In this thread I will use quotations from various sources to narrate the life of Adolf Hitler from birth his until the...

In this thread I will use quotations from various sources to narrate the life of Adolf Hitler from birth his until the age of 25 when he left to fight in the First World War. I intend to cover:

>his childhood
>his family
>his experience at school
>his relationship with women
>his artistic ambitions
>his experience of poverty
>his personal traits and disposition

It may take some time, but if this thread interests you please bump to keep it alive.

Link related is from Lohengrin, one of young Adolf's favorite operas, if anybody wants to listen to music while I post:

Other urls found in this thread:

go on

On Adolf's birth and the death of his siblings

>"The birth of the children in quick succession was a heavy psychological and physical burden for this frail woman: in 1885 the son Gustav was born, in 1886 a daughter, Ida, who died after two years, in 1887 another son, Otto, who only lived three days, and on 20 April 1889 again a son, Adolf. [...] When Adolf was born the three other children were already dead. With what care the sorely tired mother must have looked after this fourth child. She told me once that Adolf was a very weak child and that she always lived in fear of losing him."


On young Adolf's mother protecting her young son from beatings

>""Fearing that the father could no longer control himself in his unbridled rage, she [Adolf's mother] decides to put an end to the beating. She goes up to the attic, covers Adolf who is lying on the floor, but cannot deflect the father's final blow. Without a sound she absorbs it.""


On young Adolf's frequent arguments with his father

>"Hitler told his friend Kubizek that conflicts 'often ended with his father beating him' [...] [and] once bragged to his secretary Christa Schroder that he had taken 32 blows without uttering the slightest gasp of pain"


On Adolf's sister's memory of her parents' treatment of their only surviving son

>"It was especially my brother Adolf, who challenged my father to extreme harshness and who got his sound thrashing every day. He was a scrubby little rogue, and all attempts of his father to thrash him for his rudeness and to cause him to love the profession of an official of the estate were in vain. How often on the other hand did my mother caress him and try to obtain with her kindness, were the father could not succeed with harshness"


He really hit all the bases for growing up as tough as possible. I still wonder how a guy like Hitler became so interested in painting, only to move into world politics and reactionary propaganda

the same reason lower class hoodlums spraypaint graffiti on blank walls, I guess

A teacher's memory of the six-year-old Adolf

>"Teacher Karl Mittermaier [...] remembered the pale, weakly little boy brought to school every day from Hafeld by his twelve-year-old half-sister Angela"


On Adolf's academic ability in his early teens

>"Teacher Sixtl [...] remembered that in history and geography Adolf Hitler knew more than many teachers did


On the eleven-year-old Adolf's experience in school

>"At first the eleven-year-old boy found it very difficult to merge into unaccustomed surroundings. [...] His classmates, mostly from solid, good-class Linz families, cold-shouldered the strange boy who arrived daily 'from amongst the peasants'. [...] Accordingly he withdrew into his shell and let the waters wash over him."


On Adolf's personality in his early teens

>"In class he rarely came to anybody's notice. He had no friends, contrary to primary school, and wanted none. Occasionally one of the class snobs would let him know that 'boys coming up from the town' [as Adolf did] were not really suitable for the Realschue. That encouraged him to isolated himself even more from the other pupils. [...] no single classmate from this period ever claimed to have established any kind of intimacy or friendship with him"


I've felt more of these feels than I'm really comfortable with

have another bump, enjoying the thread bro

Isn't that the class photo where Ludwig Wittgenstein is present too?

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention


Interesting. Have a bump

On another teacher's memory of the young Adolf

>"his former class teacher, Dr Eduard Huemer, recalled Adolf as a thin, pale youth commuting between Linz and Leonding, a boy not making full use of his talent, lacking in application, and unable to accommodate himself to school discipline. He characterized him as stubborn, high-handed, dogmatic, and hot tempered. Strictures from his teachers were received with a scarcely concealed insolence"


On Adolf's summers with his cousins

>"His cousins would later recall that Hitler had played with them occasionally but preferred to go off on his own and paint, draw or read one of the books he had brought along"


On August Kubizek and his first impression of Adolf

>"He was a remarkably pale, skinny youth, about my own age [...] I surmised that he came from a better-class home, for he was always dressed with meticulous care and was very reserved."


On Adolf's appearance as a teenager

>"Adolf was of middle height and slender [...] His physique was far from sturdy, rather too thin for its height and he was not at all strong. His health, in fact, was rather poor, which he was the first to regret"


He really fucking was one of us

These feels are too much

Born into poverty. Violent father, in school and in life completely left alone with himself. He wanted nothing but quiet, to paint in peace.

But, I think he understood after a while, that someone who sees reality as it is, must sacrifice his own so that others may not suffer as he did.

Why do the innocent suffer.
Are they innocent because they suffer?

On young Adolf's hatred of school and desire to leave

>"Whereas it had been his father's orders that kept him at school previously, now it was his love for his mother which kept him at his studies. [...] The fact is [...] Adolf tried as far as he could to spare her, she who was the whole world to him, but it became impossible once his failure was definitive and he departed from the career path which his father had anticipated for him."


On Adolf's father encouraging his son to become a civil servant

>"Adolf refused to comply with his father's wishes, although he himself had only very hazy ideas about his future. [...] Shortly before his death, his father had taken the thirteen-year-old Adolf to the Linz customs office in the vain hope of showing his son his future work environment."


On the death of Adolf's father

>"Alois Hitler died suddenly. On 3 January 1902 - he was sixty-five and still strong and active [...] When the fourteen-year-old son saw his dead father he burst out in uncontrollable weeping, proof that Adolf's feelings for his father went much deeper than is commonly assumed."


On Adolf leaving school and life thereafter

>"He no longer attended school; did nothing to get himself job training; lived with his mother and let her keep him. But he was not idle: this period of his life was filled with restless activity. He sketched, he painted, he wrote poetry, he read. I cannot remember a time when he had nothing to do or was bored. [...] The purpose of it all was never explained to me. He just searched, everywhere, constantly."



don't do this to me



if you don't stop, i'll poo in the loo.

>father always had the best intentions
>never liked father that much
>father died
>turns into a neet learning about the arts

If he was born in our generation he'd be an SJW cuck advocating for white genocide and importing nonwhites into Europe

Hitler was a saint, faggot

It's all too real...

Fun fact that OP seems to have skipped: When Hitler was going to school in Linz, one of his classmates was world-famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, considered one of the greatest geniuses to ever have lived. Unlike Hitler, he was from one of the richest families in all of Europe, though many of his siblings committed suicide in his youth. Despite having heavy Jewish ancestry (though he himself was not), he claimed to have been influenced by Otto Weininger's Sex and Character, considered on of the premier anti-semitic texts of the time. Historians note that it is "overwhelmingly probable" the two boys met each other.

history is fun :^)

On Adolf's only friend August's opinion of teenage Adolf

>"He [...] was completely alone. His father had been dead for two years. However much he loved his mother, she could not help him with his problems. He just needed to talk and needed someone who would listen to him. I was often startled when he would make a speech to me, accompanied by vivid gestures, for my benefit alone. [...] a young man who, like my friend, was passionately interested in everything he saw and experienced had to find an outlet for his tempestuous feelings."


On Adolf and August's walks around town

>"By no means did I imagine he was work-shy, for there was not even a grain of the superficial carefree idler in him. When we passed by the Cafe Baumgartner he would get wildly worked up about the young men who were exhibiting themselves at marble-topped tables behind the big window panes and wasting their time in idle gossip, without apparently realizing how much this indignation was contradicted by his own way of life"


On Adolf's later attitude towards his old classmates

>"A young man, about our age, came around the corner, a plump, rather dandified young gentleman. He recognized Adolf as a former classmate, stopped, and grinning all over his face, called out 'Hallo, Hitler!'. He took him familiarly by the arm and asked him quite sincerely how he was getting on. [...] my friend went red with rage. [...] 'What the devil is that to do with you?' he threw at him excitedly, and pushed him sharply away."



> I was often startled when he would make a speech to me, accompanied by vivid gestures, for my benefit alone


Wittgenstein was extremely based, especially in his later years. He became a Christian and rejected some of what he wrote in Philosophical Investigations.

A greater influence on him was Kierkegaard, who he regarded as a saint and the most profound author of the 19th century.

No. Not at all. He took to heart the stories of the Germanic tribes and was very proud in his race and country. Don't compare him to a fucking cuck.

OP here. Apologies for the wait between each post, I'm trying to organize things thematically and chronologically.

On Adolf and August's friendship

>"Whilst I was a quiet, somewhat dreamy youth, very sensitive and adaptable and therefore always willing to yield [...] Adolf was exceedingly violent and highly strung. Quite trivial things, such as a few thoughtless words, could produce in him outbursts of temper [...] The important thing was that we were complementary to each other [...] I lived entirely for art. In addition I knew a lot about music. The similarity of our inclinations welded us closely together as did the dissimilarity of our temperaments."


On Adolf's attitude towards work

>"I was surprised he had so much spare time and asked innocently whether he had a job. 'Of course not', was his gruff reply [...] He did not consider that any particular work [...] was necessary for him"


On Adolf's social conduct

>"Adolf set great store by good manners and correct behaviour. He observed with painstaking punctiliousness the rules of social conduct, however little he thought of society itself"


On Adolf's attitude towards life in his youth

>""Many other qualities which are characteristic of youth were lacking in him: a carefree letting go of himself, living only for the day, the happy attitude of 'what is to be, will be'. His idea was that these were things that did not become a young man. And because of this, humour was confined to the most intimate sphere as if it were something taboo."


No. Otherwise he would've became a communist.

paul johnson?


It's funny how the phrase "litterly Hitler" can describe so many of us.

They say history repeats itself, it's just a matter of what part of history, not Adolf's legacy but his upbringing is being repeated.

Not necessarily. Communists and Strasserists of the day hated Jews and nonwhites too. Hitler wouldn't have been a cuck had he been born today though.

>tfw you are literally hitler

On Adolf's reserved personality

>"Such visits were revealing to me, for Adolf was by nature very reserved. There was always a certain element in his personality into which he would allow nobody to penetrate. "


On Adolf's appreciation for beauty

>"But there was one key that opened the door to much that would have remained hidden: his enthusiasm for beauty. [...] when we stood in front of such a magnificent work of art such as the monastery of St Florian [...] Adolf would lower all his defences and I felt to the full the joy of our friendship."


On Adolf as a friend

>"Hitler was full of deep understanding and sympathy. He took a most touching interest in me. Without my telling, he knew exactly how I felt. How often this helped me in difficult times. [...] It was not by chance that he was the one who persuaded my father to let me study music and thereby influenced my life in a decisive way. [...] Sometimes I had a feeling that he was living my life as well his own."


He was a war hero and disgusted by degeneracy and hated modern art. I see him being a NEET who browses Sup Forums and doing sone sort of graphic design.

Its "Hail Hitler" you fat fuck

Are you gonna post parts about Stefanie?

So the theory holds true

Those who consider their weakness the fault of others, Jews, His dad, Slavs, Grow up to become idiotic Socialists

>this thread

Well, it seems like his weakness was fault of others. His father was a jerk, his peers were jerk to him, things out of his control.

Communists didn't hated jews.

Jews like Schiff supported the russian revolution. They saw it as a end of the oppression of jewish people in Russia.

Marx himself was a kike too

he'd literally be posting anime and talking about killing jews on Sup Forums

Marx was a baptised Lutheran

On young Adolf's consistency of character

>"The most outstanding trait in my friend's character was, as I had experienced myself, the unparalleled consistency in everything that he said and did. There was in his nature something in everything that he said and did. There was in his nature something firm, inflexible, immovable, obstinately rigid, which manifested itself in his profound seriousness and was at the bottom of all his other characteristics."


On Adolf's teenage infatuations with a girl named Stefanie

>"One evening in the spring of 1905, as we were making out usual stroll, Adolf gripped my arm and asked me excitedly what I thought of that slim blonde girl walking along the Landstrasse arm-in-arm with her mother. 'You must know, I'm in love with her,' he added resolutely."


On Adolf's competition to gain Stefanie's affection

>"from time to time the two ladies [Stefanie and her mother] were to be seen in the company of young officers. Poor, pallid youngsters like Adolf naturally could not hope to compete with these young lieutenants in their smart uniforms. [...] It annoyed himself immensely that Stefanie mixed with such idlers who, he insisted, wore corsets and used scent."


Both his parents were kikes. Blood is what matter

Perharps a crypto-jew, like many others

Not anime.

Anime is a degenerate is for feminine weak cucks

he channeled his energy into hatred and playing the victim, instead of self improvement and becoming a benefit to the world, he literally destroyed EuropE

anti-anime = anti-white jew

>tfw as autistic as Hitler with women

I wonder if he was a virgin.

Here we see the eternal Anglo hatefully projecting his own destructive nature onto the innocent Aryan as typical of its species.

Fuck off.

Just look to the average weeb. Liberal, weak, fat(or anormally skinny), SJW and white knight.
There are some of them that even jerk to 2D women.

The jews are the ones winning with the feminization of western white men

>not destructive


based brazil nut

That's literally all interests that aren't sports you fucking retard

>going from poverty and being a failed painter to highest rank person in a country and almost conquering the whole Europe
>not self-improvement

>playing the victim
He WAS a victim during his youth. He did not choose to study with rich kids who would then treat him like shit for being different, he did not choose to be beaten by his father when it seems he was very reserved and conflict avoidant.

He did however used victimhood to his favor later in life. If all he was seeking was revenge, he went more far than he should.

>obsessing over cartoons of school girls

kill yourself Paedophile

mate he became the leader of all of Germany, and some other bits and pieces here and there besides
that's quite a self-improvement

On Adolf's feelings for Stefanie

>"To be sure, Stefanie had no idea how deeply Adolf was in love with her [...] When she responded with a smile to his enquiring glance, he as happy and his mood became unlike anything I had ever observed in him; everything in the world was good and beautiful and well-ordered, an he was content. But when Stefanie, as happened just as often, coldly ignored his gaze, he was crushed and ready to destroy himself and the whole world."


On the poems Adolf wrote about Stefanie

>"He wrote countless love-poems to Stefanie. 'Hymn to the Beloved' was the title of one of them, which he read to me from his little black notebook: Stefanie , a high-born damsel, in a dark-blue, flowing velvet gown, rode on a white steed over the flowering meadows, her loose hair fell in golden waves on her shoulders; a clear spring sky above; everything was pure, radiant joy. I can still see Adolf's face glowing with fervent ecstasy and hear his voice reciting these verses."


On Adolf's understanding of Stefanie

>"Whatever the subject we might discuss [...] Adolf was always sure that Stefanie not only knew his ideas exactly, but that she shared them enthusiastically. If I dared comment that he had not spoken to Stefanie [...] and to express my doubts as to whether she was at all interested in such things, he became furious and shouted at me: "You simply don't understand, because you can't understand the true meaning of extraordinary love'."


Further music if the earlier link was of interest:

So much feels shared with Hitler.
If I remember, a French farmwoman claimed she slept with him during the First World War.

Arabic countries are the ones with underage marriage though


He dragged Europe back into war and gave the Americans the opportunity they needed to destroy their rivals, allied or not.

Hitler destroyed Europe

But hitler talks in Mein Kampf about how he worked throughout his youth doing odd jobs like a Mexican outside a Home Depot.

Marx's father was a Jewish lawyer until he converted ("converted"), a year before Marx was born, to get around a law that stated that Jews weren't allowed to hold legal positions.

Poor guy

I share many of his feels too. Maybe I should find a farmer

he complained until enough people agreed with him and then destroyed Europe.

Take Enoch Powell
15-17 languages
Professor at 25
Brigadier in his early 30's
Conservative MP

he achived all that through self improvement

Hitler cried victim, his socilist policy would not have lasted and he destroyed Europe in his reckless war

>benefit to the world
Humanitarianism has no place on Sup Forums

>implying I care about Europe
stop leaning on that and try a different angle and you might make me feel something, because right now you're kind of a one-hit wonder

You niggas arent even trying, i went to the same school as our homeboy Adolf

>good pic
they are many in "British Free Corps"?

Also I think Hitler would've posted on /r9k/ had he been born a century later


Last time I checked Hitler at least came to power. What did Enoch do other than inspire you and I? Most people don't even understand his rivers of blood speech.

>Living in someones elses shoes, instead of being cut from the same cloth
kys senpai

>the eternal Anglo declares war on Germany over their invasion of Poland
>the eternal Anglo ignores Russia's invasion of Poland
>the eternal Anglo ignores numerous peace deals from Germany
>the eternal Anglo hands over half of Europe including Poland to the Russians making declaring war in the first place completely pointless
>the eternal Anglo then lies about German war crimes and blames them for the destruction he himself had wrought
>the eternal Anglo then spends the next seven decades supporting anti-white propaganda ultimately culminating in mass migration and ethic displacement of whites from their ancient homelands


>He dragged Europe back into war
That's Churchill you're talking about.

Britain was also destroyed in that war you utter moron, American globalism has dominated ever since

Good thread.

Stop being a faggot Sven
It's just trivia

Churchil wasn't even in power


if we sign treaties we should uphold them

everything I listed, he acomplished more by 24 than most in a life time.

Marx ,Engels,Lenin, Trotsky,my history teacher ALL KIKES

>Marx Lutheran
Marx' father was a rabbi and a lawyer
It doesn't get more Jewish than that
>52%of the Bolsheviks were Jews
Transition from one pArisiter ideology to another

yeah and that was how many years ago now?
swing and a miss tbf

don't you get it?
we all know damn well what Hitler did, you silly goose
that's why we're in this thread in the first place

long time no post eh OP?

also better thread theme

Please explain the speech. I would like to know what others think of it

Different times, they were

It's laudable indeed, but suggesting proficiency in ancient greek is an amazing feat is somewhat out of touch with the current political reality

On Adolf's romantic jealousy

>"He expected Stefanie to reciprocate his love for her to the exclusion of all others. For a long time he put up with the interest she took in other young men [...] because he regarded it as a sort of deliberate diversion to conceal her own tempestuous feelings for him. But this attitude often gave way to fits raging jealousy; then Adolf would be desperate when Stefanie ignored the pale youth who was waiting for her."


On Adolf's view of romantic relationships

>"I thought, for a long time, that Adolf was simply too shy to approach Stefanie. And yet, it was not shyness that held him back. His conception of the relationship between the sexes was already then so high that the usual way of making the acquaintance of a girl seemed to him undignified. As he was opposed to flirting in any form, he was convinced that Stefanie had no other desire but to wait until he should come to ask her to marry him. I did not share this conviction at all, but Adolf, as was his habit with all problems that agitated him, had already made an elaborate plan"


On Adolf's insecurity about his potential as a romantic partner

>"'What am I to say if the mother wants to know my profession? After all, I have to mention my profession straight away [...] he drew up and exact programme for his future which would enable him, after four years, to ask for Stefanie's hand."


You're a Jew sabatouer

All original Bolsheviks were kikes
The communist parasite ideology is very similar

>look around even to this day Jews are overwhelmingly socialist/communist

Would Hitler be shitposting on Sup Forums with us if he was born 100 years later in 1989?

Quality bread.
Bumping with feminist Hitler image.

Eh... The Lohengrin Overture is the best thread theme as it was Hitler's favorite but OP should have uploaded the Claudio Abbado version which is considered the definitive version.

Okay maybe you're right. My point was that Commies from back then would still be considered pretty racist today.

He really didn't understand courting practices.

On Adolf despising the fact Stefanie enjoys dancing

>">"'Stefanie is fond of dancing. If you want to conquer her, you will have to dance around just as aimlessly and idiotically as the others.' That was all that was needed to set him off raving. 'No, no, never!' he screamed at me, 'I shall never dance! Do you understand! Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends. Once she is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!'""


On Adolf's plan to kidnap Stefanie

>"In his depressed mood, he hot on a crazy idea: he seriously contemplated kidnapping Stefanie. He expounded his plan to me in all its details and assigned me my role, which was not a very rewarding one, for I had to keep the mother engaged in conversation whilst he seized the girl."


On Adolf's plan to commit suicide alongside Stefanie

>"It was the first [...] time that Adolf contemplated suicide seriously. He would jump into the river from the Danube bridge, he told me, and then it would be over and done with. But Stefanie would have to die with him - he insisted on that."
