Why is there a wave of support of zero tax on feminine products?

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There should be a wave of zero tax on toilet papers and toothpastes too

I say if there is going to have a sales tax on consumer goods, then have it for everything and not pick and choose

By that logic there also shouldn't be any tax on razor blades, shaving cream, deodorant, toilet paper, and toothpaste. All of those things are necessities of every day life.

because men listen to women

and women like to pay less the products that they use.

Women are rationalist and refuse to spend their money on goods that they can get cheaper

I haven't used any of that shit in years and I'm still alive. Women before a few decades ago didn't have any of these feminine products but they lived just fine.

This is kind of how I feel.

Either have it for everything, or nothing. My state still has taxes on condoms, but apparently rags are off-limits.

This. When you begin exempting things it just turns into a race to the bottom of who can lobby the hardest to exempt their product to sell more.

If you have to have a sales tax (which im against) you cannot say one thing is a necessity but that neckbeards doritos are not.

I liked it more when they complained about the pink tax

>women's razors cost more
Why not use the men's then
>because the women's razor is a better razor and isn't as harsh on the skin
So if it's better why not charge more

This shit was way funnier

That was so fucking retarded, I wish I could forget that entire debacle.

The left gets dumber every day.

Because they want everyone but themselves to pay taxes.

because women are greedy self-centered cunts.

I was talking with some girls about this and they agreed that toilet paper shouldn't be taxed for women but men should pay it.

See toilet paper is magic vagina paper they need to wipe their dripping twats dry. My assertion that we both equally need it for our smelly assholes was dismissed because they need it for two holes rather than just one.

Never should have let them vote.

Because we're not allowed to keep them in menstrual huts.




>Never should have let them vote.
I blame homos.

>women bitch to their hairdresser they can't vote
>hairdresser bitches to his closeted friend in the bath-house that women can't vote
>closeted friend convinces his straight friends and coworkers that women should have the right to vote.

and that's how a stupid idea that no one would have taken seriously when it came out of the mouths of dumb cunts manages to catch on among men who should know better.

That's not how it worked.

Fucking beta white knights were male suffragettes. Men with happy women at home who weren't degenerate alcoholics or total losers weren't for women's suffrage and neither were their wives.

Jesus christ. Tampons and pads are not necessities. Use a fucking rag

We're taxed on fucking Food; why wouldn't we be taxed on your fucking Tampons?

We need to elect more fags.

Why not tax everything the same and tax things like tobacco, alcohol and fuel extra?

Why not just be part of Russia again?

Why tax certain things more? On what grounds? Because you do not like tobacco? Why punish people for something they want and are willing to pay for?

Where does the "extra" end? If i lobby government hard enough can i get an extra tax on something you enjoy?

Soon comrade.

Because tax from those things should be funneled to specific things caused by them.

They already do tax tobacco, alcohol, and fuel higher.....

I'm alright with getting rid of the tampon tax, it's pretty stupid to begin with. Most men don't have to shave so that's not a valid argument. Only professions that require things like gas masks require shaving, or if you work a cuck industry like office buildings that have shaving requirements.
Overall men don't have a consistent product they buy month to month that females do not use as well.

What they need is a fat tax.

Insurance companies already have increased premiums for that

I agree on that. As long as you don't have universal healthcare why tax tobacco? With health insurance you pay more if you do smoke over someone who doesn't. Why tax them over their own life choice in which they are responsible for?

Come on women, you have to pay your dues. Women are more likely than men to go to college and graduate now. I'd imagine they are getting financial aid with that as well. You are the single mothers that often have to get various handouts, pay into the system.

>Non-taxed feminine hygiene products
>Ship comes in imported with a bunch of pads and tampons
>A bunch of men dressed up as Indians toss the products overboard

I think it was because of betas, no homos.

In some parts of Canada up until the 70's feminine hygiene products had no tax. We even had a tax credit for womens beauty products until the 80's cause politicians knew the average woman without makeup looks like a dogs shaved ass.

There is no tax anymore, they got rid of it

Jesus Christ this is what the faggots will protest about?

They don't give a shit that the government takes whatever the fuck it want's out of your paycheck and these bitches will complain cause they need to get a fucking tampon and it's got a sales tax?

how does it even matter to people

say 6 cents on the dollar for a $3.50 item

woooow 21 cents holy shit woooow

unless i'm buying a car or a house who gives a shit.

the same people bitching about 21 cents will buy a beer for 8 dollars at a bar