
Sup Forums, do you believe in Heaven/hell? What comes after death?

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Nobody knows and anyone claiming they do are a liars, to others and themselves.

I don't know, but it terrifies me and I prefer not to think about it.

No, i dont believe in any sort of supernatural afterlife. After death your brain stops working and you rot. People usually will bury or burn your body because it's gross. Also daily reminder that pol is not one person.

Jews, probably

I believe that nothing come after death.

When you pass away, your brain simply shuts off and all consciousnesses goes with it.

Anyone deluding themselves with fantasies of an afterlife only do so to make themselves feel less insecure about dying.

>Jews, probably
D-d-d-do you mean the FINAL solution?

After death i'm gonna fuk your mum



We got here once, who says it can't happen again. Faggets

i should have erased Jesus from that list

Well if the bible's anything to go by this whole board is fucked and in hell.
And I dont believe in anything, we just die, much like before we were born.

>What comes after death?
Eternal life or a second death.

i do believe in reincarnation

consciousness is energy and energy doesnt get lost it gets transferred so when your body dies i think its possible that this consciousness gets transferred somewhere else

What comes after second death?

I remember when I was a very small child I had a dream where I was in this vast, underground warehouse looking place full of strange torture devices. It was very loud and scary and I sensed there was a lot of pain there. It always stuck with me because I felt like that dream didn't belong to me, that I was intruding on some vision. I wonder how my child mind could have dreamt up such a place and it disturbs me to this day. It was so visceral and realistic

72 female virgins (aged 18 through 35) await me, fambalam

Then where does new energy come from? How did we get from 1 billion people to 7 billion?

Heaven and hell are experienced in life. I share this view with my religion (Alawite)

I don't believe in God or an afterlife, but my religion says that Alawites reincarnate into humans and eventually become stars in the sky, while other people reincarnate into animals. I think the self is eliminated on death.

That's terrifying. How old were you? Had you ever seen a movie with torture stuff before or something?

>What comes after death?
Hopefully nothing.
And who knows what kind of star trek sciency shyte will be invented that can actually prove it.
Humanity would be forced to improve our time here or disappear into oblivion.

People have a hard time accepting the definition of the word "death."

It's just a fucking word.

But, of course, it means the end. To ask more questions about it is silly.

Or, you can *think* about what would be a better word to use, since you would like to ponder not believing in "death" -- which is legal to do!

being even more dead?

There is a whole universe of souls, not just earth.

i seriously think that each and everyone of us is the universe observing itself through one human being at a time.

it has always been there without beginning and without end


That's what happens to your body but know one knows what happens to your soul

Yes I believe in heaven and hell. God himself has described the afterlife in detail in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Heaven but only for fire insurance

after you die, you restart this life all over again
everything goes exactly the same as this life but with small changes and you are tested to do the wrong things you did but right now

In eternity, where there is no time, nothing can grow. Nothing can become. Nothing changes. So death created time to grow the things that it would kill.

And you ARE reborn but into the same life that you've always been born into. I mean, how many times have we had this conversation, Anons? Well, who knows? When you can't remember your lives, you can't change your lives, and that is the terrible and secret fate of all life. You're trapped, by that nightmare you keep waking up into.


Life goes on, the dead do not.

Your soul is a product of your brain cells activity. Cells die.

why don't you find out and kys


life/death are memes and are made up concepts
reincarnation is a word that doesn't even begin to describe what happens, it's just a "continuous" process, we just have brains that make it appear as though we are individuals experiencing separate realities


I think about this sometimes too. If it is true, I'm not looking forward to being the guy who broke a jar in his asshole.


>What comes after death?

I don't know about you.
But I am going to have a great time.

Eternal torment in hell. The second death is the eternal separation from God.

somebody (You) me plox I need human contact

i liked the ending though.

The day is coming for you alawite scumbag. The day of the rope is soon for you heathens.

>7 billion people on earth
>"I don't know therefore no-one else on Earth knows the answer, either"

Shut the fuck up. If you don't know the answer, that's fine, but to say no-one knows the answer is just retarded.

After your heart stops beating there is about 12 minutes of brain activity, so that's what you'll experience before you die.

Hopefully it's not a spooky dream

Must have been about 5 or 6. It's one of my earliest memories. Maybe the earliest. Had I seen any torture movies? No because I'm fairly certain I would have connected the dots. I wasn't really allowed to watch stuff like that anyway. I basically only watched cartoons growing up. I was never the type of person to get nightmares either and the thing was, that dream didn't scare me as a kid. It only scares me looking back on it in retrospect

>being a Celestial Statist bootlicker

What a perfect tool to keep primitive minds in line eh :^)

And how did those cells come into existence Ahmed?

Ok, who knows the answer? And how did he get it?

There is a heaven and hell but most people don't know that there's also a heaven-heaven, heaven-hell, hell-heaven and hell-hell (you really don't want to go there). Heaven-heaven is where you go when you're really good in heaven. It's like a promotion from regular heaven and it's even better. Heaven-hell is where you go when you do alot of sin and don't make the grade in heaven. You go to hell-heaven when you stop fucking up whilst in hell and so God gives you another chance at afterlife. Hell-hell is for when you're so bad in hell that hell is too good for you.

yet your super mind is doing what? wondering things that are already answered

>I know the answer from my fee fees

I know nobody has the answer because there are no reasonable way of finding out.
You my britbong friend are an amazingly delusional individual to think the answer to such a question just popped up in your head one day because of "faith".

The most scientifically logical answer is that it will be the same experience as being in a coma or dreamless sleep. Anyone with a different explanation is in denial

Why are there so many /x/ posts in Sup Forums lately?

You wake up in our parent "universe". This is just one of many simulations.

I fucking hate this pic
like oh wow, it's TOTALY not like there is a physical law which "creates" those similaritys! what a coincidence that atoms are a sphere just like our earth too... rly makes u think huh?

I think fibonacci says enough

>What comes after death?
eternal non existance

Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It's catharsis. He absorbs their dread with his narrative. Because of this, he's effective at proportion to the amount of certainty he can project. Certain linguistic anthropologists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brain. Dulls critical thinking.

Ficky ficky

>Chî Lû asked about serving the spirits of the dead. The Master said, "While you are not able to serve men, how can you serve their spirits?" Chî Lû added, "I venture to ask about death?" He was answered, "While you do not know life, how can you know about death?"

Belgian Psyops


Maybe, I wouldn't cross out the possibility completely though.

We were just in such a state before we were born, and yet we were born. I don't see why this couldn't simply happen twice or more, here or somewhere else.
Likely enough though you'd forget everything and your personality would be widely different.

'Belgian' Psyops

Energy doesn't stay the Same retard. When you die you turn into plant food. You read too much anime, there is no such thing as the flow of life or some shit. Your energy gets transfered but it won't be you anymore and more than likely it'd never gonna be you ever again.

The German gets it

Wishful thinking; The thread.

Do you wanna know what's after life?

Evolution, Soltan Sultan

Which answers are you talking about?
I hope you don't mean religious answers? If I want to read fiction I prefer Harry Potter.

You wish.

can say the same about atheists
the only problem is that atheist will miss heaven

The fact that there's no reasonable way for YOU to find out what someone knows doesn't mean what the person knows is wrong. Some wise man living in the cave could know all the answers to life's mysteries and the fact we don't doesn't mean "no-one knows the answer".

Don't be so arrogant in believing if the majority doesn't know something then it doesn't exist.

Harry Potter is weak fantasy, bro.

Justice will come after dead of course. All this evil in this world can not leave without punishment. I believe every person feeling this in his heart. What we do in this life will be reveal in eternity and final justice of God will come upon us..

How do people get the answer to problems where the answer just comes to them?

I believe in a hell. My wife's the devil. My kids knowing they'll do better than me is pretty much my heaven.

How eloquent. Absolutely lovely. Thanks.

Latin America are Catholic butt lickers.

>do you believe in Heaven/hell?

>What comes after death?

i just follow Christ

>evolution created the universe

I thought alcohol was forbidden for muslims but you're clearly drunk as fuck

That's a very arrogant way to ask someone not to be so arrogant.

You get drafted into the skeleton war

So are the religious stories m80. Too often the God answer is given where a simple 'We don't know' would suffice.

Same thing.

Nothing happens. You're just dead

There's more than 2 options m8.

u weak

I never said it means it doesn't exist, learn to read. I said there are no reasonable way a human has of finding out. You are the arrogant one to think you could answer questions like those while sitting in your armchair.

The man in the cave is simply senile.

There's no "you're" after death. So "you" can never be dead.


Do you have the answer?

I forgot Hungary still is a post-soviet gutterhole with low class education

Why don't you just kill yourself and then we'll find out.

There is but 1 truth and we simply don't know what it is. I need vague spiritual nonesense like I need religions.

I heard its a DMT trip, which if you know anything about them time dialates and it can last a literal eternity. But your brain is fried right so I assume it would be different than a normal trip