Any Masons here?
How can I join and will I be enlightened?
Any Masons here?
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Only way you can join is getting invited
My great grandfather was a high ranked Mason. I want to join but it's my understanding you have to be invited.
are you a jew?
For "enlightenment" you shall never join any cult or accept any intermediaries.
is this why space agencies and star trek use vector symbols in their logos?
Cut off a ram's head and take it to the nearest temple. When they open the door, roll the head through their lobby and demand a membership. That way they know you have the stomach to make it when shit gets really weird.
I hate to break it to you user but the masons is just an old people club who occasionally volunteer. Nothing really that special
No. The spire or pike is a symbol of aggression or competitiveness.
this, anyone can talk the talk but only a few have the stomach to walk the walk
It's a club a bunch of old fuck go to so they can escape from their wives and families for a few hours just to sit around and drink beer, smoke, and watch sports while pretending to be doing something secretive.
It's like a middle aged man version of a frat house
Masons are forbidden from recruiting.
I want the red-pill on free masonry
Give it to me
So I need to know a Mason?
How do I find one?
Isn't that from the Rotschild dinner designed by Salvador Dali?
Then how do they get funded? The clubs never talk to each other?
Just go down to your local lodge and prepare to be disappointed.
There is a temple near my house. I thought it was like the elk's lodge, but for plumbers and masons.
oP are you an aspiring plumber?
>How do I find one?
Be old and rich
>be america
>principles founded by open members of freemasonry
>capitol literally laid out in masonic symbolism
>be american
>think freemasons are bad
The irony is so rich.
How can you call yourself an American if you are not a Freemason?
You can literally submit an application for the Great Lodge of Slovakia, then brothers will visit you for an interview. I think it works the same way everywhere.
>no racists
>no fascists
>no homophobes
Do you want to spread LGBT agenda?
>Wanting to literally join the Jewish Illuminati
>Do you want to spread LGBT agenda?
I don't mind as long as they teach me the secret hand shake.
You can't join, you are born into it through a bloodline. Sorry.
For real anyone here know how to become one?
No shitposting pls.
Also redpill us on Freemasons, user bros. I feel like this could be a cool thread.
You talk to one. You get a recommendation. There's a (Spaghetti) dinner. Then there's a ritual.
How do I find one?
Is there a forum somewhere?
There's at least 2-3 lodges near my area, I'm kind of freaked out about going in and talking to them. I assume I'd get kicked out.
Reminder: Catholicism will excommunicate your cult ass.
Meme cult.
Fuck you if I lived near a lodge you'd see me right the fuck there.
Pussy. Go there if you want info on Freemasonry. Go there or don't bother ''appearing'' interested only on the surface.
I envy you a great deal for living near a lodge while also resenting you for not going there.
My grandfather was a master mason! Also a high ranking air force official and owner of a country club.
I always wonder what he knew.
Is mysticism only there to fuck with peoples minds?
Can I be a Cristian and freemason?
Will becoming a freemason fuck with my Christianity?
What is it anyway? My knowledge is 0
Since the dawn of time, yes.
This is according to master mason manly palmer hall and also, stories of the mindset of my master mason grandfather.
Man is outfitted to deal with what he can measure.
Once you introduce an unknown element or enemy, if you get him to believe in it, well they are inherently defenseless against it. You see it time and time again. Relgion/ritual/magic used to SCARE people into submission, buuuut you never actually see anything.
Bullshit on all count, you don't go around with those fake ass poser rings in public.
>t. rosicrucian
You have to believe in a higher power to be a mason. So yes you can be a christian.
Whether or not your belief in a higher power becomea corrupted after that? I have no idea.
I do know that many master masons will claim that the abrahamic god is actually evil though and that lucifer is the true god.
I'm already in the best club because I'm with all of you.
Lol no shit. I just took a pic with it. Its normally stored away. Id share a pic of his 32 degree certificate but dont want to show any names/signatures.
Probably didn't know shit, just had good business connections with his butt buddies.
And you're probably right. Thats my opinion of it all. Its mainly for the network of professional connections.
>You have to believe in a higher power to be a mason.
Get the fuck out, and never come back.
You have to be either very rich or very useful to become one.
Watch it.
Write a letter of interest to a local lodge.
> (OP)
>>no racists
>>no fascists
>>no homophobes
Wow, what a bunch of fags.
On what basis, fuck boy? That's common knowledge. Provide information otherwise or shut the fuck up with your childish interjections.
Its literally the opposite you have to ask one. They make a big deal out of this.
Its mostly a drinking club for lonely old men. However if you are wealthy or well connected you can find your way into the more exclusive ones although Ive only read about them being in Europe
This. Have a friend that told me some crazy shit about the the history and on goings. Not sure if I believe it but it was interesting none the less.
On the basis that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>Provide information
Watch it, fuck boy.
Master Mason is one only the 3rd rank, its not very special - even brevik managed to reach that level.
Nah its just a teaching tool in the same way that allegory and symbolism is. Its one of the reasons why its so common.
Pretty much this. I used to work with one and the only thing they do is help each other
Well, he was atleast this.
The Masonic Roundtable is a weekly panel of Masons from around the United States who discuss the latest and greatest in Masonic news, events, scholarship, and happenings.
Oh thats side body of the Masons and yeah that goes beyond master mason.
Adding to that a master mason is refereed to as the third degree whilst that would make him closer to the 33rd/highest
Contact local grand lodge
Ask for membership form
It's that easy
Been a mason for 10years
No such thing
I'm 39 and have been a mason for 10years
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Pretty much this
Except it's mostly meetings about who is going to mow the lawn next
Email the Grand lodge of your state
Ask for a membership form
You don't have to know one. You can go through the members assist commitee
You see that bug building? Yeah that's a fucking Mason lodge in my city. These people hold much more power than the fucking fags here on pol claim to have. That lodge over looks my city and is the biggest building in it to. City of Alexandria, right next to d.c
Master mason is the only "rank" that matters
All other 33deg stuff are appendages and mean nothing
are you guys just rogue shills having fun? lol
Bug building? They need to do something about that..
Yes, indeed you do. It is part of the creed.
t.southerner who lives within 7 miles of 5 lodges.
There are a shitload of masons here, and believing in God is a requirement... just like the Boy Scouts.
>Its literally the opposite you have to ask one.
>Its mostly a drinking club for lonely old men.
sort of, it's an ancient African tradition, supposedly the rituals were created before the humans were
You can be enlightenment whitaud joining them
But enligmentm is not what you think it is
There was a fool who read somewhere that knowledge was the best treasure
He finds a djinn and the demon tell him what he ask
He say he wants wisdom and knowlege.
The djinn says done
The fool open his eyes and the first wise ting who says is
-I should have chosen money instead.
I'm thinking of joining as being a mason would me my mate and myself become the kings of Kafiristan
Ask, and maybe, but it's more of a matter of being willing and able to learn.
>>no racists
>>no fascists
>>no homophobes
If that were the case, there would be no Lodges left.
>it's an ancient African tradition
The fuck are you on, nigga?
>even brevik managed to reach that level.
and other have reached the highest level (honorary) without partaking of any of the rituals
it's also been known that if you learn the secrets of further degrees you will be initiated to that you are pledged to not reveal those secrets
>and other have reached the highest level (honorary) without partaking of any of the rituals
They don't actually recieve the degrees. Like with Hall, he was given 33rd as an honour. He wasn't a Mason until he joined twenty years later.
Manly P Hall is a beast, to anyone interested I highly reccommend of his "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" covers everything from the mystery schools to Islam to alchemy to the qabbalah, its a must have.
>and believing in God is a requirement
The founding father would be rolling in their fucking graves.
It was a requirement for them too. Hell, Christianity was required for them.
and what do you do each month?
Whats been the highlight?
My grandfather was a mason.. never spoke of it.
Freemasons are literally a Christian club, fuck off retard. You have nothing to fear unless you're not a true Christian, like a Catholic.
>Any Masons here?
>How can I join and will I be enlightened?
Matthew 7:7 - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Do I have to be rich?
How do I prepare if they call me in?
Also will they do research on me?
I'm kind of scared.
I had the opportunity: 33rd degree mason I know set it all up for me, but I ended up declining. The notion of the secret oath, and not being able to tell outsiders the truth turned me off. Though, I have been reconsidering as of late.
Just look up the lesson taught to masons at the 3rd degree-- it's a powerful lesson on fidelity, and the certainty of death..
WTF those guys literally look like leddit neckbeards.
I wanna be like Thomas Jefferson, not these faggots.
I feel warm now, love you too user.
What state, bro?
They can be painfully unfunny, but they're incredibly erudite.
>Reminder: Catholicism will excommunicate your cult ass.
Thats for communism and helping the comunism not masonry
>and believing in God is a requirement...
what god? Because if any god is ok, this rule is really stupid
It's any faith in a supreme being. Why would that be stupid?
British humor is so dry, it kills me lol
That's just Free Masonry in the US in a nutshell.
It was far too popular there turning it into a shit show decades ago.
You need to believe in a divine creator of some sorts.
send an email to your local chapter. I make my first introductions tuesday.
Got my fellowcraft initiation.
It certainly is a peculiar system of morality
Say hi to the goat for me! You might not want to sit at the computer for awhile...
>The fuck are you on, nigga?
elusinian mysteries? pythagoras the fucking rite tells you where it came from, asian and african priests
2nd degree is best degree. Remember to focus on the Seven Liberal Arts & Sciences. Spoilers: They encompass everything.
You're welcome
There are so many THEREFORE jumping to conclusions.
I would like to believe but they're going way over their heads here.
its because masons died out long ago. the church actually had them all killed for heresy
what we have now days is founded by AA (alcoholics anonymous) they also require you believe in a higher power which being sentenced to AA meetings is a violation of freedom of religion if you are a atheist and are court ordered to go because of DUI's