Do anarcho-monarchists actually exist?

Do anarcho-monarchists actually exist?
Can we find one please?

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All hail the Great Humungous!

I think I might be one.

Though I think a monarchy or something similar should be formed after anarchy or something like that.

You can't just add the word "anarcho" in front of every government type. How would that even work?

What about anarcho-fascism

what about anarcho-statism

>the right to soil one's self in public without state intervention

adding anarcho in front of everything is legit

It's similar to Libertarian Totalitarianism

That's an oxymoron

what the origin of this meme ?
I've seen it multiple times and I understood the main topic but i don't know it's name pls user

No. The "anarcho" prefix only works with non-governmental ideologies. The root ideology effectively takes on the role of the government. Thus the anarchism.

Monarchism is a form of government. So no.

Monarchy and anarchy won't work together because a monarch is the state.

I actually am an anarchic monarchist. A wealthy land owner allows free people to live on his land in exchange for an agreed rent/tax and an agreement to abide by his rule. They would be free to go at any time.

That's just feudalism.

It started with the yellow black flag one which means anarcho capitalism.
Basically no government with some kind of capitalism driven legal system and a utopian free market with 0 regulation.

The meme is basically making fun of the serious flaw in the logic of anarcho capitalism in that how the fuck does a free market regulate morality?

Yeah. Kind of. But the land owner would have an interest In intruding as little as possible on the liberty of his renters/serfs to be competitive with other areas to live. If my land lord was a dick, I would move.

okay i get it
where i can i find more ? It's pretty funny

I'll add that I'm any anarchist society there would be all sorts of pockets of voluntary governments. City states, fuedalism, and neighborhood association type organizations would likely be very common.

What would you do if one or a group of those city states banded together and decided to take over everyone else, and they actually had the power to sweep aside all opposition? What would you do if a foreign power decided to annex the territory of the anarchist society ala what happened with the Kowloon Walled City?

Fuckin' moralfags are worse than normies and casuals.

it would be where you choose to follow a monarch and not because they're forcing you too, sounds based

You would be fucked. But whats your point? What would happen if the united states annexed lichtenstein? There would be no more Monarch...But we dont, most countries dont randomly attack or invade each other.



>you choose to follow a monarch
This guy gets it. .

It would basically be a competition among wealthy land owners to create a situation most suitable for prosperity. People would choose a monarch that was most able to protect their liberties with might and leadership.

Fuck you

>You can't just add the word "anarcho" in front of every government type.

...but that would presumably also entail following the laws they make, or else there's nothing "anarcho" about it, even if you chose. Choosing to be subservient is still subservience.

Fuck you, I'm an anarcho-authoritarian!

They seem pretty redpilled

Monarchism is intrinsically authoritarian so that's pretty much what "anarcho-monarchism" is.

Fuck you


But why is it?

I think time and time again monarchies have demonstrated that they are more stable and less effected by short term changes. They are often more effective at protecting the liberties of the people they rule.

Look at The Netherlands. They have a very high degree of personal liberty compared to the average European. There are other sides of that same coin like The House of Saud, but for the most part monarchies protect liberty far more effectively than Republics.


>just because a monarch doesn't subjugate his people like he was fucking Stalin, it's not authoritarianism

You are merely biased towards the word "authoritarian" in general. Newsflash: it's not always a bad thing.

These threads have severely warped my understanding of anarchism. I no longer even know what it means.


The most important part of anarchism is The Non Aggression Principle, that all human interaction should be voluntary.

The way that people chose to voluntarily organize them selves after those two points can and will vary greatly once we render non voluntary hierarchical organization obsolete.

>You are merely biased towards the word "authoritarian" in general. Newsflash: it's not always a bad thing.

It kind of is though right? Its implies using force to get people to comply with your ideas instead of just having better ideas.

fucking hell

>The meme is basically making fun of the serious flaw in the logic of anarcho capitalism in that how the fuck does a free market regulate morality?

People fail to understand this about anarchism over and over again

THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT. That does not mean there are no rules. The crowd decides. Therefore, you could have anarcho-communism. Or you could try. It would fail, but you could, for a period of time, have no law, no gov, but a bunch of rules about production and cooperation that you are forced to follow through peer pressure/violence

The point of confusion is that normal people understand you must have laws, and people will not follow rules without governmental enforcement. Anarchists actually believe you can have no government, and STILL have a set of rules that everyone will follow

They're fucking retarded. It is understandable that everyone is so baffled by the anarcho-_______ ideas. They're all so incredibly stupid

No. That's just because retarded liberals like to use "authoritarian"(and "fascist" but that's way more specific) as an insult constantly since WW2. We've grown up hearing this all our lives, it's part of being bluepilled. Even a staunch Libertarian should recognize the merits of right-wing Authoritarianism compared to say, Communism or left-wing Libertarianism.

Unless you are a left-wing Libertarian, in which case you're basically beyond help.

>better ideas
Like what?




what are you? a social conservative?

What a ruse

you could still have rules of the king people would willingly sign up to, eg if you swear loyalty to him his troops will defend you, if you work for him you can live in his territory, ect




Killed me

>the merits of right-wing Authoritarianism compared to say, Communism or left-wing Libertarianism.

Yeah. Absolutely. Im a right-libertarian. I just think that we should have lots of small competing local governments of all types competing for voluntary citizens who are free to move about between them. Monarchy, National Socialism, tribes, Localism and all other sorts of "governments" would pop up in this sort of situation. I think it would be interested to see which type would be the most successful.

My point in all of this is that Anarcho-Monarchism or Anarcho-Feudalism is not only possible its totally based as fuck.

**spooky billboard captcha



Better that than Achmed.

sorry only got ancap



What's their color? Royal magenta? They need to have a gimmicky color.

>small competing local governments of all types competing for voluntary citizens who are free to move about between them
This sounds way too good to be true, especially if these "tribes" all had different political ideologies. More likely they would be at constant war, not on terms so good you can travel between them at will.

Would be interesting though.



>More likely they would be at constant war

Honestly probably not. Most people dont use theft or violence often. Its not because of fear of the government. Its because most people are peaceful. If fear motivates the decision at all its the potential risk of getting hurt or losing the fight.

Warfare is also very expensive and there would be basically nothing to gain from long expensive military campaigns without a nation-state sized tax base to fund them.




>war wouldn't happen because most people are peaceful and war is expensive, without a huge government nobody would go to war

Bruh. Even the lowliest tribes go to war. And don't try to give me the "those are niggers" argument. Back when whites were in tribal or very small communities and nations warfare still happened. You're starting to sound a bit left libertarian there.

What are these memes called?

yellow black stripe poland ball

Anarcho-Communism disagrees.

No, just the face in general. That dank motherfucker with the glasses.

>You're starting to sound a bit left libertarian there.

Why do people tell others what they think and believe? Come on.

>very small communities and nations warfare still happened.
Yeah, but nothing on the scale of world wars.

I'm only giving you this for mom, faggot.

That's the Carswell face meme.

>Why do people tell others what they think and believe
I wasn't, I was telling you what you sounded like.
>Yeah, but nothing on the scale of world wars
Because they didn't have the technology. Is this really that hard to figure out







Isn't that kind of feudalism though?



Is this supposed to be white people?

Thanks user



Uh, didn't come up on google search. 95% sure you're full of shit.




it's from this meme


Typed it in Google search, found nothing useful.


