>it just makes you the devil for raping, and stealing. europeans are nothing but thieve ass criminal. vultures of our cultures. we created rock n roll, you steal it and put elvis face on it, just as jazz, blues which you call country now trying to steal hiphop with your beastie boys and eminems and vanilla ice's. you people been on our nutz waiting for a black creation/culture to steal and call it yours. the bible, egypt,etc. no style cause your europeans have no soul. narcassis race. your aliens on earth thats why you burn in earths sun. a virus sent to earth to destroy it with disease, terror,gmo's, vaccines, wmd's. your only superior to other whites.
How many times have you seen this exact argument
I'm sure that even muslims would want to associate their faith with a special snowflake, pansy ass looking boy. Why do these kiddos always have to sound so pretentious by making up awkwardly long introductions about themselves.
This is what happens when you tell a generation of white Western kids that they are bad just for being white
When is the West going to wake up?
degeneracy at its finest
>Muslim convert
Even shitskins wouldn't want to associate with this faggot.
Looks like a reptilian senpai
Sup Forums cucks remind me of anti gay and anti trans people in the 20th century. Funny how you guys talk about intolernace, but are intolerant yourselves. No matter how odd this guys seems.
>grey asexual
if grey anything he looks like a grey alien
If people like this are the future...
>Word pasta.
Answer these types with the shortest possible sentences. No explanations. The truth doesnt need explaining.
"I am a MAN. You are insecure words."
Is sex amorphism a thing for bears and dogs or just people?
Most people who are adamantly pro-Palestine are the biggest faggots you can possibly imagine.
They would stone his ass to death in Palestine. Why don't gay people understand Islam is not their friend?
>Grey asexual
>Adding ten more letters on the shit "LGBT" designation
what does all that crap even mean?
non binary? does the cunt think he's a laptop or something?
This reads like a post a younger me would make to fuck with a friend of mine.
If this is real then wew lad.
it's the 2016 version of posting that you're an otherkin back in 2004
Why do straight people think gays are capable of making good decisions
Fuck you bigot
>does the cunt think he's a laptop
>Psychology student
Surprise surprise