Should extreme grinding in games be illegalised?

People are far too easily manipulated into putting in huge amounts of work for something tiny when it comes to video games.

While the libertarian point of view would be "gaming companies can do what they want, it's the fault of the consumer", including extreme grinds in games and taking no responsibility for ruining lives is like selling helium canisters piped to face masks and acting blameless whenever anyone kills themself with your single-purpose product.

An "anti-grinding" law would be such that there should not be any kind of major goal or unlockable item in the game that takes more than a given amount of time to get using optimal methods.
"optimal methods" do not include paying money, if it is possible to achieve this goal or get the item for free.

Go to bed


hope its copy pasta otherwise you just wasted time

The most succesful games at the moment league, dota, have very little grinding in them.

> government
> making laws for vidya

2000s is calling.

>copy pasta
>on a mexican food board

SJW taken to the next extreme

Your suggestion is really dumb but it's super pathetic that for some people it's a point of pride to waste the most time in a game.

haha good one m8

And yet that won't change that there are thousands, if not millions of people letting their lives revolve around MMO grinding.

This idea does seem consistent with the modern trend of taking something that is not causing anyone any problems, and that no one in their right mind would ever have thought to call a problem had someone not explicitly gone out of their way to make it a problem, and turning it into a problem that needs to be addressed by everyone. My advice: start a hashtag, see what happens.

Who cares, playing video games is haram.

South Koreans and Japs would actually have something to do than grind in their K/JRPGs, forcing them to go outside. WoW gold grinders would disappear as well.
Are you mad?

I love grinding.
Fuck off casual.

Sup Forums should be illegal

Isn't life just one long grind towards the end?

>practising in games should be illegal

Do not go to the gym.
Do not enjoy a hobby.
Do not learn a new skill.

Do nothing in real life and see how far it will take you.
If gamers used the same conviction for grinding in games to real life...jesus. Cuck, numale, basement dweller... those wouldn't be terms.
>grinding axes for days on end
>in a game

That's real shit. You can actually do that and impress somebody.

>very little grinding
uhhhhhhh you listed the two most grindy games out there dude
people that play grind for raiting, not casuals that are bad at games made for children like you


If we made video game grind Illegal I think the entire country of Korea would commit collective suicide

It's not causing anyone who grinds any problems (Except for parents who are probably somewhat depressed by their child being a hopeless failure in life), but such a law would be the equivalent of "please do not sell toys that are covered in sharp knives". Sure, whoever buys it is responsible for not cutting themself, but selling it in the first place is purely malevolent since it does no one any good anyd people wouldn't be hurting themselves as much without it.

It's depressing for many of them, and it's depressing to watch.

One of my best friend has 150 DAYS of playtime on dita 2

Have you suggested they seek help?

I guess I don't really know that much about it, I don't really play that many modern games, and nothing online. My notion of "grinding" is spending an hour or two leveling up your characters fighting random battles in a game like Final Fantasy to beat a boss or something. If after doing all that I still can't beat the boss I generally put the game away and do something else, or maybe start looking up walkthroughs online to see what I'm doing wrong. Maybe in an MMO type game it becomes more of an obsession, I don't know. Either way I think people are responsible for managing their own time, if they want to spend it obsessively playing a video game that's their business I think.

I don't think they should do that. What I think we should do is force game companies who have any kind of of rng drop for an item have a percentage chance. It gives people an idea what kind of chance they have and the amount of time spent.

Will that change anything?
Even when drop chances are well documented (which they usually are), the grinding still happens.

Yeah, but once that is in place that's up to you to decide if you want to do it. I'm also not talking just mmos I'm talking gambling like csgo crates and shit.

Ah, gambling should be given definite odds.