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Nice luminescent piss jars.
>less shit to buy
>Less money you spend
>Minimalist shit usually costs above average
>More $ spent
It looks nice, but is impractical.
How is that minimalist? Minimalism should be living in an efficiency apartment with nothing but an inflatable mattress and a hot plate.
Pick an thing that already exist, make it expensive and give it a nice name
How else will you film Kinect and Wii U commercials though?
Organic minimalism is based, unlike (((artificial minimalism)))
Minimalist and contemporary design are autistic, elitist, and ugly as fuck.
I don't want my house to look like a Calvin Klein commercial.
Empty dwelling, empty life.
>How is that minimalist? Minimalism should be living in an efficiency apartment with nothing but an inflatable mattress and a hot plate.
how about we meet halfway goyim
0/10 would not live in
>Those blades
Why do all these pictures look really nice, clean, and expensive? That's the opposite of minimal.
Why aren't you living on this?
>mattress is in the floor
>even when your doggo gets old and arthritic he won't need to worry about being unable to get up and onto the bed
>toilet paper by the sink
0/10 nice try
Because nobody wants to live in a damp, moldy cubicle that smells like grease, piss and shit 80% of the time.
I'm more of a fan of elimination and designation. Read up on the Marie Kondo Method, it changed my life.
speak for yourself, moor.
Why aren't you living in this?
pretty cozy desu
This. You can't watch tv comfortably in that set up.
Well enjoy your cuckshed then.
>minimalist means poor
>"No I'm not poor. I'm just minimalist!"
This is what poorfags actually believe.
I hope that's the dog's bed. I have a low bed frame but mattress on the floor is junkie tier and will get harder and harder to get up from as you age. Minimalism should be about practicality. Not being less just for the sake of looking like less.
>[current year]
>watching the electric jew
It's perfectly practical if you lead the correct lifestyle.
that's the thing: nobody lives here; nobody watches tv
That hardly looks like a mattress, it just looks like a blanket. Is the bed built into the floor or something?
>bed built into the floor
That's not a bad idea comrade.
Not very comfy, it would be like living in a hospital waiting room
It's really not. If it's how it looks, a hole in the floor with the boxing and mattress put inside, it actually pretty neat.
What if you want to move the bed to a different place? Get a bigger bed? Add a bed..
Purpose built stuff is not very flexible
White is a terrible home color.
Japanese dream house
Seems like a shit idea to me. Think of all the lost storage space of shit you could put under your bed.... or in the hole in the floor you made to put your bed in there.
very wasteful
Definitely removes cultural and historical awareness and replaces it with a faux culture that is determined by fags and feminists.
The Canadian prefab home company Karoleena makes lots of homes with floor plans I like.
I dunno the prices but if they weren't too bad I'd be up for one.
>all the lost storage space
What are you? Some kind of hoarder that fills every cubic inch of his house?
Well, lets say you buy a feltspackle, where are you going to put the attaching nipplaster when you are not using it?
>What are you? Some kind of hoarder that fills every cubic inch of his house?
Are you saying storage space isn't a good thing?? I like getting my money's worth. Why spend extra money to decrease the utility??
The floor is also colder, and higher probability that a spider or some other bug will get in your bed. Also if things fall, there's a higher chance you'll be hit by it and hurt.
Pretty decent little houses.
I don't cool meth.
Do you heat meth?
I mean....thats a pretty cool idea for the bed, but the whole point of being high up/off the floor is so you're away from any kind of dirt or insects. Sweeping the bed isn't something I'm keen on.
>blank ass walls
>whole section of room nothing but a fucking desk
>autistic sword collection
Just no overall.
I admit I'm kind of a slob. But I still manage to keep my place looking relatively clean. What the fuck is wrong with the faggot in that pic?
Kek, yeah normally.
Oh my god fucking why
your dirty animal should be on the floor in the first place.
Fugly as sin
Its cost effective.
Why pay for more when you can pay more for less.
But i do like dem (((artificial minimalism)))
Why are you living on this?
What the fuck am I looking at?
Diet aussie you have truly outdone yourself.
Stylish yet unfulfilling for packrats
cuck shed
There are so many things that could go wrong. God forbid you have an accident or there's an electrical fire. If you trip there's literally a 50% chance you're hitting a sharp edge.
What is this? Is it a mobile home or something?
Modern minimalism is the mark of imbeciles.
>not living here?
B/c without A/C, it gets over 110 deg. F in that crappy trailer. Photo is scenic, but that's all.
That's poverty. Minimalism is an aesthetic pursuit.
This, modern and clean not prison tier
I want a cozy little cabin with a fireplace and a large window looking out at the sea.
My aunt (not blood related) is like that
>accidentally step in moldy food laying on the floor
>never wear anything but shoes in her house ever again
She had two sons and two daughters, while her husband (my uncle - blood related) worked THREE jobs to support them.
My uncle was too fucking exhausted to cook/clean
His kids were raised in this squalor like it was normal, and since their dad wasn't around much, they never got any real discipline as kids
And their mother is just pure undistilled sloth
I'm a big fan of modern/minimal design. It's hard to keep a space free of clutter but the minimal look is great
that room is just set up stupidly
>couch and chair facing opposite tv
but you can have a minimal space that is still comfy. The biggest problem is keeping it completely clear of clutter to maintain the minimal look.
No room to move around. I don't want to spend my entire life in a cubicle. Can't bring anyone over.
Yep, with a cuckmobile.
In Brazil its called "being poor".
I don't know if it's "minimalism" per say, but I'm all about being smart about how to decorate a house so that it's easy to keep clean.
I believe that couches, beds, and all that sort of stuff that you furnish a house with should NEVER be butted up against a wall. There should always be enough space behind a bed or couch so that you could run a vacuum there without having to pull the bed/couch out. It's all about saving calories. Having to pull things out from the wall is tedious.
When it comes to yards, I'm all about rocks/astroturf and cactuses. It's a complete waste of your time watering and manicuring a grass lawn every week and trimming down bushes every few weeks.
TL;DR: I fucking love cleanliness, but I'm lazy about it. I don't like doing shit that unnecessarily creates more work for myself.
Minimalism is a very specific movement from the 50s and 60s. You can say that this is "minimal" but not that it is Minimalism.
It's pretty nice to have grass to lay in though.
Hate it. Minimalism is bland and soulless.
grass is itchy
I'm fucking poor as shit and I have like hundreds of pounds of useless shit that I don't need. Clothes, tools, construction supplies, pots and pans, children's toys, pet supplies, etc.,etc. I really don't want to spend my whole life collecting a bunch of bullshit.
Bullshit. Minimalism is the result of autistic fuckwits trying to comprehend aesthetics. The broad picture is there but all the finesse and subtlety has been stripped away.
pic related is in no way minimalism you retard.
Minimalists live in 1-room apartments and don't down furniture.
They're basically homeless people, but cleaner.
>Glass walls, so (((Big Brother))) can spy on you, or shoot through you, instead of solid walls with anti-spying (infrared, etc.) measures built in
>Cheaply constructed, yet expensive meme-level minimalist furniture for shit-tasting millennial shitters
>Sterile and depressing environment that improves the effectiveness of (((brainwashing)))
Yeah, I'll take my chances with something that's lively and warm, instead of the coldness and the "dead inside" of minimalism faggotry.
minimalism =! modernism
modernism is a shit
Depends on what sort of grass it is, how it's cut, maybe some other shit too.
Moss on the other hand is maximum comfort. Too bad you can't easily have a lawn of moss.
When you own a condo like that, you got shit going on. You dont watch TV.