I hope Mammon was worth your soul. When this world fails you will be held accountable for all your words.
You fucking dumbass, it's not hard to decrease the deficit from 2009 when literally the first order of business was to increase the budge by a trillion.
Typical leftist tactic:
>Jack budget up by 1,000,000,000,000
>Marginally lower it from that high-mark
>Claim you lowered the budget
Take your faggot graph and run it back to 2004, you will see the giant stimulus pop in 2008-2009.
This is horrendously outdated.
>Obama doubled the debt
Lol no he didn't. Fuck you right wing retards don't know how to do elementary math.
And then you wonder why all you retarded Trumpshits are unemployed.
WTF obama Increased the debt more than all of the other presidents combined
Do your eyes not work? Look at the screen shots. 2+2 does not equal 1
> I'm still waiting for that money to "trickle down."
It's not supposed to "trickle down" it's supposed to get spent how the person who earned it wants you fucking leech.
10.7 doubled is 21.4.
Obama isn't even going to hit 20.
How fucking retarded are you?
Did you even look at that graph? That shows our GDP falling like a SOB...I wouldn't be proud to have that attached to my name. Thsnk Obongo
from wiki, now fuck off
Shit b8 friend, try harder next time
Wtf are you talking about? How fucking retarded are you? Obama inherited a $1.4 TRILLION deficit from Bush and has cut it by 75%.
You have no fucking clue how the US budget process works do you?
>Bush's tax cuts for the very wealthy
Proven to work so well that Obama extended them. Fuck dude kill yourself.
right wing retards can't even do elementary math. This is just fucking sad.
the spirits tell us this is anti-science and bigoted
>tax cut given by funding candidate's campaign
Most of the Super rich did not earn their money, they are old money. Plus, you really don't understand the concept of diminishing marginal utility you faggot. Keep slaving away to make someone else rich while telling yourself that they worked hard for that money.
Obama raised taxes on the rich. Repeatedly.
Everybody who's not a right wing retards knows all the GOP wants to do is cut taxes for the rich.
You morons fall for it every time.
>right wing retards
the only ones with guns when shit hits the fan you mean? Think a omg drone is going to protect you? Shills, you're going to be the first to die.
It's always great to show debt increases as percentages, because as we all know, the ten trillionth dollar is much easier to pay back than the tenth.
Of course it reduces the value of our fiat currency to nothing so maybe I'm the crazy one.
And the middle class has gotten taxed harder. They haven't worked, nor will they ever work. Trickle down economics is shit. Kill yourself faggot.
Don't use logic you lunatic.
Notice the giant stimulus pop in 2008.
Can we all agree stimulus was an inredible failure of failures? Hell Obama promised 400 billion in infrastructure- that would have been cool- but we didn't even get that did we? What was the total stimulus infrastructure spending? A measly 20 billion. Could have easily built a wall with a percentage or two of the stimulus waste.
Take 2 minutes to Google fuckin' leaf. God damn I can't wait for this world to collapse. You fuckin nu-male beta faggots are going to die so fast I can't WAIT
Yup. Every time.
>hurr I have a gun for hypothetical unlikely scenarios that will never happen I r smart
I never implied anything of the sort dick shit. Read the comment trail you're responding to dolt.
Obama's first big policy was to burn a trillion dollars. What about "trillion dollar stimulus" did you miss? Did you think that shit didn't count against the deficit?
A fucking leaf
oh look it's this "right wing retards" leafposter again.
What was the national debt when Obama entered office?
What will it be when he leaves office?
Just give me those two numbers. Thanks
I think it meant physically and economically safe, Tyrone.
Why do you think the GOP brainwashed you retards to hate him so much?
>Most of the Super rich did not earn their money, they are old money.
In the introduction to the interview, there was an interesting statement: “hard work will matter less, inherited wealth more.” Really? Added up the entire annual realized income of those households in the $10M and over category the total would be over $300 billion. What percent of this amount is derived from trusts and estates? The answer is 1.3%. This percentage even doubled or tripled would hardly qualify America as a country where inherited wealth “mattered more.”
It appears from the interview that both Mr. Piketty and the interviewer are using income and wealth as synonymous terms. They are not. In my thirty plus years of surveying and studying millionaires, I have consistently found that 80 to 86% are self made. That also applies to decamillionaires. In 1982 according to Forbes about 38% of America’s wealthiest people were self made. In 2012, the percentage jumped to 70%.
>its okay when the left has a massive safe space
>its not okay when the right does
That's exactly what's going on with this dishonest graph.
I've Google it many times, the rich want you to believe that them paying less taxes benefits everyone, but this couldn't be further from the truth. I've watched the videos of both sides arguing for and against trickle down economics, I'm siding with against, because it makes the most sense. You're just the jew's little cuckold if you believe in trickle down economics.
It's already been answered in this thread. Not doubled. Learn how to read.
What was the expenditures in Bush's last budget?
What are the expenditures in Obama's latest budget?
Just give me those two numbers. Thanks
You don't count debt as an absolute value you literal nigger, you're supposed to look at the debt-to-GDP ratio.
We lost two wars for the low low cost of spending the same amount of money!
These right wing retards claim to be redpilled but they believe in trickle down. They're just the GOP's useful idiots. Nothing more.
You're just a cuck for the jews
lol, your political brand swinging is so over the top it's like you're a caricature of a human being.
>You're supposed to count it in a way that proves my point.
Second UK cuck to post this bs today.
The GOP are big government Conservatives! color me shocked.
Lowering taxes while increasing spending doesn't lower our debt? I'm amazed.
Trump will be the exact same.
Thats why libertarian leaning conservatives are our only answer.
he reduced the same deficit that he racked up when he bailed out the wall street retards.
Canadians are the scourge of humanity and should be purged.
>CTR shills posting misleading statistics that prove both Dems and the GOP are shit
Gary Johnson when?
So you aren't counting the stimulus as Obama spending in 2009?
>another anti-pol thread
Obama is still a nigger and pol have never been Republicans so you should probably stop memeing them as such
Fuck are you right wing retards seriously not embarrassed by this stupidity?
Are you seriously too young to know that Bush passed TARP in 2008?
I swear you fucking retards are beyond belief.
How can you call yourself a progressive while you continue using that horrid ableist "r-word"?
I see you using that word in every threat and it's incredibly offensive to the differently-abled. I would think a self proclaimed progressive feminist like yourself would no that.
We progressive should be above the base level of discourse on this board. You sound like someone who has his heart in the right place but you really need to grow up cause your problematic language is just not ok.
>Libertarian leaning conservatives
You mean the people who are fine with letting American society burn to the ground?
The best part about trump is his anti media stances
If you can't understand why you're already lost
Looks like chart autism leaf showed up, here's one for your collection buddy
Yeah Obama saved the auto industry. You know, those MANUFACTURING JOBS you retards are always bitching about.
Because I am honestly in disbelief at how stupid Trump voters are.
I knew the American education system was bad but this is beyond belief.
>TARP bailouts that passed with majority Democrat votes are the fault of Bush
Wew lad are you even trying?
Ah yes, beautiful Detroit is fully employed
It was so nice of him to save Mexican manufacturing.
They changed the way the calculate Debt in 2014 under Obama to hide many local/state debts. The Debt is actually around 22 now
In typical leftist fashion he is trying to throw money at a problem to treat symptoms.
The systemic reason why the American auto industry is suffering involves the simple fact that we have to pay auto workers 80k a year plus benefits while Asia etc. pays their folks pennies.
Throwing others' tax money at shit rarely solves a long-term inability to compete
>congress doesn't exist
>everyone who disagrees with me is stupid
You can keep repeating this all you like but it doesn't make it true. You're just a colossal faggot all around.
Lol you unemployed right wing retards just hate America and love making up lies and shitting on your own country.
>guize these budget cuts are going to kill everyone
>guize check out how I totally kept the deficit in check