Who's all in favor of laying siege to the vatican and selling that traitor of a pope to the Muslim savages he chose...

Who's all in favor of laying siege to the vatican and selling that traitor of a pope to the Muslim savages he chose over his own people.....

I'm all for restoring Benedict on the throne, but not like this.

How very Christian of you.

And why do south American catholics create disgusting socialist nations?

Oh look, another Amerifat speaking on behalf of Europeans again.

I rather get the Amerishit savages out of my country first. Muslims don't make our kids fat, spread degenerate ghetto culture, store nukes in my country, violate my civic rights by spying on me, kidnap and torture my fellow citizens without trial or conviction, impost TTIP/TISA shit on us.

No. Muslims did 9/11. That was a great day and I will always consider them bros for killing a few thousand Amerifats. Keep it going, boys.

these faggots would fuck you up

Oh look German rapefugees are now getting internet access. Thanks Merkel!

Shut the fuck Germany you don't even rate to speak savage little scum why don't you go fail to take of the world again you are lucky the United States hasn't enslaved you yet

Are the popes jesters strapped?


yea the swiss guard carries small arms like pistols and sub machine guns

The Pope's just following the bible to the letter. It's not his fault you don't follow the word of God when it doesn't suit you.

Costa Rico we don't let u.s. beta territories speak on the thread

Jew detected

t. Tyrone.

yes, we never sacked and burned this vatican as it wasn't built yet. It's later from the 1500ds? or so?
I've never been too that place now with a kike plant about to canonize the shitran and sunnah...... "we're all one now praise allah"...

I've already infiltrated the walls

They think jesus was a communist because he shared his bread or something...


Reported. Enjoy when the Swiss guard rams some poles up to you anus.


Your country will never be relevant again and you're literally our bitch. We destroyed Germany. My grandparents pissed on the dead corpses of yours. All of Europe is our bitch really and it will remain that way until you are dead in the ground.

Well put

We need an Antipope, because this one is clearly cucked.

a lot of traitors need to go. in many governments

this pretty much