Catholics protesting against demolition of the church gets beaten by police

Is this how it ends?

what a time to be alive

>yfw you're a christian in a muslim country ruled by jews

I was looking to off myself in a month but im really interested in how far shit like this will go


catholics barely qualify as human so who cares

additional information: Ulster is British

>Right wingers furious about this
>They find out the land was bought by McDonalds and suddenly they agree that the priest should be thoroughly beaten for standing in the way of the market.

Where will he rape little boys now

You have so much to live for though.
Don't you want to see it all burn?

Shouldn't the anger be focused on the Association of Catholic and Apostolic Chapels which sold the land for more than 3mill?

>tfw you will never see the church stand up for itself or Europeans and declared New Crusades

Why live

Are you stuck in the 00s bro? Lefties are now the ones who love neoliberalism destroying local culture.

>niggers and muslims rioting and destroying shit in street
>french cucks stand there and do nothing
>priest protests church being torn down
>french cucks beat him and probably build a mosque

french deserve what will come next

That happened here in CA. Mission Santa Maria was torn down to make way for a larger 101 offramp and a Chuck E Cheese. It was about ~200 years old when it was demolished in '85. The spics rioted and burned a police car but were put back into line.

Yeah but cant the fuckers speed it up a bit?

why are they demolishing the churches???

And they are going to build a mosque in it's place?

The Catholic Church association sold it to a developer. Supposedly to build a parking lot.

what the hell? this is insane

I saw a video of a church being demolished the other day and the church was so beautiful

>french cucks stand there and do nothing

Do you know how many people and how much time we spent preventing them from destroying this church ? How many people were beaten and insulted because of it ? Now it has been three years it should have been destroyed and thousands of people continue trying to save it. You heard about this French church precisely because we oppose a huge resistance to its destruction and because our authorities have no respect for religion.
Fuck you.

in the meantime they are building mosques somewhere arent they?

Prebit cu te

In France, we kill priests and destroy churches.

Why? Because it's 2016, dhu!

Unless it becomes a world heritage site, it seems that any church is fair game now. Sad because they really are monuments to the greatness that was Europe.

Good. The Jacobin impulse is alive and well. Long live laïcité!

thanks to mudslimes, catholics woke up.
thanks to them, secularism strengthen himself.
it's fine.

I am a Christian living in a Muslim country run by Muslims :3

I am NOT brown

>pic shows my hand

That's one feminine finger.

fuck the c*ristcucks

Who want to destroy that church?

demolish churches, build mosques. don't they do that in muslim countries? ...oh

Well...what can I say :3

It is rather......amusing that Christianity slowly finds herself in a hostile world once more, just like our early brethren.

And as with then, we will stay and fight till the bitter end

>mfw some politics were part of the protest while wearing the ribbon of the republic.

alt-right has rejected lolbertarianism and corporatism

dont do it man. If you do, make a statement first, but dont kill any innocent plz

Kek....even the Muslims here don't do this

>demolition of a church

How the fuck is this even possible?

Blaming Christians for what liberals did to the country.
i thought asians were smart.

Catholics themselves sold the church to a promoter and were okay with it being destroyed

Deus vult.

Crusade :3

>French so pissed off about Muslims they're booing their own PM at a funeral
>Hey I know, lets destroy a couple thousand churches, that will make people calm down!

French civil war soon lmao

>pauliina remes

>because our authorities have no respect for religion.
No respect for European religion*

10 million white people die


U are all dumb lmfao


Author is Suomi?

>Pauliina Remes
She teaches at Helsinki University

Is she a cute?

hell no

Uggghhh...I don't feel like finishing the book all of a sudden