ITT : we write in English but with the grammar of our native language


Other urls found in this thread:

Hey how goes it you?

Successful day
Outside-at snow melting lie
France-in what happened?

Of what we should talk?

What guys anime?

it has snowed giantmuch in night

This is what? I have hunger.

I not can speak english.

Notime descends here snow. I envying in you

Good thought. You quite creative

Around honest to be, you need one very tall IQ value around Richard and Mörter to understands.

I on elections never not came, but in this time definitely comewill for Grudinin to vote -- candidate of the people!

When fly behind fly fly fly fly fly after

Wow nice retarded languages lmao

Love I every people on the board

I-and thee loving

i want cuddle boy's with

Expect that the economy better in long term

All fags need to kill

>tfw native language is English

Hopeful that you have right

Thanks, user Maltese

Of nothing, friend mine.

There above stand they, those seven. And where looking they at? They looking at the testament of the grave what dug was in the senselessness of the creation of the lust for desire. And that admit you not to, there are you too cowardly for

Write in Singlish.

Fuck off, I've trained myself to avoid s*Nglish in all occasions, and I won't go back.

But it sounds so funny.

I am big ears, me like men

Hello friends understand you me?
In my language we can place words in sentence there where we want. Can speak we Joda like. Cool it, right?

One saw(l), that none saw(I).

Father, get sheep sheep?
No, sheep get not sheep, sheep get lamb
(Swe: Far får får får? Nej får får inte får, får får lamm.)

I like potatoes and hate green peas.

It sounds fucking stupid.

Oh mano,stop quietly please

Can(you) to make(you) the same thing in the Greek. Her theorize(I) as one of the more grammatically free tongues.

I ought write done my essay that should be done in Fridays last week but instead sits I here. What devil is wrong with me

>Around honest to be, you need one very tall IQ value around Richard and Mörter to understands.

What is it that it is that this thread ?

For few seconds, I forgot in what thread was and confused me.

good post

reminder daily that romania is a country of origin latin

of what not celebrate americansthe easterthe?

How is it flying?

Good, moron, here. You? What runs with you?

the Peter says, that we the children the John a house have want let help paint

Also (we) can do that in Portuguese. Very common for poetry, not so much in talk casual.

Goes all well. And with you?

I click back to this tab after like an hour, forgetting what the OP was and thought I'd had a stroke or some shit.

Will it's fuck mother, ate too much, now my hurt stomach.
Why am such pig?

Flip flappers. Definitely worth it

Hello lads, today weather beautiful. Tomorrow Russia win Germany in hockey and it be good.

What has?

Swimmer pants wrings.

In russian when you write, unimportantly word order

This thread is adorable. :3

> unimportantly word order
Oh wait, (we) not can do that in the my language, no. That's extreme.
Only (we) can change the syntactic structure of the sentence. Still allows to talk like Yoda.

Which dick saying?

Give me a bf

I not like persons what post anime. All should die

Male you are or female?Only into I am of thicc mongolian boipussi

Me-to not like gays
Me-to gays like-not
All this means "I don't like gays", if speaking on English
(Russian structure)