Season 3 when

Season 3 when

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relatively soon

In a couple of years, maybe three.

That's the scene where Summer peed her pants, right

They finished the script like a month ago

Fucking fetishists

>female writers

It's going to be shit.

well that means jack shit when they still need to animate it

>Morty thinks he may be a girl
>Asks Rick to help him become normal again
>Rick says that it's completely natural and he refuses to change who Morty really is

im hoping its a good one
because i dont think we are getting more than 5 seasons and i want an overall exceptional run

>i want an overall exceptional run

S2 kinda ruined that.


Or, you know, real life.


pls don't send me there again

it's so mean out there

Jennifer Crittenden wrote two of my favorite Simpsons episodes, Merriwether Williams had a hand in most of the absolute best and most memorable classic Spongebob episodes and Bob's Burgers staff is like 50/50. I think we should probably watch their episodes before preemptively judging people's abilities by their genitals.
You'll have to face it eventually, namely the fact that you're an overweight neet who reflects your self-hate back on an entire gender because you can't get pussy

I heard February 2017.

Dare you enter my magical realm?

Loosen up, they were just jokes. Or are you just projecting?

I'm plenty loose, thank you

I'm animating the court thingy in the meantime, pondering what to do for after credits as those shorts they have. Maybe something with the court rick and how did i get here?

I'm sure you are. Typical woman showing her true colors once again.

By the way, that was also a joke in case you still don't get it.

Awesome. How far into it are you

Almost done, i'm on 6:45 out of 9:05. I'm hoping justin will voice some more stuff since he did it for the claymation animator (who adult swim hired after) and hes responded on tweeter and was in the stream.

Your idea of a "joke" is rather vague and lacking in demonstrable humor, but it's an imageboard so I fully understand and accept your "I said some stupid shit because I can" mentality, I've been there.
Hope you enjoy season 3 biiiiiiitch

>thinking women eriting is bad
SJWs arent the same as women, dumb ass.

Kick ass. Got a youtube channel?

post pics of summer's fat ass

Oh Tiarawhy! I'm watching your progress.

Thanks, it's been real fun to see people animation work (despite how aids the chat gets sometimes).

I thought jokes were supposed to be funny.


Thank you m8.

Hey, just following the humor of the show we're posting about.

Jessica makes my dick go oingo boingo

For you.

>rick and morty comics volumes 1-3 costs 50ish dollars on amazon
>Rick and Morty "Book 1" costs the same and only has issues 1-10
Is there something Im missing? Whats the point of book 1 and why is it so expensive?

Greedy Jews

That's all there is to it.

will Mr. Poopybutthole ever walk right again?


For the brief moment before he dies sacrificing himself in episode 1 helping rick escape.

It amuses me that was drawn by an offical R&M artist too.

This may be a long shot but is there a shoop of this without morty?

Or an even longer shot, morty is replaced by jessica?

if not, Ill just block him out in MS paint then masturbate

Nice, so it will be ready in a week then.

>nothing but MLP, Undertale and some Call of Duty meme video


best of luck to you I guess

I'm branching out into other series, don't worry.

>decide to check R&M on paheal for jessica
>front page
>a bunch of morticia

my boner is confused


It's not thinking as much as it is "knowing."

Wait, you're probably the type of person who likes Bojack Horseman.

I'm weary of them hiring only because there weren't any women writers in first two seasons (with the creators saying they only want the best scripts). But alas i'll reserve judgement till the season airs.


I do like Bojack

You seem cemented in your opinion, so I wont bother to change it.

Although I disagree with your opinion, I respect it as your opinion, faggot.

Were those rumors of you being rich off of YouTube true? I remember people in mlpg saying shit like that back when I posted there.

It made me a comfortable living for a while but then youtube took a giant shit on all animators at the end of 2012. I'm still doing fine now though since i have 3 sources of income and youtube is coming back with the revenue now that i started streaming.

Rubberninja said in his video that streaming will earn more money than the final animation a few years ago and i didn't really think of how true that was. Streaming the animation process adds watch time/views at an obscene rate and is making more money than all of my million view videos combined.

Even with the lack of female writers there still was feminist bullshit, for example Rick brings up the "wage gap" as evidence of female oppression on Earth during the sexbot episode. It's been debunked by basically every competent economist, and Rick is supposed to be a genius.

Also, what's your opinion of the intergalactic television episodes? They seem to be filler but occasionally a joke lands.

Opinion immediately discarded, the only good part about Bojack is the jazzy theme song.

>please don't send me to real life was meant to be taken seriously

Crossing my fingers that this is Grace.

>Rick brings up the "wage gap" as evidence of female oppression on Earth

To be fair, it could've existed on the Earth they used to live on, or you could just chalk it up to Rick not knowing because he doesn't give a shit about what's happening on the planet since it's too irrelevant on a galactic scale for him to care if what he's saying about it is true.

I wonder what his ex-wife looks like. Maybe she's not human?

It is, user.

This is the kind of stuff that makes Rick and Morty a Reddit show: atheism, nihilism, and SJW tendencies.

Maybe Beth is a clone. Like Cubert Farnsworth

Nah i think she's real.

What i think is this: ricks ex is head of the galactic federation or the like, and she left him.

Will GIFs suffice?

>space cop wife
I like that

Too similar to birdperson tho

What the fuck, OP

I just started watching that episode

>"you've been paranoid since 'nam"

>it ain't me starts playing

>Can't make it through a 20 minute episode without browsing Sup Forums
Do you have ADHD?

Someone already animated it I think.

>one person does it
>no else one can
Good logic

Not at all

Do you?

They animated a tiny portion and it wasn't show style plus static and with no lipsync to speak off.

My thoughts are that season 3 will premiere in mid-November, or probably the beginning of 2017.


We are definitely due a Rule 63 episode, or episodes as in parters.
>I wonder who would voice her?

Oh fuck. more? Artist name?

jan 16 2017

dude. shadman.

The only Shad I've seen is the smut of The Incredibles

>intergalactic television

First one was pretty good and felt less like filler than the second.

IT2 was pretty unexceptional, the worst episode of Season 2/overall. Whenever I re-watch the series I'll probably just skip it.

This pic is non-canon. Delete this.

>he says, while browsing his futa collection every now and then while waiting for new posts

>Does not recognize Summer.

At least she doesn't have a picker of which to speak of.


Rick forgets the word for his own species. Yiu expect him to give a fuck about economics?

Been Jossed. Roiland already said Ricks ex wife was just a normal woman.

9-12 months probably.

>You gotta let me put it up your butt, Morty

Edgy shows always lose their impetus after season 1. They fall into generic meme traps.



Name ONE funny woman.

Roiland's the head creative director, so if there's anything SJW he'd put a stop to it pretty quick.

Roiland is definitely liberal, but you're right in that he doesn't give a fuck about political correctness. I too also doubt that R&M would ever somehow become preachy in that manner

Pinkie pie?

Sarah... Silverman?

And Harmon has been trying to watch himself (because people have gotten mad at him) but fails whenever he gets a bit drunk - they have a running gag of cheering when the clock strikes 9:11 on Harmontown.



Fuck no.