Books Thread

We post only god tier, truly red pilled, not "le art right redbilled" books
Image very related

"To forget a friend is sad. Not every one has had a friend. And if I forget him, I may become like the grown−ups who are nolonger interested in anything but figures..
Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can buy friends, men no longer have any friends."


If you have any interest in nuclear weapons check out Command and Control.

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins


Another dreamer.
Go to Levant and try to find a hidden treasure. Maybe you'll find something, an RPG or something like that, beheading perhaps. You know guys, its a strange place.


Pic related is a personal favorite of mine
It hard to go wrong with Greek thought anything written by Thomas Jefferson


The Way of Men is top-tier

short book as well. I highly recommend it.


books are for fags

I dont read much but pic related is pretty redpilled, along with a lot of other warhammer 40k novels

>atheists are wrong
>fundamentalist religious people are wrong
>drowning retard kids is fun
>raping teens is funnier


Jew detected.

eat my shorts

books are ornaments for the blue pilled middle classes and stupid people who want to look smart

Pic related.

Written to be read by a parent to a child in five nights, about a giant robot who eats scrap metal and endures trial by fire to save humanity from an alien dragon.

Absolutely god tier.

Hast thou seen the white whale?

If you want to amplify any experience you're having - it's good to relate to others having these kind of experiences.
Reading is a good way of doing it

People get stuck in the theory and do nothing, that's a waste of time.

close friendships couldnt be any further from truth
