"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. Because they knew death was better than bondage."

"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. Because they knew death was better than bondage."

-Killmonger from Black Panther

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Should I see this movie?

>implying they were that brave
they unironically thought they could go back by swimming those retards

it's a 6.5/10
i mean, among superhero films it's pretty good. probably a top 5 superhero film

pretty good, the guy in the OP ends up showcasing why black extremists are wrong and that's a big focus in the movie

He is niggarior, niggelite

And niggreat king

hate most comic book movies but this one was one of the better ones
slightly worse than the first Iron Man

Fuck off
Every MCU movie is some sort of variation of Ant-Man
This one was Ant-Man but with black people.
The only reason they pretended like it was going to make deep social commentary in the middle about muh systematic oppression and extremism was because they knew the black masses would eat that shit up.
Please kill yourselves and take geek culture with you.

So deep
I am touched
True cinematography

He’s pretty hot

>my ancestors that jumped from the ships
Isn't he from Wakanda, the hidden African utopia? How were his ancestors on the ships and he from Wakanda, not the Americas?

i imagine that scene to be cringeworthy as fuck, the lines are overwritten as fuck and i cant imagine that nigger saying them in believable way

It's actually a really good movie, but Sup Forumstards have a seething hatred for it just because of politics. If you ignore the whole slavery bullshit, it's a good story.

>hurr durr all blackz are oppressed
It's virtually impossible for this movie to come off as more patronizing

If you want to see nigger trash, sure

>Every MCU movie is some sort of variation of Ant-Man

>How were his ancestors on the ships and he from Wakanda, not the Americas?
Somehow, the colour of their skin makes them brothers or something.


>to be fair, you need to have a VERY high IQ to understand conveyor-belt capeshit

>anti wh*Te radical
the problem with pardos is that they are not black either, you guys are lost in the middle

wtf I don't wanna see Black Panther now

Yes it's one of the better superhero movies out there and the politics they take on are quite surprising

His father hooked up with a african American so he probably did have some slave ancestors

Good but overrated movie

Well, given they'd be chained onboard, death it is.

Yes, preferably with your gf


>there are any bones left


>Please kill yourselves and take geek culture with you.
for once it's not even only about hating niggers, they could even make a capeshit movie featuring a neo-nazi superhero who saves germany and i still would't even bother to go see it either, those movies are fucking trash

/Poltards BTFO

They should make an effort to turn Africa into this wonderland from this film that I keep hearing about. Come on lads, Mother Africa awaits!

>watching black cracKKKa

Do not speak to me or Idris Elba ever again


The ones that jumped off the ship and ended their genetic line aren't anybodies ancestors retard

>Its not like they had kids beforehand

niggers are so fucking pathetic, jesus

I actually want to watch it now, and I ain't into capeshit.

in wakanda, BLACKS lost their virginity at the age of 6, retard.

just cause you some pencil necked, 40 year old virgin nasty ass pale wh*Te boi doesn't mean everyone else was.

Who'd buy a kid slave to work they wouldn't have made it to America

How the fuck am I a Sup Forumstard, stupid?

Damned if I know how you make your life choices


Killmonger was American

how did those niggers who were chained to the deck manage to jump from the ship into the coean?

I doubt every single slave on every single ship was chained

>This is a nation that is highly developed, and they are so because they didn't get interrupted by or assaulted by colonialism. - Lupita Nyong'o

This is the kind of thing the film has spawned. Absolute mongoloids.

Go and see true British kino instead - Paddington 2.

Slavery never happened, it's literally a nigger conspiracy theory


its capetrash

>capeshit movie featuring a neo-nazi superhero

kek wait does it actually exist ? what is this ?

It's unironicly the best capeshit marvel trash movie at least recently
It's funny how the zeitgeist of the era is moving so far right
Even this movie is like a (black) conservative wet dream

>Women superheros
Even more unrealistic than a darkie being heroic

I haven't seen it but its some kind of parallel universe thing

>tfw no melissa benoist nazi gf

>ancestors that jumped from ships

I don't think you can make little American slave babies if you're at the bottom of the ocean

>super hero

It's easier to suspend my disbelief at super powers than it is for niggers or women to be heroes

All blacks steal bikes and all women kill babies with abortions. They can't be heroes.

didnt you american shitskins make this movie famous?
you are such retarded mongrels

>Watch movie about a utopia in Africa
>"We need to WAKE UP people, let's take over this country that's not in Africa, that place is a shithole lmao"

Anything to get them off my damn islands.

well here at least in france we have culture, this is why black panther is doing average and this is the #1 movie here right now

>those movies are fucking trash
That is anglo movies in general

The tried to do that in Liberia. The African American diaspora, some of who were ex slaves oppressed the shit out of the local native Africans. 15,000 American niggers literally seized all political control in the country and did worse to the bush people than we did to the natives with residential schools. Americo-Liberians envisioned creating a western-style state to which the tribesmen should assimilate.

Only of course they fucked it all up and they became an extremely violent and oppressive fifth column for over a 195 years.

>Americo-Liberians envisioned creating a western-style state to which the tribesmen should assimilate.
we taught them well, i am almost proud of my niggers for once

>some of who were ex slaves oppressed the shit out of the local native Africans.
Ironic. I'm not saying that they should do it, but if it where to happen today, I think things would go differently.
Given all this social justice and whatnot.

It turned out like you expect though. They have cannibal warlords today of American slave and ex slave ancestry. Not exaggerating.

If his ancestors died while jumping from the ships, how he can be alive ?

Not direct ancestors or they had children before jumping off the ship?

>negroes are using a fictional capeshit nation created by jews as a source of pride

Malcolm X suggested starting a Wakanda back in the late 50's and 60's. He went to Africa four times and then just gave up and said Fuck this place. He realized how reliant he was on western comforts and how he and his larpers were extremely westernized and how fucking scary Africa was back then.


Tb qh
It's a pretty redpill movie

les tuches en amérique was a chef-d'oeuvre, honestly

>I like to watch action super hero movies because it has explosions and fight scenes and stuff

This and, you can't blame him. But desu, as much shit as I give them, it's a shame to see them like this. They shouldn't turn into a copy of us, but some civilisation needs to flourish there.


Chapter 17 through 19 I think. He goes from wanting a commie style revolution like Cuba and China in Africa, to getting his dick sucked by "Morrocan intellectuals who stand with him spiritually" to saying "Fuck Africa. America is ours"

Her DNA is 30% slave owner

>conveyor-belt capeshit
>started with Ant-Man
are you 10 years old

absolute dogshit imo
made for simpletons by simpletons


He was son of a spying wakandan prince though, his ancestors were never slaves. In fact his ancestors were royalty in a hidden superpower that ignored to suffering of the rest of africa.

ancestors go on both sides (paternal and maternal)
why is this so hard to understand to anglos?

His mother was an American dunce.

>Black hero gets his powers from ingesting a bit of Purple

Do you like capeshit?


>Every MCU movie is some sort of variation of Ant-Man
You mean Iron Man

>the problem with pardos is that they are not black either,
Neither are "African" Americans. Amerimutt meme applies to all Americans not just "white" ones.

What do french think about this remake?

No I mean Ant-Man
The first Iron Man was Ant-Man but with rich businessmen
Ant-Man may have come out later but it's much more generic and a much better example of rehashed production-line garbage
But let's say that I DID mean Iron Man
In which case:
>superhero movies is serious business! Get the name right, dumbass!

you must be the soul of parties


I found this funnier than I should have.

Don't you dare use that word with an American ever again, motherfucker


He realized his ancestors were the ones who didn't throw themselves off the boat right?

to be honest the writer is the one that didn't realize