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Why Mexico is blue?

Does Japan just not exist anymore?

make japan blue


>Middle East
>Unintentionally X'ed out
As it should be.

>not evil

Hello merkle

Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapure...

But the middle east is kinda of okay? Israel is okay, Turkey is okay...

What happened to England?



No, Axis cunt

Hawaii and Alaska secede?

What side am I on?

And Kiwi land? Sakhalin Island?

No Hawaii secedes. Alaska becomes western clay

What did Siberia ever do to you?



Gave the Asian hordes access to my North American fortress in every game of Risk.



I can. These two polarized sides WOULD be getting long if not for the Jew elites cuckery in Western Affairs. When you get cucks like Obongo, Killary, Merkel, Khan, etc destroying our countries and continents while serving aggressive rhetoric and aggressive placement of military and anti-missile systems against Russia and China, it's no wonder they'd get pissed and want to defend themselves. And mind you, that's what they're doing, don't fall for media lies. Russia and China would both be good allies to NATO nations if not for our shit leaders that are always painting them to be the boogey man while acting aggressively towards them.

Why exactly are based China and Russia bad again? They're fucking not. It's our leaders and media that is shit. Pray for Trump, we need alliances between corners of the world. NOT GLOBALISM. Nationalism, smart nationalism where leaders don't fuck with each other for Jew reasons.

Also, South America and Africa don't count. It's just spics and niggers who don't really do anything. They're not ending the world anytime soon, just their own continents..

The countries in blue did way more harm.

>t. cuck

Holy shit you nigger, you can't seriously be saying China isn't bad.

>Fought two wars of aggression against India, one of which they were victorious.
>Getting involved in Kashmir because lol gotta hab dat clay
>Invaded Vietnam for fuckall of a reason.
>Invaded Tibet
>Island reclamation in south china sea
>Chinese claimed waters literally encompasses Philippines

Not to mention the regular human rights violations and other related bullshittery the mainland shit-for-brains love so much.

I'm American. Put your list up against what America has done as a nation.

>Not to mention the regular human rights violations and other related bullshittery the mainland shit-for-brains love so much.

Remember, Saudi Arabia is our good ally senpai

red = israel territory ?

South America is pretty bro tier except Brazil and Venezuela. Caribbean countries are cool, as are Central America except El Salvador and most of Honduras and Guatemala. Japan and South Korea re cool. Pretty much everything else is correct

Japan is the only respectable Asian nation.

We're too good.

Define "evil".

You highlighted the countries that control the world economy?

what did he mean by this ?

I personally side with them. Thinking you're a force of good only makes you more obnoxious. Fuck off.



is this some kind of next level shit post?

Tell me. Why do you bear the task?

>New Zealand
>Not even worth putting on map

Sucked in Kiwis fuckwits you're totally irrelevant you cuck shitcunts.

Why is a white country red?

Axis of evil = Africa, LatAm, the USA, China, North Korea, and the EU.

The USA and EU push anti-white agendas so they're still evil.

African nations don't have their shit together enough to be a threat, neither do South American nations. India flat out likes us, as do several other Asian nations. Our primary enemies (Russia, China, and Political Islam) don't like each other at all.

If you want to talk about ideologies, on the other hand, then the map will be incredibly complex because Intersectional Social Justice is damn near everywhere in the western world.

Says no person ever.


US is allied with Israel and Saudi Arabia

did a kiwi fuck your girlfriend?


Anybody with at least 1 neuron knows this is the actual axis of evil

Really slaps my dendrites.

Mind specifying what exactly you're referring to?

This is the true axis of Evil

Argieland is so comfy, we stay in our borders, we welcomed millions of Europeans and spics to imprve their lives here, and we never bother anyone, stay mad OP.

Really tickles my axons.

That's true. But I would paint the evil countries red end circle them instead, as your picture may confuse other people.

Was getting confused part of your plan?

third world shitholes

full of crime and weak economies

Just take honorary-aryan Japan out of there (though it seems that it isn't even on the map)

We're trying our best over here

pls no bully

Sorry amigo we'll need the cheap labor for master blue counties

>East Asia
>Not based as fuck

Why is Australia not evil? They're fucking evil.

fucking kek

t. Self-hating Ivan

>We're part of the axis of evil
We do not even have an army to do evil with.

OTOH, South America countries have tended to resist Cultural Marxism: the sexual revolution, abortion rights, sex ed, lgbt rights. But there is plenty of Economic Marxism.

Please explain.

>le south america is a single country meme


Well,i DO hate North America...

Save the Rainforest
Free Nepal

I think you know why
>Annex Mexico

Hang them high.
Hang them all.

europe and melbourne belongs in there too

Now, do you really wanna risk that?

Based Ruskies are the only Nation with a damn lick of sense left in them.

Without the retardation of Gomminism, they're the single greatest hope for the Western World we have left.

Yes, that's what they wanted you to think.

nice meme

Colombia haven't

>Cuba, specially after it opened itself recently
>Those countries next to Rusia but Turkey and China
>Random irelevant African countries
Why? Why is Germany, Italy, France, Sweeden and others in there? And India too.

>Japan is neutral
>Going by the same logic of this map, New Zealand is the Axis of evil
>Kamchatka sitting on the fence

Really makes you think

I can't

>axis of evil
>50+ countries

South America is literally North America's (United States) bitch though.

We would rape Brazil and every country down there if they did something stupid that would put them in harms way.

>Axis of evil

>Well you know guys they got evil snakes and tribal negros in Africa i bet they are also evil

>Implying France isn't Anglo
>Implying India isn't Anglo
>Implying Philippines isn't Anglo
>Implying Japan & South Korea isn't Anglo
>Implying all of South America isn't Anglo
>Implying everything the Anglo's once owned isn't Anglo now.

Only with Kek blessing will the world bow in 2020.

Singapore attracts intelligent, high-net-worth professionals: managers, scientists, experts; from all over the world, lured by generous salaries and clean, efficient administration.

Then when they get here the birth rate is the lowest in the world. We take all the smart people and then prevent them from breeding through cultural pressure and overwork stress. It's like we're a vortex of active dysgenics.

As far as the future genetic endowment of mankind goes, we're basically the greatest evil the world has ever seen.

Where is new Zealand
