>Welcome to Sup Forums, how conservative are you?
Welcome to Sup Forums, how conservative are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm a left leaning conservative.
I voted for Ted Cruz.
I'm an unreformed commie.
Moderate centrist by pre-reagan standards. Slightly to the left of Sanders by today's standards.
I'm not conservative in the least bit.
i'm a moderate muslim
If a war between Fascist and Commies broke out in the US, I'd pretend to be a fascy just to kill commies
I'm relatively libertarian wherever it doesn't conflict with my rabid nationalism.
I had a bowl of memes for breakfast... without any dubs
"I came here to become less right wing"
I own a gun
Im a race mixed Jewish African Marxist hellbent on eradicating the white race
I play pokemon go everyday youtube.com
I'm so conservative I support Hillary
I go to abortion clinics and stuff fetuses back into women.
Here have some of mine
Not conservative at all
I come here to shitpost, call people shills and get called a shill and generally lower the quality of the board
I'm so conservative play video games with my trap waifu and get butt fucked every night
Same. Looks like we win, friend.
When I was around 11 years old I told the neighborhood kids I wanted to dye my skin black so I could get more rights and get away with more shit
Caught some serious flak from my parents
I would do this too were I more motivated by mere mischief.
Anyone left of Adolf Hitler is a cuck and needs to leave my Sup Forums.
How conservative am I? How conservative AM I?!?! I think gay marriage should be banned and abortion should be illegal.
How can you be a conservative when your choice for president wasn't even right?
>Yeah so?
Without any milk
I wipe my ass with my right hand.
You win
I think the government should be cut down to a single man in a room that picks who we nuke and when.
Aside from that one man everything else needs to be cut and given to the private sector
Fuck man... you get into the secret club hidden in the bathroom of the secret club hidden in the bathroom of Sup Forums
Got a black actor's Twitter?
I wash my hands after shaking hands with spics and niggers.
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant threshold brainwash radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets.
Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy.
Worldwide, as a Frankenstein slave, usually at night, you go to nearby hospital or camouflaged miniature hospital van trucks, you strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the sealed Computer God robot operating cabinet. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy vicious Jew doctor simply pushes the starting button, based upon your Computer God brain on the moon which records progress of your systematic butchery. Your butchery is continued exactly, systematically. The Computer God operating cabinet has many robot arms with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms with fly eye TV cameras watching your whole body. Every part of you is monitored, even from your Frankenstein controls. Synthetic blood, synthetic instant-sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heartbeat to keep you alive are some of the unbelievable Computer God instant plastic surgery secrets. You are the highest, most intelligent electrical machine in the Universe.
get it right pleb.
I fucked my first white girl tonight. Im definitely a conservative now. Fucking your own race just feels so right.
wtf is this shit?
im so conservative i masturbated to hentai and played video games
Fiscal conservative only, which, in America, means I'm the most conservative type of conservative.
Pearl clutchers can go on the other side of the fucking wall.
You ask for a hamburger, I give you a hamburger. You raise it to your lips and take a bite. Your eye twitches involuntarily. Across the street a father of three falls down the stairs. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. I give you a hamburger. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. You cannot swallow. There are children at the top of the stairs. A pickle shifts uneasily under the bun. I give you a hamburger. You look at my face, and I am pleading with you. The children are crying now. You raise the hamburger to your lips, tears stream down your face as you take a bite. I give you a hamburger. You are on your knees. You plead with me to go across the street. I hear only children’s laughter. I give you a hamburger. You are screaming as you fall down the stairs. I am your child. You cannot see anything. You take a bite of the hamburger. The concrete rushes up to meet you. You awake with a start in your own bed. Your eye twitches involuntarily. I give you a hamburger. As you kill me, I do not make a sound. I give you a hamburger.
Inevitability of gradualness. Usually, in a few years, you are made stringbean thin or grotesquely deformed, crippled and ugly, or even made over one foot shorter or one foot taller, as the Computer God sees fit. Virtually all of the important instant plastic surgery is done to you inside the Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet. Even unbelievable, impossible plastic surgery operations, all impossible even for dozens of vicious kosher bosher doctors working around the clock for weeks. The Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet can perform all of the above impossible plastic surgery operations overnight, even dwarfting you over a foot, or increasing your height by two feet. This is possible because Computer God robot operating cabinet imitates your microminiature electrical current intelligence system in your body. It even duplicates the microminiature electric currents that soften your broken bones to create mending of them and then create stress either compressing the bones thereby shortening them or stress to make the bones grow longer.
Spring, 1984, Mr. Dec, lifelong would-be doctor and printer. Insight to the Worldwide Computer God stratified closed society, perfected by hospital birth making possible lifelong Frankenstein controls and lifelong hampering human defects containment policy. Hospital birth lifelong gifts example, deformed, crippled, retarded, pox, hives, warts, moles, blindness, deafness, poor vision, etc. Kosher bosher containment policy work good doctors secret health example cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes, many diseases.
But user, Trump is going to triple the deficit. Ask literally any third party tax plan analysis. Even the conservative ones.
The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher bosher vicious medical profession worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery butchery of the body and brain, especially the face. Wipe on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, age spots, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples, red, brown, black or even sick white face and body. Worldwide dark negroidic colored male sex organs. The brainwash inferior female brain from overall plan intermarry with niggers. Total graying and balding, even hairy body and furry body, mustached, bearded women, even wipe-on synthetic hormones causing cancerous growth. Bloating, swelling, deformed, big pickle nose, bulldog, hanging cheeks and jowls. From teen-age gradual wipe-on yellowing, frowning and blackening of teeth, and instant grinding and acids leaving hollow brown stumps so vocal chords are made raspy, aged, creating a wrinkled, ugly gargoylic clown booze face, worldwide population by age 70. Deformed, crippled, weak and brain damaged, senile. Lingering for inevitability of gradualness extermination. For your only hope for a future, do you know one word of pray for me, Francis E. Dec?
Computer God computerized brain thinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal of most of the frontal command lobe of the brain, gradually, during lifetime and overnight in all insane asylums after Computer God kosher bosher one month probation period creating helpless, hopeless Computer God Frankenstein Earphone Radio parroting puppet brainless slaves, resulting in millions of hopeless helpless homeless derelicts in all Jerusalem, U.S.A. cities and Soviet slave work camps. Not only the hangman rope deadly gangster parroting puppet scum-on-top know this top medical secret, even worse, deadly gangster Jew disease from deaf Ronnie Reagan to U.S.S.R. Gorbachev know this oy vay Computer God Containment Policy top secret. Eventual brain lobotomization of the entire world population for the Worldwide Deadly Gangster Communist Computer God overall plan, an ideal worldwide population of light-skinned, low hopeless and helpless Jew-mulattos, the communist black wave of the future.
I'm a registered democrat actually. But now I'm wearing a MAGA hat and still rocking my I Heart Bernie button on my bag while taking potshots at Rodham on every social media post I see....
I just don't know anymore...
To Weenie Hut with all of you!
I'm not a conservative, I think that the way things are today are too degenerate, I want to go backwards, traditionalism is the way m8
I vote for Hillary and I am a white male who bows downs to the mighty pussy.
I'm a racist, sexist, etc. liberal does that count?
I hate niggers
I go to Sup Forums daily