Male bitch tits

How do we cope with bitch tits as a male

Change ya name to Robert Paulson

cut out sugared drinks

Work out more

Go jogging, fatass.

Lay off the pie, fat boy.

Lose weight. If they still be there: surgery.

some people are super unlucky and will have man boobs even as a skinny

surgery is the only way

chances are you are just fat though

You should probably kill yourself.

Just transition

Increase testosterone, decrease estregen

remove bitch tits

Remove estrogen from diet and environment

Stay healthy and pray you don't have gynecomastia.

Pics or gtfo.

1. Do cardio
2. Do lifting
3. Stop eating as many saturated fats
4. Stop consuming as many xenoestrogens (through food, drink, chemicals, cosmetics)

BAM, no man boobs anymore

Exercise and shitting your pants.

You need to get on estrogen blockers bro. That's called gyno and it isn't normal for a man

Eat less, work out you slob.
Protip, work on your flabby floppy ugly parts of your body, in the case of moobs push ups. You'll still have them but transformed into cliffs of masculine muscle mass. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, THE CREAM WILL RISE TO THE TOP, OH YEAH!

theres bitch tits which is being a fat fuck
then theres gyno which is being a hormonal disaster
bitch tits needs to excersize
gyno needs surgery and possible hormone adjustments
if you have insurance you can go to the dr. and lie and say your gyno aches and hurts or whatever. you might be sent for embarrassing mammograms and shit but the insurance is more likely to cover it.
insurance doesnt like to cover things that are purely "cosmetic" despite the fact it destroys the lives that are unfortunate enough to have gyno

You know how female bodybuilders completely destroy their tits and replace them with muscle, even though their genetics gave them tits to begin with? It'll work the same with you, only as a male, it'll be easier. Just build up your pecs (do pushups basically)

>count calories
>do cardio

Repeat for 6-12 months until desired weight

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