This is why we don't start colonization of Mars

>OTRAG was the first commercial developer and producer of space launch vehicles.
>The OTRAG Rocket claimed to present an inexpensive alternative to existing launch systems through mass-production of Common Rocket Propulsion Units (CRPU).
>The German minister of foreign affairs at that time, Hans Dietrich Genscher, is said to have finally stopped the project under pressure from France and the Soviet Union[citation needed], and West Germany joined the co-financed "European rocket" Ariane project, which made the OTRAG project unnecessary and eliminated political entanglements of a still divided Germany in the early 1980s.
>NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services announcement stipulates a 50% US National ownership in vendor companies like von Braun Debus Kayser Rocket Science LLC, DE (BDKRS). This would force Kayser, a German citizen, to sell at least 50% of his shares to Americans.

If the idea had any merit Russia would have adopted it as a means of replacing Soyuz. Why make a complicated rocket when you can make an assembly line? If Russia is not interested in it then it had no chance.

Nice asslicking, but I'm germanboo.

I'm serious. The whole point of OTRAG is to simplify production lines and equipment which is something the SU had a hard on for. If they didn't bother with it, then it clearly had no merit.

Same is true for RF. If it was cost effective Roscosmos would do it.

starting colonisation of another planet is against narrative. any suggested possible narrative. it even fucks up the tinfoil conspiracies because they can't control two planets.

even if you don't believe any of the conspiracies, the US doesn't have a monopoly on space, but after hijacking iraq, ukraine and syria's gold it's slowly gaining a larger proportion of the above ground gold supply. the war for the planet's resources has been going since gulf war 1.

The question is not about effectiveness.
The qustion is that, why USSR, USA and France all together were against West German rockets.

>the Eternal anglo trying to blame his own child

The USSR also denied evolution by natural selectionfor decades, calling it a capitakist conspiracy. Wouldn't put it past them to try to shut it down for propaganda purposes

>I'm Germanboo.
No wonder you're such a cunt. Why are you talking about other rockets when you should be prepping Mohammed's big long rocket?
Cock-sucking faggot.

Dont mind the old man, hes senile and spends most of his time reliving his glory days of back when he was still a superpower.

Terrorist "rocket attacks" just got a whole lot more erotic.

>irrelevant part of Australia
opinion discarded

the question is effectiveness as that's the only thing that really matters. If OTRAG could have worked the SU or Russia would have used it

Just like you discarded Mohammed's dirty juices from your anus you filthy fucking creature hahahaha.

Serious question though, what is up your fucking ass (besides Muslim cock)?

>if food producing could have worked, the SU would have used it

be careful with that edges, don't hurt yourself, boy.

It has everything to do with fact that Soviet military at that point already had what it wanted. Reliable ICBM's, reliable delivery systems for smaller satellites (R-7 family) and reliable heavy lift system (Proton family). To get Soviet Union interested you needed their military to back it.

Also shutting it down was all about limiting spread of missile technology as OTRAG started to find other financers like Libya to their endeavor.

>The qustion is that, why USSR, USA and France all together were against West German rockets.

To reduce spread of missile technology third countries and lost clients for their rockets.

Don't choke yourself to death on Achmed's semen (your other bull).

that's what the SU did, at least after Stalin died

ETERNAL FROG and ETERNAL SLAV are so keen in keeping the noble ARYAN down, they rather prevent the ascension of mankind than letting Germany have any superior technology.

but slavs like bulgarians, croats and others were noble allies of Germany.