Bit Coin machine

I spotted this in a ghetto gas station off the highway. This is the only one ive seen. Maybe its common in other places. Any thoughts Sup Forums?

I think it's pretty neato. It's a rather interesting development, financially, and the concept of the block chain in general stands to be applied to many other novel inventions. So I'm glad to see it increasingly normalized so that we can better explore and understand something new.

Yes, but its not a tangible asset.
I should research it more. But it seems rather risky

However what if you travel across the world. Maybe you can convert the bitcoins to that countries currency.
Would be a great way to hide money from the government

there's at least one in portugal.
They're pretty cool.

Indeed, but much wealth is held in intangible assets anyway. And the wider the adoption and larger the market, the less easily it can be manipulated (only if slightly, considering the vast power of the financial heavy hitters). So it's good to explore.

I think it's also a good learning experience for people who aren't financial market people to learn first hand what the tricks and dangers are.

>1 bitcoin= 615.95


Hypothetically speaking, if the dollar collapses are becomes worth pennies compared to the Euro. Perhaps having these as a backup may actually save your ass financially. And Im betting thats why the wealthy atleast have some money invested in them

I've been meaning to put a little bit into some crypto currencies if only to force myself to pay closer attention to them and to hide an extra egg or two in a different basket. Maybe like a couple months' salary or something -- not enough to make or break me, but enough to maybe come in handy at some point.

If you look at the picture closely, you will see bars on the outside windows.
That gas station had prison bars wrapped around the whole damn place.
And they are selling bitcoins?

Are you clinically retarded? Do you realize that you can own fractions of a bitcoin?

Doesn't change the fact that people pay actual money for literally nothing.

Bear in mind that the "actual money" you're referring to is worse than literally nothing -- it's literally debt.


>Open thread to discuss bitcoin
>nothing but hate
Wtf guys

it has value to people so its worth something. im sorry you can't understand.

That's a good point, but at least you can use that literal debt to but actual things.

Just like I use literally nothing to buy drugs off the internet

As long as there's a market for it, yes. And as long as there's a market for buttcoins, you can use them as well.

There used to be a pretty good market for used compact discs, for instance. I'd pick up an extra $200ish per month liquidating ones I no longer wanted on Amazon. But when the housing market tanked, that market dried up, so now I'm sitting on a whole lot of compact discs I no longer want that are probably just going to get dropped off at a local record shop for pennies.

How long before a nigger rips it apart to steal all dem bitcoins inside?

>Want to move to another country
>Doesn`t want government to leech you if you move more than USD 10,000.
>Buy bitcoins
>Cash in destination

Maybe if you're into drugs like a retard then you can find a use for them.

But 99.99% of things we need/buy daily (food, rent, electricity, internet, ect.) can't be bought with bitcoin. Sure MAYBE in the unforeseen future it will change but who knows.

Bitcoin is like a our monetary system on steroids, why anyone would want to go from bad to worse is beyond me.

Those physical Bitcoin ATMs have like 30% mark-up on Coinbase.

They're just bilking dumbasses and drug dealers who can't use bank transfers.

I know a guy (friend of a friend) who bought a bunch of these things and had them installed in Western Europe and some in the US

supposedly they're used by Russian mafia to move money around

I have had a ton of fun trading BTC in past, for a time I was even able to NEET it up to a degree and live pretty decently from a portion of my profit trading this. Nothing like the rush of trading the worlds most volatile commodity often leveraged up to the eyeballs on a market that never closes.

>that passes as white in portugal

>you need real money to buy shitcoins

Why dont you just buy things with real money, then?

There is no Russian mafia only a Zhidovski (((Jew))) mafia.

It's an investment, it's like buying gold.

Pour cornstarch in all the slots

Is that wojack?
