Stalin comedy forbidden in Russia

How to make comedy out of the most horrible person who have lived? And is it even possible to show such a comedy in Russia?

There is now movies like "The Death of Stalin" which is a few years old and is directed by man named Armando Iannucci, it is farce but is based on fact. Critics said it was good.

But it has now been forbidden in Russia.

Moscow theater named Pioner-theater didnt believe these restrictions and managed to show the movie to a full audionce once. They have been fined with the amount of 1500 euros.
They were threatened to not show the movie again.

Stalin had another movie by the end of 2017 where Gerard Depardieu is portraying as Stalin himself. This movie was shown in Finland in Espoo Ciné Festival at December 2017.
But it is not in wider distrubiton in Finland.

In any case The Death of Stalin is on a normal distribution schedule in Sweden and Norway and is shown in Cinemas country wide.

The USSR is back, baby!

Don't see why they wouldn't wanna show it. For a piece of shit reactionary like Putin, seeing socialism die in Russia must make him hard as diamonds.

Vodka niggers can't handle the truth

>horrible person

Putin is KGB, he's a shapeshifting reptile (metaphorically speaking). It was similar in Croatia. Once Yugoslavia and socialism fell apart, the "new" ruling caste of religious right-wing nationalists was composed of the old communist ruling caste and former UDBA members.

Stalin was a fascist

>make fun of russian society
>get banned
>boo hooo they worship stalin
really jogles your nuggerz

Just goes to show that the KGB, as well as the soviet army, and really the whole communist party at that point, was chock full of opportunists and right wingers. They only kept up the vestiges of socialism for the sake of not upsetting the citizens who were still communists. Then when the USSR fell people like Putin were free to just be evil on the outside.

russians actually think they live in a democracy hahaah

>Once Yugoslavia and socialism fell apart,
I miss Tito :(

>just be evil on the outside.
>this is how brainlets actually understand the world

You should wait for some yeara before make that thread.
>we already had a hype about that movie in Russia, we already throw a lot of shit towards ministry of culture, we already had a lot of holywars on the internet
Pekka-breaking-news-Pekkainnenn striking again.

>swiss cannot into hyperbole

In Finland we have these clay motion cartoons about Mannerheim (famous Finnish war leader) being a homo


My entire worldview is shattered. I always thought Russians had a great sense of humor. I guess they're just as easily offended and asspained as all the rest.

i did see it and it is clear the russia people are nothing more than comedy effect even if they were rounded up and shot

it's not a good film to learn about russia at least

I will watch this movie. Fuck P*tin and Kr*mlin shit.

>stalin = russian society
>beria = russian society

What do if i'm a qt girl that just want to marry western guy but my traditional family don't let me do this?
We are literally watching gobernment news 24/7 and that's why they are thinking all westerners are bad.
Halp :c

>le guards get shot for nothing
>everyone is hypocrite
>movie features only beria and stalin

Whoah, bro. Carefully. They can kill you!


Im already dead.

they were nkvd, they rushed to beria's call

You are such mystical, user! And tough.

I know is off topic but how's Russia doing?
I hear the Putin fans saying:RUSSIA NEXT SUPERPOWER!!!!!!!FUCK AMERICA!!!!!!!
But most russian posters say the contrary.