Trump and his racist followers

Proof me wrong: Trumshills are the most racist shills.
Pro-tip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

>not wanting another hitler

huh guess u are right
im a hill shill now

What a disgrace for Adolf Hitler to be compared to a loudmouth with zero experience in politics who somehow has managed to make a bunch of idiots believe that he could be a good president.


Here in Jerusalem young Jews go around beating up non Jewish guys who go out with Jewish girls. Fuck yourself leaf you muslim faggot

Yeah? so what?

Cruz really holds a grudge, eh?

hm good point wow you've really changed my political views

How much does shitlery pay you for correcting the record?

proof being racist is wrong, chong

Proof me wrong: racism is a bad thing.
pro-tip: you can't

>checkmate faggot.


The Democratic Party referred to mexicans as "Taco Bowls" in the leaked DNC e-mails. They also applied several stereotypes to the hispanic community in the same e-mails. So, technically speaking, Hillary's shills are just as racist. Moreso, since they hide it.


And? so what if I do.

Well that's a bold statement, though there are bound to be racist among them doesn't make them more or less racist, you can easily assume that there are racists voting Hillary or for that matter Bernie. If you're definition of racism can only be used against white men and women then it might, but people claiming to kill all [enter any race of your choosing] isn't racist than we aren't comparing to the same standard.


What does that have to do with Trumpshills?

Stupid idiot.

You know where you are at right

Well familia, thats pretty stupid.
People can choose what factors they use to judge a person.

Some people judge others based on their appearance
Some people judge others based on their actions

At least the people who judge others based on the actions of the individual are being a bit more fair & your judgement becomes much more accurate.

Your extremely wrong. A small percentage of Trump followers are racist, The majority of us want whats best for all of america and all americans, I could care whether your latino,black,chinese or asian american. I think its sad that the media has plainly osfuscated Trump's real views and his support for minorities and others. There have been many latinos and/or blacks that have supported Trump and they the media tries their hardest to hide that fact and make him out to be the head of the kkk, total bullshit. Hell the majority of people who work for Trump's organizations are minorities, Trump is against BLM and other organizations, showing those protestors getting beat up at his rallies does not mean that Trump is a racist. Real Americans regardless of Race know this for a fact. Real Americans know that Trump is whats best for America because Trump wants what is best for Everybody.

>Instead of listening to the actual speech Trump made in Michigan, They posted soundbites out of the entire speech that they could spin to make it look like hes a racist, They didn't focus on ANYTHING he said about Blacks fighting during the civil war and them being used like cannon fodder for the past 5 decades by the Democrats.

just because the truth appears racist does not mean its wrong.

CTR you are wasting those millions on this board.

Is that the best you got? No really, is that it? libcucks accuse people of being racist all the damn time and NOTHING HAPPENS.

Go virtue signal somewhere else

The joke is on you, I do it for free.

Open wide user~!

Fucking this.
I am sick and disgusted by the amount of people that do this.
Trump is thr anti establishment meme while hitler had a fucking ideal experience and inteligence to back it up.
Trump isnt even racist he just panders to the right leaning group anf is probably a DNC plant.
Literaly war veteran while trump dodge the draft.

im not a racist

Trump didn't dodge the draft, his service number was never called.


Trump works for us. We NEVER lose. You always do. Kill yourself and your family stupid muslim


>Trump is a racist
>Literally the most Jewish cock sucking retard in American history

>he thinks he has control over his life


>americans killed this

wtf i hate super predators now

wtf i hate wtf now

Why would we want to disprove that


The spectacle of inclusion is just a marketing tactic used to disarm criticism and win votes and money.

Only a narcissist needs constant ego boosts and affirmation that their contributing to the greater good. So they can pontificate to their other white friends about how "diverse" they are.

Wtf I love trump now

The left has nothing but lies to perpetuate at this point.

They should probably concede already.

Suggesting that immigrants take legal action to immigrate properly is not racist.

Suggesting that keeping potential terrorists who follow a specific religion out of the country is not racist.

Telling black people to stop resisting arrest and to stop rioting in the streets is not racist.

All of these points are completely logically sound and not related to race, the Democrats are the ones blowing Trump's words out of proportion and trying to make him look like an evil racist dictator.

>you're never going to give a retard a job as the head chef in a world class restaurant
>you're never going to pick a chemotherapy patient to star in a action movie
>you're never going to choose a fat person to advertise clothing they can't fit into
Don't you?

You got me OP you sly devil. I do hate sand niggers and regular niggers with a passion.

But Trump was still finishing school.

shut up nigger

>implying Trump could create the most thriving economy of the modern day
>implying Trump could overthrow Zionism
>implying Trump could create a movement beyond hicks, inbreds, and insecure spics
>implying Trump is half as (real) Liberal as Hitler

this meme fucking sucks

Prove yourself right.
Prove me wrong.

I just want less first gen Muslims fucking up the country.

Hillary will be sucking Saudi Cock all the way to the bank, just like Obama did.

>Sup Forumsro tip, provide your own evidence for your claims, protip:You won't.

Trump will be blocked by congress his entire presidency. Execute orders can be vetoed, and you can bet they will be too.
Gary is the only chance liberals OR conservatives have at seeing their ideals fulfilled, simply because congress will love a middle grounder.

No jewboi go away.

>being racist

Retarded leaf.
Racism is what grants a nation strong defense to outside influences and influx of unwanted subhuman leeches.

Kill all niggers and mudslimes, and the world would be a better place.

>mfw "refugee" centers get firebombed here.

it was real...

BLM proves you wrong every store they burn down and every cop killing that they provoke. Or are you a race baiter that believes that blacks can't be racist? Or worse a white that shames him/herself for something done 200 years ago.


Just so you don't forget Leafy. That hate group was legitimized by your idols, Barrack Obama and Hillary Clintion.

Do you guys look at the fucking flag when you click on these threads? I know everyone wants to give their two cents but holy shit just stop responding to these. Do you get tired of seeing the same threads literally dozens of times per day?
I've come to accept that Sup Forums is absolute shit during the daytime (for my timezone) when there's high traffic and faggots like OP can make these retarded b8 threads knowing they'll get replies.
If you care about the board, just stop. I've seen countless idiotic threads, most by leafs, in just the past 2 hours. If for some reason you really feel the need to respond, sage. Otherwise stop biting the bait. Canadian faggots have ruined this board and other trolls and taking after them for low quality shit bait about Sup Forums BTFO, Trump btfo, racemixing etc.