just and better world?
Does it really make sense that the top 0.01% have more wealth than 70% of the world's population?
just and better world?
Does it really make sense that the top 0.01% have more wealth than 70% of the world's population?
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I only fight for dank memes
does it make sense that a celebrity has access too 10,000 girlfriends whereas i have access to 0? your problem is with human nature not any government
I am senpai
I am.
>does it make sense that a celebrity has access too 10,000 girlfriends whereas i have access to 0?
Yes, it does. Those "girlfriends" are making a choice. It is a free world.
>your problem is with human nature not any government
Wrong. The government is allowing rich people to viritually pay no taxes. You just set up a tax haven shell company that pay 0% capital gains taxes and that's that.
If we want to change the world, we need to change how the tax system works and then we need to change the government's attitude towards the world and unemployment. It does not make sense to have hundreds of millions of unemployed people sitting around worldwide doing nothing. It does not make sense to pay more on dog food in the US alone, than is necessary to eradicate extreme poverty (below 2 dollars a day income) worldwide. It does not make sense to pay more for military expenditures than it is necessary to eliminate 95% of HIV, malaria and thyphus infections, eliminate extreme poverty, eliminate hunger, eliminate uncontrolled birth rates, eliminate joblessness, eliminate illiteracy etc. worldwide.
WTF are we waiting for?
Does it make sense that only 0.001% of the human population can be really great geniuses?
Does it make sense that only one person can be the best at something?
Yes, these things make sense because that is the natural product of the normal distribution.
The distribution of wealth is distributed appropriately as per the normal distribution of all important human characteristics which allow for success in whatever.
Becuase the majority of the people are retarded and dont deserve wealth
Maybe because 70% of the world's population is either stupid or hasn't worked hard enough to make their country a decent haven for industry (e.g. South Africa after the British left)
You are waiting for nothing, because there will never be a day where the incompetent and stupid mass will ever overthrow the elite.
You are outclassed in everything except numbers, and numbers don't mean for much here, because the elite will just continue to dish out porn, tv, movies, etc. that keep you all in your stupor. Not to mention any attempt historically of your lot rising up just leads to rampant death and catastrophe because the systems you put in place are just as incompetent and stupid as you all are.
>Does it make sense that only 0.001% of the human population can be really great geniuses?
Sure it does. That is genetics.
>Does it make sense that only one person can be the best at something?
That is just logic. So, yes.
>Yes, these things make sense because that is the natural product of the normal distribution.
Who denied that?
>The distribution of wealth is distributed appropriately as per the normal distribution of all important human characteristics which allow for success in whatever.
And that is what I am criticizing. It makes no sense for a society to benefit the 0.01% instead of the 99%. No sense at all. It is a fallacy to think that if only the 0.01% are really great off, we have a great society - actually, everyone would be better off (including the souls of the 0.01%) if we had a fair tax system and a government which sees total employment and the eradication of worldwide poverty as its most important goal.
Umm Germany, shouldn't you be kickin' out all the mudslimes ruining your country?
I don't really give a shit. Until the existence of people in a small nowhere town like mine is under attack, then I might. Things are okayish here
>is either stupid or hasn't worked hard enough to make their country a decent haven for industry
I am sure that kid in pic related just didn't work hard enough to make his country a first world superpower. Sure thing.
The wealth is naturally distributed as such BECAUSE the elite are far smarter and better than the rest in every way, and thus figure out how to amass, and keep, wealth.
Why don't societies do anything to rectify this, generally speaking? Because society itself is a product of the work and intelligence of the elite, and why would they want to screw themselves over?
AND even in societies where elites are targeted, generally speaking elites figure out how to escape or manipulate the systems in place to protect themselves.
It's one of the benefits of being really capable and smart.
My only concern is securing a future for the white race. Why should mostly niggers be eating all the food?
>You are outclassed in everything except numbers, and numbers don't mean for much here, because the elite will just continue to dish out porn, tv, movies, etc. that keep you all in your stupor.
You forget that I am part of the 1%, not the 99%. We have 7.5 billion people, and we live in the West... actually I live in a city in Germany, a Western city and I have a good job, getting a lot of money. You just have to be among the top 75 million top earners worldwide to be in the top 1%.
Why then do I argue against my own interest you say? Why do I argue that society changes and we end the exploitation of the world, end the suffering of the 1 billion hungry people, the suffering of the displaced from war and disease and hunger, end the illiteracy, end the crazy massive birth rates in Africa and parts of Asia, end our arrogant tax systems etc.?
Because it would make sense. It would make sense to not have millions of migrants coming to Europe any more. It would make sense to produce more goods because there is more demand. It would make sense to change our energy production to green energy. It would make sense to physically help poorer countries build infrastructure, schools and industry. It would make sense to focus our world on space exploration and science and discovery rather than war and capitalism.
But why am I even talking? You guys are satisfied with watching your porn and your TV and bitching about "white power"... when you see the same problem in this world I actually want to solve (migration, wars, radical religion) but you can't even see how to solve the problems.
>The wealth is naturally distributed as such BECAUSE the elite are far smarter and better than the rest in every way, and thus figure out how to amass, and keep, wealth.
And you are saying that their manipulation of democracy makes sense? You are for buying elections and manipulating attitudes towards a tax reform? You do realize that both Hillary and Donald are routing for the same type of system - a system which even more benefits the superrich, right? Hillary is in the pocket of the hedge funds and banks. Trump wants to lower his own taxes and the taxes of his fellow billionaires.
I'm saying that it makes sense for degenerate systems like democracy to be manipulated by the most intelligent and capable men in the world, yes.
absolute autist.
the top 1% and the top 1% of the 1% has that kind of money because they earned it, people bought their product/ whatever they market for capital. And if these super rich people inherited their wealth, they would either make more money, or put it back out into society by purchasing things, either way, they're making a product to benefit society, or they're putting money back into society (so you stupid niggers get better roads/schools/houses/ etc...).
communist fuckbrain. read the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality.
>Why should mostly niggers be eating all the food?
Guess what, if we actually started helping Africa and poor parts of Asia, the birth rates there would go down massively, which means by 2050+, thee would be a lot fewer negroes eating all the food than there will be according to the current projections.
We are walking into a real problem with 2.6 billion Africans (currently we got 1.3 billion) in just 3 decades - and they will find ways to get to Europe and also to the Americas. Trust me, we will not be able to stop them. You figured 1 million negroes from Africa were a problem? Go see what happens when 300 million start to move. There is NOTHING we can do about it, unless we start changing the world system.
>I'm saying that it makes sense for degenerate systems like democracy to be manipulated by the most intelligent and capable men in the world, yes.
And you believe that is the right thing to do? If the US elections had been between Clinton, Sanders and Trump, Sanders would have won. Yes, the revolution would have won. But Clinton BOUGHT the superdelegates and so Sanders was killed off. How does this make any sense?
>absolute autist.
>so you stupid niggers
>communist fuckbrain
Can 11 year olds please stop posting in this thread? Thank you.
Defend your bullshit political stance Achmed.
fuck off commie
rofl so youre saying billionaires are more likely to spend more than lower-middle class individuals that are struggling to get by if the money was redistributed among them. Funny
better analogy if you dont understand that
>give a poor man $20 bucks
>he buys dinner
>give a rich man $20
>probably will sit in his wallet for a while
>Bill Gates, richest guy in world
>Everyone can afford a computer
Get it?
You just need to repeat this concept for everything. Houses, cars, everything. We pretty much have except for housing, and we're close to doing it with cars with these self driving cars and uber type shit.
The top 1% are the top 1% generally because they are BORN into it. They are so fucking rich that they really don't give a shit about money and instead invest in influence. Influence that in turn, gives them more power at our expense. You are fucking kidding yourself if you believe this is of any benefit to us and if you do, why the fuck are you here on a board that does nothing but bitch about the way the world is headed? You sound like the goodest of goys.
>Get it?
No, explain. How does Bill Gates not paying much in taxes have anything to do with poor people from Africa and Afghanistan buying ARM-chip run Samsung phones run on Android?
i cant comprehend what you are implying.
>if somehow you think bill gates chooses the price point of computers, no supply and demand determines that.
>if you are saying everyone can afford houses, cars, computers because of rich people try living on $7.25 an hour in AMERICA and see how poor you become i couldnt do it even with my parents support and eating ramen noodles all day
>if you are saying that with socialism he would cease to exist then i cant refute that.
>Workers of le world unite xD
>Proceed to kill millions of people, majority of them underclass people
>give money to abject poverty fags
>raise them above poverty line
>$20 a day is new poverty line
Well shit.
>600 calorie a day diet
>have 10 kids
>4 starve
>good food from dem programs
>3000 calorie a day diet
>have 30 kids
>op is a faggot
Let me ask, why does it matter?
What is the government like from the nation Bill Gates comes from compared to the governments in Africa?
>>give money to abject poverty fags
>>raise them above poverty line
>>$20 a day is new poverty line
>Well shit.
It doesn't work like this, idiot. Extreme poverty means you are usually starving, do not have any healthcare, cannot go to school and cannot afford even the most basic goods.
If you raise the standard of living above the extreme poverty threshold, you just eliminated poverty.
The whole "relative poverty" shittalk is something different that only idiots like you talk about.
We're not the bottom bro. Any form of wealth redistribution will leave us with LESS not MORE
calorie a day diet
>>have 10 kids
>>good food from dem programs
calorie a day diet
>>have 30 kids
>>op is a faggot
There is a strong correlation between prosperity and number of kids. The more prosperous a society, the lower the birth rate. Japan has a birth rate of 1.3, Germany of 1.4. America has one at 2.0, and that is mostly due to poor class migrants and blacks and Hispanics, while whites in the US have a lower than replacement rate birth rate.
If an African has an education and a job, he can also afford condoms or his wife can afford birth control pills.
>>Guess what, if we actually started helping Africa and poor parts of Asia, the birth rates there would go down massively, which means by 2050+, thee would be a lot fewer negroes eating all the food than there will be according to the current projections.
That's what we've been saying and doing for 50 fucking years, and the result is the biggest population boom in history
>Let me ask, why does it matter?
It matters because both Europe and America are threatened by what is going on in Africa and poor areas of Asia. People have seen the migration crisis of last year and talked about solving that. You don't understand that if the numbers are 10 times or 50 times bigger, they will end up breaking through and we will be overrun. We better work on this problem now.
>That's what we've been saying and doing for 50 fucking years, and the result is the biggest population boom in history
You are a fucking idiot. The countries with high extreme poverty have the biggest population growth, while those countries with low extreme poverty have low birth rates.
If we want to change this, we need to get rid of extreme poverty and illteracy and the African birth rate will drop like a stone.
And what can people do? It is their corrupt governments fault. They continually siphon money from their people and squash any resistance. Trying to distribute money around isn't going to promote prosperity there.
> not stop feeding them which is why they have a high birthrate and the children don't starve
cool story hans
You're right, why not make the average normie better? The ones who are willing to work will succeed and those who are not fit will fail, like they should.
The weak should fear the strong.
Never in history has it been so easy to become wealthy (for "privileged" whites like me kek). The internet is huge for capitalism, which like it or not, is way to big to die or change right now.
The only way to make a change is with wealth, and the only way to acquire mass wealth is win the game of capitalism. Adapt or perish.
>It is their corrupt governments fault. They continually siphon money from their people and squash any resistance.
We can start by not supporting rich billionaires like Trump or people like Clinton who are worth hundreds of millions and get hundreds of millions in hedge fund and bank donations.
How does that overthrow governments in other nations? It isn't going to stop those governments from subjugating its people.
the only reason why i have not killed myself yet is to see how far we can go as the turkish nation before getting nuked (and dank memes)
i am hoping to die fighting in ww3