>you will never be like the rest of society
>you will never be a real human being
You will never be like the rest of society
What's wrong, Bulgarbro? Wanna talk about it, champ?
>purple SNES buttons
You imply this is somehow a bad thing?
>real human being
what is a real human being to you?
you have to let it go
trust me on this one
A normie.
but user, all your friends and social life are here
what are you talking about?
in the future, just so you know, you can test by solving the captcha, then not entering any text & clicking the post button
all the other checks for things like range ip block, normal single ip bans, Sup Forums pass bans, or just posting being down are BEFORE the no text entered check
so yeah, its a way to stealth-check
post with no text in the box
just a tip
Why is it that normies have such an easy time with life, while for me everyday is struggle?
Everyday activities like social interaction are no problem for them, but for me it takes a great deal of effort no matter how much I've done it. Even basic tasks like preparing food or hygiene take more energy. I know I'm not stupid, because my grades in college were very good, so what is it?
is Sup Forums just r9k in european hours?
You're on Sup Forums, it's r9k everywhere.
>because my grades in college
>was able to do college
you're a normie, you're just a whiny lazy normie
trust me, many people here didn't go forward with college because normal school was a nightmare
thank you american bro
post more details
1 post by this ID
fucking sage
yeah sage this thread because the board is so fucking active at this time, right?
i mean we gotta have room for the flood of very important threads going on right now at this fucking time of day
Sadly, it's true.
I never will.
Breaking : Felons!
Islam by the numbers
The documentary the Clintons don't want you to see.
Unaired Illuminati Kidnapping Children
Don't care.
Unless you're playing SFC and not that gross PAL SNES you can GTFO too.
>dude just be normal
Sup Forums was always a place for the wretched and outcast. You probably weren't even here when there were guro boards.
Just got my first fuck tonight boys. We're all going to make it.
it's active enough
start a thread yourself
>not being able to masquerade as a normie in public