Is he the biggest hack their is, and why can other people make better stories outve his ideas then he can?

I think you confused Sup Forums with Sup Forums again

It doesn't matter at all at this point.

On the scale from 1 to 9, how bored are you?

people need to get the fuck over this guy already

Star Wars will be safer when he's dead.

Lucas was never all that good at what he did. His wife saved his ass by editing the films better than he could've ever edited them.

You must be one of those guys who hail Force Awakens as a great movie solely because it's not as bad as the prequels.

>there are still people that think this is true

I feel bad for George Lucas. No one wants to give him credit for anything. Absolutely nothing. Any idea or decision he did that worked out well gets credited to someone else and any decision that bombed was entirely his fault and no one else's.

The man was inconsistent. A New Hope was a good movie and he did well directing it. The special effects in the trilogy, his strongest point, raised the bar for science fiction. He took substantial risks and even took fines to avoid putting credits at the start of his movies because they'd screw up the strong openings. He salvaged Return of the Jedi between Carrie Fisher going off the deepend with drugs and Harrison Ford wanting to be killed off as soon as possible, he had a balancing act for that movie.

He pushed Star Wars Shadows of the Empire comic, book, and game because he really liked the concept just like he really pushed the CGI cartoons because he was impressed with how they looked.

And yes, he failed in making the prequels interesting and Jar Jar will haunt him until the day he fucking dies not to mention the trade federation and everything else. I guess it's easier to assume the man never had a good idea in his life than to assume he had some good ideas and some very very bad ones.

The Clone Wars is terrible though and Filoni is talentless

1 to 9?

what the fuck

>The man was inconsistent.

Not as inconsistent as Spielberg.

>not to mention the trade federation and everything else

See, people who don't get the whole political deal never really listen to dialogue. The whole thing about the Imperial Senate in the first Star Wars is just color to them; the promotions of Piett are just a way of showing that Vader is a badass and a murderer. Pretty much everything Yoda says is a gimmicky, throwaway line that these people think is to sell toys, because Yoda is the toy one.

They are not sophisticated minds. Sure, Yoda and the Jedi teachings he imparts to Luke can't really be dragged out and it would be a mistake to try and build a real picture of how Jedi philosophy works from them, but the importance of not judging someone by their size is lost on these people. They do judge Yoda by his size; they assume that he minmaxed lightsaber and sanity in return for a huge boost on creepy telekinetic powers, but that's not the lesson. The lesson is, this is Jedi Master Yoda. The guy's a legend for a reason, and it sure as shit isn't living in a swamp eating boiled turds and being crazy as fuck. He's a broken remnant of something grander that came before, just as filthy old hobo Ben Kenobi was in the previous movie - an outcast who seems utterly at home and in control aboard a vast space station he's never even suspected existed before that point, a military man who doesn't fall down weeping at the sight of his old friend turned into the galaxy's greatest monster. That there was something grander is always implied, right from the start, in dialogue, in setting, in actions.

But some people would rather have pew pew muh rebelz muh stormies, which means they also overlook the very glaring flaws of the first three movies.

You put a kid or anybody who's never seen them before down in front of those - assuming they have a 12 hour attention span - and they'll either love or hate the whole thing.

Butthurt prequelfags are the funniest.

But considering that Sup Forums is the nest of PIDF activity, I'm probably fucked now.

I sort of agree.

From what I've read, the script Lucas wrote to Empire Strikes Back was (contrary to popular belief)actually fairly similar to the final cut, only Kasdan polished it up a bit. Perhaps Lucas was indeed a good writer a long time ago, but lost it?

I think that making a good prequel was simply beyond his capability. Most prequel movies are trash. Building a stale Jedi order and dysfunctional old republic up to get knocked down by Sith and the rise of the Empire just isn't as exciting as rebels fighting insurmountable odds.

To be fair what constitutes a "great" action movie now a days is an ably acted flick whose plot doesn't completely shit itself upon first viewing. Most movie goers don't ask for much more.

People who know about it generally praise THX 1138 and American Graffiti. If he had something else than Star Wars after the 80s, maybe there would be more praise.

Indeed. Cutting the story down time and again before settling on what became ANH is probably the best decision George ever made.

That said, while the prequels are undeniable failures I think many of the ideas, especially pertaining to the Jedi and the Force, are quite fascinating. He just executed them poorly.

>they also overlook the very glaring flaws of the first three movies

Say what you will about them, but they are nowhere near as flawed as the Prequel Trilogy. Even Lucas' horrible Special Edition edits don't fuck up the Original Trilogy as bad as he fucked up the Prequel Trilogy.

>I think many of the ideas, especially pertaining to the Jedi and the Force, are quite fascinating.

Oh my God we found the one person who actually thought midichlorians was a good idea.

You act like Star War was something deep when Star War's success is what killed serious science fiction movies. I like the first trilogy, don't get me wrong but giving some background to a story doesn't make it deep.

He was a producer and writer for all Indiana Jones movies and he was heavily involved in editing Labyrinth

It's so weird he has to maintain that beard just to keep his head from looking like a thumb in a wig.

>tfw you're the only person on Sup Forums who loved the Force Awakens


What babe?

Too bad TFA shit the bed every chance it got

Kek someone shop the beard


What power?


who do

So? Not many directors do their editing, do you actually think starwars was his best work?

I watched it once, as far as I saw no major plot holes or contradictions. The worst is Rey might seem too OP. Everything else is a serviceable movie albeit more or less a retread of the first one.

I haven't seen Phantom Menace since it came out in theatres and I was nine at the time. Why were people so mad at Midiclorians? I vaguely remember them basically being bacteria that are attracted to the Force, so the greater your connection to the Force, the more bacteria you attracted. Why are people so angry about that?

Before you ask, no, I'm not exactly the biggest Star Wars fan (I saw the original Trilogy, liked it, and saw it a handful of times since in the years since, but thsts it).

The Force when from a mystical and ill-defined concept to an object that one could quantify instantly and see if one had it or not. It served no purpose for the plot because anyone could see that Anakin was strong with the force as he already had superhuman reflexes. Furthermore the virgin birth also didn't do much besides make it clear that Anakin had no dad so don't dwell on it.

People read it as Midiclorians CAUSE the force making the beloved vague mystical spirtual mumbo jumbo that pervades the universe itself a measurable quantifiable element in the form of space bacteria in one's bloodstream. Best case scenario it simply attracts Midichlorians and can be measured by a simple machine, figuratively removing some of the magic from the Star Wars Universe. Worst case scenario Midichlorians ARE the force literally removing all the magic from the Star Wars Universe.