Should Japan accept more Muslim immigrants?

I think they should. It is the only country in the world that has somehow avoided mass muslamic immigration. If Japan is to be taken seriously by the international community in this day and age, they should stop this racism and xenophobia and embrace the peaceful culture of Islam

Other urls found in this thread: prize scientists who support immigration

what the fuck do you get out of this?

They will in 2050.

Fuck off Sven

Cultural enrichment is good for economic growth. Many nobel prize economists and scientists agree.

0 is too many.

I think Israel should accept more muslim immigrants.

After all they created all the mess, stole Palestine and are close to all the conflict zones.
They literally have zero arguments to not accept rapefugees.

Jewish people agree and their opinion is pure shit in this case.

There's a fair number of Malays, Indonesians and Turks in Tokyo. They're pretty harmless. Though I'm sure Western Europe said that when they were 0.005% of the population too.

Many nobel prize economists and scientists have proved scientifically that immigration and cultural enrichment is good for long term economic growth. I hope Sup Forums is not anti science?

based japan

you should use your ethnocentric superpowers for good and to preserve the essence of western civilization

literally /no/ country /should/ accept more immigrants on any sort of moral-bullying basis

why isnt Israel taking any muslim refugees when their the closest westernized country? Are jews just a bunch of racist nazis?

Fucking shit-tier bait Sweden.

Yes, sweden!

Please die.

Oh, and by the way South Korea is even more homogenous than Japan so go after them first.

Name them.

Depopulation can't come fast enough

Slaughter the world

Many scientists also proved Asbesthos and Fluoride was healthy, then it was found it, it damages your organs, lowers IQ and gives you bone cancer.

Literally fuck this shit bait.

thats obviously not a map book you can see the cover


maybe you should get more muslim immigrants prize scientists who support immigration

There is really only one outcome possible with Islam. Either it attains world domination and our species decides to live in a society stuck in the world of that 1500 years ago, or it is relegated to the same regard as paganism today. Or we just destroy humanity altogether.

Seeing as how it's the fastest growing religion and western leaders are focused on importing it, we are fucked.

There's a perfectly agreeable immigration policy in Japan. You must have either a degree or 3 years' experience in your field and have a Japanese company sponsor you to work here for around minimum wage. So if you can offer something unique to Japanese companies and they want to sponsor your visa, you can immigrate with ease.

The onus is on the immigrant to show they can contribute to society, and secure a job here. I don't think that's so absurd.

Should Sweden kill itself and take all the liberal idiots with it?
HINT: Yes it should!

Hahaha whats up sweden you full of them
not enough houses for them all
taken to many and just looking to unload a few

>pssst hey over here, yeah you Japan
>looking for a imigrants
>I got these fresh this morning isis and everything
>what no men or ecomonic mirgrants only families
>well im not one to judge but if you dont like getting raped any blown up thats your thing
>kinda gay tho

Sorry, we're full.

>its a schizophrenic posts on Sup Forums episode

This is still too restrictive. Many talented muslamic immigrants who could all potentially be the next Steve Jobs are being denied the chance unfairly by Japanese government interference and immigration quotas. This is injustice. Japan is denying itself decades of economic growth for the sake of preserving their outdated xenophobic culture

there's no ''original sin'' for japs to put up with refugee bullshit. one molestation and borders would be closed forever.

Fuck the race war, I kinda just want everyone to start nuking each other. This world is gay and I just want to patrol the Mojave.

Swedish Proxy: the movie - the post

>scientists and engineers
not human filth

You don't realize how impossible that is, do you?

Japanese even discriminate against 1-generation abroad Zipangjese returnees, and actively tried to deport them.

Allahu Akbar!

The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.

Stop America's doing its all wars now!

I love American99% and the U.S.

Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, top1%, Wall-Street, American-Military-Industry and DOD!

Allahu Akbar!


Ah well, Japan's loss is Sweden's gain, lucky you.

Jesus Christ, just because you enjoy swimming in a pool of filth does not mean everyone else does.


>mfw not a single mosque, Muslim, or dindu in my entire city of 160,000

>t. Abdul Somali

What happens when you mix two cultures and people's with different ideologies, languages, customs, and laws?

Be realistic.

Japan is probably the best country in the world right now, no thanks to cultural enrichment.

No thanks kike shill

Once Japanese classify as white, they'll be required to become extinct


Dont ever change Japan. I'm not even Japanese or a weabo but I'd hate to see a good strong people get ruined by foreigners and "diversity". I have the utmost respect for Japan. God bless my slanty-eyed nip friend

I agree. Japan is doing well.

Try me faggot see what happens


(I actually heard Japanese learn my own language of Hungarian better than to be able to speak coherent English.)

>Should Japan accept more Muslim immigrants?
if only so that the odd one my star in one of them weirdo pornos they make there

Is that clockboy on the far right?

Remember when the most Swedish guy in Sweden was a fucking Bosnian?

>nobel prize
>not just a jewish reward for embracing multiculturism and cuckoldry

Did Obongo deserve a nobel prize for peace?
Fuck your bait.

Every country should accept more Muslim refugees. It's the only way to end terrorism


Fuck off leaf

Weird, college radicals here are usually weaboo

slight chuckle

>Jews well known for doing nothing other than crying about how oppressed they are
>Most NPP winners from any group of people

I don't know why people still think it means anything. Hell, I'm not even sure why anyone thinks any award still has the meaning it did, all they are now is trinkets that get handed out based on oppression points. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones absolutely sweep the next Oscars.

Such a shame, too. Nobel prize used to mean something like 50 years ago.

(((nobel prize)))

27 refugees were accepted last year.
Doesn't that already qualify as "mass immigration"?

what anime is this?

It really is. It's just like when everyone tries to take Pulitzer Prize tier photos now because past images were deemed "powerful", now there an unfunny joke. Like that nog being likened to the Tiananmen Square photo, it's not just embarrassing it's fucking insulting.

Australia is trying out his new proxy I see

I know that you are trolling but seriously people might think you're fucking serious. If not, why would you want muslims in Japan?

Oh ok now i get it

id rather not have any economic growth, than future racial and cultural tensions.

How surprising ?

Based Samurai

>people might think you're fucking serious

This is dangerous. Remember what happened with ironic trap posting and ironic MLP posting?

If you don't have a red dot on your flag, you don't get to say what Japan does.

Fuck off, you failed viking.

Shut up, Ahmed.

Yes. It's well know there's too little sex going on in Japan. They've accepted like 20 muslim refugees, and two of them already raped a Japanese woman. More refugees is the key to getting the Japanese to have sex again.

What a wonderful idea, think you should come to Japan so can treat you the full sakakibara, you will like it as it is very similar to the Islamic traditions in your country

How do Japanese feel about white Europeans working and living in Japan? Are they welcome?

At this point, it looks like Japanese is going to be the last (honorary) white country left.

>It is the only country in the world that has somehow avoided mass muslamic immigration
I'm still here, cunt.



How about NO.

Reality proves immigration from vastly different cultures and low IQ people creates a Hell from Paradise.

Waitu piggu go homu