Anybody else sick of this annoying pretender? he hasn't published a peer reviewed research paper in years, constantly belittles Christians and people of faith, speaks down to his audience like they're a bunch of asspies and definitely takes it from Bill Nye. Arrogant scientist mocking thread. All welcome
Anybody else sick of this annoying pretender? he hasn't published a peer reviewed research paper in years...
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What is it with the right about scientists?
> constantly belittles Christians and people of faith
Good, when they walk around spouting their shit, coming to my door knocking and playing ridiculously loud bible versus from loudspeakers 8 in the morning on a Sunday: they can get fucked.
>Science question everything
>You are stupid if you dont believe in climate change
>GMOS are great
>Different species evolved differently to fit into their climates and habitats thats why two tigers can be so genetically diverse but not people we are all the same
I gave up on it a long time ago.
>You are stupid if you dont believe in climate change
Well that's a given. Pic related
>GMOS are great
The proven benefits of GMO food is unquestionable. But nobody knows the long term effects of consumption of such genetically altered materials. That is why I forgo GMO food.
>>Different species evolved differently to fit into their climates and habitats thats why two tigers can be so genetically diverse but not people we are all the same
Well genetically we are extremely similar, compared to tigers of Asian and African origin, niggers are closer to us than they are of each other. Simple genetics there.
>>Science question everything
Everything should be endlessly questioned and criticized, only that way can we advance and grow. How is that in any way a bad thing?
He's the product of affirmative action, couldn't handle physics at Harvard, even with Sagan coaching him the entire way. He left and got a degree in Astronomy.
The goy is 105 IQ at best, poster goy for affirmative action.
I can't and won't question any of that. But unlike most religious fools he doesn't talk shit about what he doesn't understand.
Lando Calrissian > Neil Tyson
This is the guy who feels to need to debate flat-earthers on twitter. Let that sink in.
I hate when scientists get involved in politics. Do your damn research objectively and let the people come to their own conclusions with the statistics.
Nigger are irl, clinically proven closers to chimps than they are to whites.
Google it.
yup. wouldn't be anything if he wasn't a darkie so the media can prop him up and say "look at our smart black man, any black man can do this, white man ur racist"
Good point OP those fucking Christians haven't published anything in forever, they still go around talking like it's the middle ages.
He has always annoyed me
Liberals love him as the puppet black cool science guy
Whenever someone is black they often get way too much credit (ie tracy morgan)
The man was taught by Carl Fucking Sagan, one of the best people to ever live and he still managed to be a arrogant little cunt.
The answer is that Tyson has been groomed for the past several years to be the new Dawkins.
In recent years, Dawkins started naming the mudslime and going against the lefty narrative. Tyson is thus the house nigger scientist meme man.
I tried googling it, but all I got was the internet equivalent of right-wing tabloids. Care to post a slightly more reputable link to such evidence, if you can find a decent site. Thanks.
Yet another physicist who comments on things he has no understanding of.
He doesn't even grasp the fundamentals, dude is a fraud. He's a fucking meme, like Mr.Wizard... except Mr.Wizard would actually into science, and work in a lab.
He can't even into philosophy yet he tries to act like Thomas Aquinas was a fucking idiot. fuck this idiot.
Nigger, we've been eating gmos for decades
Why does the fact that he's intelligent bother you? Is it something to do with your small penis?
Phil Jones. caught literally red handed talking about how they were manipulating data sets to create the impression of rising earth temperatures. it's called climategate, was blown up years ago.
if you can't keep up with the rest of class, you will have to sit in the back of the bus with the re-re kids.
Jews also managed to washout of Harvard Physics UNDER the personal tutelage of CARL SAGAN.
The highlight of this man's career was informing us why Pluto isn't classified as a planet anymore. Totally useless, overrated, poverty-mustached, blob. Can't believe people still take this guy seriously.
um they literally started the scientific revolution, as even Richard Dawkins admits. Ever hear of Nikola Tesla?
Watch your mouth serf.
"listen to him, he's a scientist"
"Ben Carson doesn't exist!"
>bible versus
>it's another thread for stupid christcucks who can't understand "science popularizers"
>constantly belittles Christians and people of faith
I'd be pissed off too if I lived in a country where religious politicians seriously tried to teach creationism in school.
It's hard to not make fun of christians when you're in a country full of protestants.
Gonna need a little more than an opinion to prove such.
Well considering that the first GMO marketed food came out in 1994, and took years to take off, 10-15 years isn't sufficient time for long-term analysis of GMO food.
Based entirely on viewpoint and speculation.
I spend such little time talking about verses of any sort. It happens.
I'm typing jew so much, if I accidentally type je instead of he, it autocorrects my record to jews...
He makes for good comedy, that's about it.
>niggers are closer to us than they are of each other
What you are reffering to is called Lewontin's fallacy, it's been disproven a long time ago.
I have the feeling that teaching about God in schools is coming back to France with a vengeance soon.
Now this fool has been reduced to ruining movies for people via twitter. So glad more and more and more are waking up to this pop science affirmative action phony.
Fuck you Neil for trying to cuck up Cosmos. And Pluto was big enough 4 yer mom.
he's a media prop and I can cut through that crap cake real quick. i don't just believe anybody is intelligent because he's on tv, that's Kardashian fan level cucking right there.
If Neil DeGrassie was in a box and no one coudl see him, would he still be a dindu?
i remember that thread
i'm on here too much when I recognize threads
they really weren't lying when they said the ride never ends
You can't know, it's schrodinger's dindu.
>tfw you have the cosmos series (the real 1, with sagan) on VHS @ your house
>Everything should be endlessly questioned and criticized,
not anthroprogenic climate change, apparently
oil & coal are way past obsolete. We should be researching safe, clean, effective nuclear power.
The only tapes I wore out that weren't porn.
TFW you lose billions and billions of sperm.
I smoked dank memes with sagan in 1981. He was a smart man, & worthy of respect.
I was born 17 hours after the vietnam war ended.
>implying there is anything that CAN replace oil
If, -if- climate change is caused by humans, we need to find something that can be used in lieu of oil.
Thats why I said we need to be researching safe, clean, and effective nuclear technology.
We have the minds and money to do the research, its just we'd presently rather use oil.
muh college education makes me a know it all
I mean, I debate them on a Mongolian basketweaving tradepost
Leibnitz or poincare would KILL tyson in any serious debate.
Everything is made of oil. Everything. Not saying its a good thing, but it is a thing. When the world degenerates into a "Mad Max" scenario, it will be over oil.
Right, because everyone who is a Christian is the exact same person.
You got a sweeping generalization there, what exactly is wrong with Christianity, it seems pretty wholesome to me.
>inb4 you go all moralist
i understand where your going with that and i would agree but its best to learn to not cowtail to these leftists fools. fossil fuels are morally good and the best technology (nuclear cant produce medical supplies,plastics, but for straight energy nuclear is better)
the best of the best i think is explained by alex epstein
less people die from the climate then ever before
without access to fossil fuels for energy and production people die and with it they can drink clean water
Bill Nye said that ISIS is the result of global warming
My argument is posited from the position of 'which type of power plant creates the most energy output'.
I'm okay with fossil fuels being used, but I want something better, safer, cleaner, and more powerful to replace it when the time comes.
he has never, ever taken a posture regarding faith publicly, you fucking lunatic
for sure. what i was asserting was that we should assert that FF's are good for way more of then just energy and also that its morally just to use FF's + Nuclear bc they are both the best of the best of the best, which smacks leftists in the face. if they start saying we are "in the wrong" then we can turn around and say "wtf is wrong with you that you hate brown people in third world countries so much that you dont want them to have clean water just so you can be high and mighty in your prius powered by coal, gtfo of my face bigot"
first off its true and secondly we get to BTFO of liberals with their own arguements
He also said that half of humans are female so half of engineers and scientists should be female.
He only has a degree in engineering. Sarah Palin went on national TV and joked about how she is as much a scientist as he is, he got so butthurt it was hilarious.
Try thousands of years. You think chickens, cattle, corn, wheat, etc are products of nature?
>We should be researching safe, clean, effective nuclear power.
This. The nuclear power taboo needs to go.
good goy
I only want to build plants when its truly safe & clean, though.
Still a lot of research to do.
Nigger, that shit is plenty safe already. It's when 3rd world countries try building them that fucks em up.
>Well considering that the first GMO marketed food came out in 1994, and took years to take off, 10-15 years isn't sufficient time for long-term analysis of GMO food.
I think user was referring to crossbreeding and cross pollination and not gene splicing. those two methods of controlled evolution is "technically" genetically modifying an organism.
The big problem in 1st world seems to be regulatory corner-cutting.
& the waste issue.
I know what you mean. Japan needs to step up their game and stop letting their power plants explode.
yes he does make the most compelling argument for the actual, tangible benefits of fossil fuels.
imo magnetic induction is THE power source penultimate. think Niagara falls power plant, literally free energy. The monetary input going into it is facility maintenance and payroll.
Studied neodymium much?
>imo magnetic induction is THE power source penultimate. think Niagara falls power plant, literally free energy. The monetary input going into it is facility maintenance and payroll.
ill have to do some studying i havent really checked that out much desu,sounds legit. i wish so bad that our congress had the balls to tell everyone else to fuck off and that there will be no more subsidies for any industries at all ever. and then the real competition begins
He's a presenter. On some level, he knows he doesn't even have to be a good one since he knows the media is hungry for black science presenters.
As far as presenters go, Hank Green actually isn't too bad. Oh noes, he's a weedly white man! And not a fuck is given because not only has he developed charisma but actually attempts to somewhat understand what he's talking about.
There's a difference between selective breeding, which is almost riskless, and synthetically and artificially manipulating the genes of plants and animals through young technology.
How about you don't pretend corn raised from wild grass to something commonly mistaken as not a grain is equivalent to grains bred to produce infertile seeds, carcinogenic pesticides or have completely obscure gene sections. Shit sounds dangerous.
>Unlike most religiois fools he doesn't talk shit about what he doesn't understand
>implying you know a damn thing about Christianity
wow you're a big boy throwing curses around like you're protected by a glass screen and many miles between us... wait, nevermind.
You know what's wonky about fukishima? It wasn't the powerplant that got fucked up, it was the loss of power that fucked up the plant. It survived not only an earthquake, but a tsunami (thanks to U.S engineering).
Also, don't know if you're trolling or not, but if you've been to Japan, most of it is a 3rd world shithole.
>regulatory corner-cutting
ha... okay
The only real issue for 1st world problems is the waste issue. I say we just dig a big ass hole and recycle that shit back into the Earth. Or bury them underneath the mountain in fucking NM, damn hippie locals don't think that's safe, except it's under a mountain, far away from any water table in the area.
He said in this
That he wants to help with pop sci then after a while he'll go back into papers
I don't remember him always being like this. He used to be a likable pop science figure who did a good job breaking down really cool developments in science that the general public needs a hand to understand. But now anything he says wets reddits collective panties. Fame has gone to his head and he probably doesn't even realize that he is just spouting off progressive drivel and globalist propaganda.
Same goes for bill nye
There's a process with californium that can make a barrel of nuclear waste de-energize to the size of a teacup.
I.e. the waste matter puts off rads as if it is only the size of a teacup, even though its still a barrel.
>There's a difference between selective breeding, which is almost riskless, and synthetically and artificially manipulating the genes of plants and animals through young technology.
>How about you don't pretend corn raised from wild grass to something commonly mistaken as not a grain is equivalent to grains bred to produce infertile seeds, carcinogenic pesticides or have completely obscure gene sections. Shit sounds dangerous.
this so fucking much, everyone flips shit when they hear you arent down with allowing literal chimeras into the wild , like wtf that should be kept down in lower levels and treated like a threat, and i hate when they say "but we know the whole genome now" bc its a stupid arguement bc we dont know wtf will happen when splicing animal+human+plant dna and that sounds morally fucked imo as well
Bill Nye
Black Science Guy
All part of the New Scientist Elite deciding what's best for us and how we should think.
And of course, any dissenting scientific views are not accepted or recognized. Only approved science is real science.
I'd have to check that out, haven't heard of it yet. However, californium isn't easy to produce either, and most of it comes from Oak Ridge, and it's barely a usable amount.
I agree user
> loud speakers
You mean Islamic prayer time?
i used to respect Neil but turns out he's a fedora tipping asshat and usually ends up sounding like a middle school kid trying to sound deep. he'd believe he was white if a scientific study said so
Either one are always the smartest guys in the room.
Add a camera or mirror and they become twice as smart.
>But nobody knows the long term effects of consumption of such genetically altered materials.
You fear the unknown? Pussy.
But seriously, there's no valid reason to believe that GMOs are unsafe to eat.
It was discovered mid-2015, its probably still in the research phase.
Okay but that doesnt question everything. They are conforming to the narrative and shutting other opinions out.
Its become a pseudo religion instead of great minds coming together and questioning each others theories and research.
>It survived not only an earthquake, but a tsunami (thanks to U.S engineering).
Riiiiight, because the US has so much experience with large earthquakes and tsunamis.
Nice, sounds pretty useful for the nuclear waste industry. Shit is expensive.
This guy gets it
Science is becoming the goodest of goys tier
not really apart from knowing it's potency. The point is, a magnet that turns inside a conductive coil forces the flow of energy, add gears and directional force and place near a continually moving object such as flowing water and you have a power plant.
shit even the Dutch figured this out with windmills before electromagnetism was known.
Yeah, nowhere in the US has active faults and California hasn't been hit with multiple 7+ earthquakes in the past fifty years.
Isn't californium stable-ish for a flies-to-pieces-immediately element?
Neodymium is 1 of the best magnet elements, a free energy plant would benefit from using it.
edgelord detected.
he doesn't understand he's a dindu nobody in the actual scientific community doesn't give a flying fuck about.
Sadly this is true. Try doing a paper on the link between race and IQ and see what happens. Who was that old scientist that got fired and shamed recently for saying that he doesn't like working with women in STEM because they cry when you put their work through the scientific process?
Depends on the isotope that's been made, some are more stable than others. I don't know enough about californium to talk about it in depth.
I wish I could into :(
Science programming has turned from scientists with the goal of wanting to educate the general public, to scientists doing "educational" shows with the goal of showing how much smarter they are than you.
He's the face of science for layman.
I'm not sure about the guy, but it reminded me of James Watson, (The guy who figured out the shape of dna along with Francis Crick) who said something about blacks being inferior because their iqs and test scores are behind literally everybody in the whole world
What's your BA in?
What I want to know is what would happen if you subjected a particle of a flies-to-pieces element (At, Fm, Es, etc) to forces so strong it can't fly to pieces.