ITT: Characters with crappy names

Who names their kid "Fanny"? It's especially bad since she's Scottish and has an accent, meaning that she must have lived outside of America at one point.

The Joker.
There's no reasonable context for him to get that name.

Anglo-Saxon names are so ugly and uninspiring

He's a clown, user.

butthurt Dane detected

Harleen Quinzel's parents are horrible with names.

Don't get me wrong, I actually liked the movie. I just think the kid's name is really old-fashioned, even for a setting that takes place in the late 50s

Athelstane and Ulfric are great names you fucking Norman scum.

for obvious reasons

His birth name (according to Archie comics canon) is Ogilvie Maurice the Hedgehog.

Yeah, what was Hogart's mom smoking? Her kid turned out fine, but that name was not doing anybody any good.

Only Maurice was ever said in the comic, and since Penders' lawsuit wiped the canon, that's no longer true (both names were his idea)


I always assumed that it was a nickname her mom made up. Fucking weird now knowing that it's slag for pussy outside the US

It's slang for "Frances"

She has the same first name as Frankie from Foster's


It sucks to be Numbuh 86

I went to high school with this really hot French girl named Fanny. She turned out to be a lesbian though.

Good ol' Hog Hug

The way he's typically introduced in any modern telling of the story is "criminal who leaves Joker cards on scene"
It makes perfect goddamn sense

Any superhero with -man, -woman, -boy, -girl, etc at the end of their name. We're dull to it because it's such a common convention of the genre, but they really do sound stupid.

I bet she got over it.

Only dumb fucking whores have "Lisa" as a name.

I would have no way of knowing. She moved to Canada.

That was sort of the point, it was yet one more thing that isolated Hogarth from everyone else.


IN Manga i guess him as civil name is dave or somthing!!

I agree except with Superman. And I can make an exception with Batman when most people refer to him as "The Batman" or "The Bat".
Also Spiderman is an exception because he's a goofy guy so it works.