My ancestry roots to Hungary on my fathers side. I have a lot of pride in being part Hungarian...

My ancestry roots to Hungary on my fathers side. I have a lot of pride in being part Hungarian, however I do not know the language, as i was never taught, and neither was my father by his parents. Im 19 now, Is it worth learning partially to retain a morsel of ethnic pride? Is Hungary a nice place to visit? Does being half Hungarian mean anything over there? Are the women hot and loyal? I already know the food is fucking amazing so thats a given I guess.

Hungarians on /int, Is it worth learning your crazy fucking Ugric language?

Other urls found in this thread:

>pride in being part Hungarian


>pride in being part Hungarian

Gypsie Pride Worldwide

The Afro/Blondes are hurt again!

Be proud my Pontid bro, heil Magyaroszág!


mfw this post isn't made by an american flag

Go for it bro

Absolutely not

Hungary is a nice country. Apparently a very hard language though?

And I don't think you need to ask if the women are hot.

Grandparents came to Australia in the 50s after the Hungarian Revolution failed. I think i have family in the US too, actually.

well its very hard to learn when its not your native language, thats what i heard at least
>france and china sweden

why not?

Bordar subhuman

Is it worth learning your crazy fucking Ugric language?
lol no

but i want to fuck a hungarian girl

you can accomplish that with 5 dollars

are the sluts that cheap?

5 dollars? where I live you can get 3 for that and they will make you a dinner too

redneck fucker

a professional might ask for more but if you buy a few shots of vodka and show them a chance of escaping this shithole then they'll spread their legs in half a second

pesti cigány

>I have a lot of pride in being part Hungarian

v*déki korcs

>hurrrrr hoi im part hungarian im so proud innit
>cant speak it for shit though durrr


so do i bother learning any of it or not?

>Is it worth learning partially to retain a morsel of ethnic pride?
>Is Hungary a nice place to visit?
Budapest is. Avoid vidék at all costs
>Does being half Hungarian mean anything over there?
>Are the women hot
>and loyal?

Whats so bad about vidék?

>Budapest is. Avoid vidék at all costs
Retarded ass advice, he should visit Balaton at least.


For practical reasons? No.

It's filled with low IQ, uneducated, smelly, poor people and gypsies.

Fair enough, I guess ill just spend a week learning the hello's, good byes, and small talk stuff for traveling. is Hungary one of those places where English is very uncommon?


>is Hungary one of those places where English is very uncommon?
You'd have no problem in Budapest and the typical tourist places.

köszönöm. Will Hungary survive un-islamified into the next century unlike western europe? Or not?

Probably yes, but we won't survive being outnumbered by gypsies by the last third of the century

>tfw I'm on a vacation at Lake Balaton

>tfw taking a stroll in K*posvár

I don't think so. Our second biggest party is openly islamic, they even have a muslim crescent in their logo.

is that a meme or are gypsies ACTUALLY a big problem over there?

ask the pestias. The vidék is pure white/mongoloid

>The vidék is pure white

Of course they are, they're a big problem everywhere. But unless you go to shady places at night, you can avoid them.

they said they won't force islam on other people, they just want to represent the "one true faith" or whatever. its nothing to worry about
the main problem is that we can't tell gypsies and vidéki "people" apart. so we actually don't know the real number of gypsies in the country

What happens in the blue place?
You tell me

nobody knows, even light can't escape from those places

>a professional might ask for more but if you buy a few shots of vodka and show them a chance of escaping this shithole then they'll spread their legs in half a second
I am sincerely curious, why do Eastern European countries like Hungary, Poland, and Czech also Russia think of the United States, Western Europe, northern European countries as paradise? I think Hungary, Poland, Czech and Russia look beautiful enough. Even I do not think Hungary is that "shithole". What's the shithole for you? I really don't get it. It is similar to many naive girls in Asia wanting to come to South Korea or Japan. These Girls who only have vague fantasies.

>I will post a map with percentages so budap*st will look white

>Is Hungary a nice place to visit?
yes, most foreigners are very satisfied with Hungary and its people and I mean it in an unironic way
>Does being half Hungarian mean anything over there?
yes people will be delighted to get know your MAGYAR heritage
>Is it worth learning partially to retain a morsel of ethnic pride?
if you are interested in Hungary sure
learning a language is always a good thing and hungarians appreciate foreigners that try to speak Hungarian

During the commie era people were dreaming of the big, rich, free West for decades, and their descendants inherited the same mindset.

eastern europeans in general love complaining and bitching about everything, sadly
if they happened to be born in germany they would be whining about how much better life is in Danemark, if they lived in Danemark they would want Switzerland etc

you're just not supposed to argue with hungarians who call it a shithole, its a consensus. i lived in a comfy garden house in the capital city my whole life and have everything anyone in a western country could have. but 90% of the people living here say its a shithole so i guess they have a different experience and i don't want to dismiss it or even argue against it, its part of the hungarian style.

la luz extinguida que no sabe hablar su misma lengua ...

No one will give a shit about you being half Hungarian in Hungary, you'd still be seen as a weird foreigner

poverty and shit people, people think better countries are paradise because in comparsion they pretty much are
asian countries except japan and korea are shitholes too so it makes sense

>Nice to visit
>Hot yes, loyal maybe
>Half hungarian does not much, if you can speak fluently you for right in, but you'll probably get called korcs occasionally by drunkards
do not learn hungarian if you don't have to, the mountain to fluency is higher than most languages adlnd it has minimal use outside of the country, especially since it's not mutually intelligible with anything else. I only speak it because I was raised that way. If you don't act like an ass you'll get along well with most people there anyways

>During the commie era people were dreaming of the big, rich, free West for decades, and their descendants inherited the same mindset.
If the 1st world western society collapses after 10 years of racial, cultural, and religious conflicts, will their fantasy disappear?

No, they will just blame it on Drumpft

>I lived in the mommy motel all my life and I think that's standard in the west

even if that happens it'll still better to live there

>muh heritage

You can already try it in some Swedish neighborhoods, be sure to go asap

Honestly said there's three types of foreigners who live here. 1st is the pretty rich generally older people who buy big houses and plots of land because they're cheap and generally don't interact with others much. The other type is economic migrants from south-east so romania, ukraine, serbia etc because of the slightly better salaries but they generally move west after a while too. And the third type are people from richer countries like west europe, america, australia and they're seen as pathetic losers who couldn't make it in their own country and came here because there's less expectations.

better than ózd

Mennyire szar a pénzügyi helyzet ott? Sokszor hazaküld a család pénzét az otthoni rokonokhoz, de csak annyit hallok róla, nem tudom hogyha téleg fosban ál mindenki, vagy csak a családom

>being killed by grenade-throwing niggers is better than being killed by knife-wielding gypsies
kara boga my friend

mármint hol? itt? ha nem döglesz éhen akkor örülsz mint majom a farkának, svédországban 300-at simán félreraksz egy hónapban legalja gyári munkákkal is

the only city where that happens is malmo pretty much, the rest of sweden is fine and even malmo is better than the wastelands of east hungary and somogy

>szociológia szakot végeztem, ménincs munkám??

It is so strange and complicated to explain. What these naive Asian girls can do most in South Korea and Japan is to be a mail order bride or sell the body. And like the notorious racism/xenophobia of South Korea and Japan, they also suffer from many bad things. I wish people in Eastern Europe, especially young girls, to stop admiring America and West Europe. Where in the world can there be heaven? Nothing.

inkább menj tanulni a zhra mémnök ivadék mert kibuksz és nem fogsz tudni tovább az államon élősködni

>be a mail order bride or sell the body
so the same thing that they'd be doing at home just for 6x less money

Legtöbbé a nyugati részeken, de már 60 éve küldik a forradalom után, így hát gondolom hogy már változtak a dolgok azóta. De kár, remélem hogy valahogyan javul a gazdaság ott l, nem ismerem jól a magyar politikát de van még reményem

a nyugati országrészek még jól állnak. De észak-keleten már a Jóisten sem tudna segíteni

mármint nyugat magyarországon? ott mindenki ausztriában dolgozik és ingázik oda vissza
>magyar politika
LMAO ezeket a maffiaháborúkat politikának csúfolni azért elég gáz

Kill yourself, pathetic American

ja, gondoltam ettől a képtől
de a másik családom fele erdelyböl jönnek, és ott még vannak problémák

its not "worth" strictly speaking, to learn this language

but if you want to LARP as a half hungarian, you kinda need it

you could just say you have hungarian ancestors like others, who failed to keep their tradition

the women are not more loyal than any other chicks, being half hungarian means nothing if you cant speak the language and have no relatives here

I am travelling.

we don't go there

Quick rundown on the economics after the revolution:
-soviets solidify power
-still spooped of another revolution so goulash communism is established
-30 or so years of bliss and economic stability gained from debts
-SU collapses, the next government realises how much debt the socialists piled up
-hectic situation but the economic is slowly improving despite the debts
-second soviet union (eu) comes, we can't export to the east anymore, the little improvements in economy disappear into the smoke
-relegated to be a source of cheap work force for the west with every aspect of the country being obsolete and a mockery

Imagine Ravenholm but with less copper infrastructure

Yeah, I've heard local industry was decimated after WW2 and even worse after the country was designated an agricultural state in the WP, and I can imagine the deals Germany negotiates for grants result in foreign companies being contracted instead of local ones. I really don't know how you guys can get out of this mess, it must be very hard for any local companies to compete with western EU counterparts.

I really have no idea. The only thing they can do here is to be whores or to try to marry an old man for the money. I guesss consumerism is cancerous, people no longer have enough with a plate of food and a warm house, they need more and more and more,... And are willing to give up everything and to lose all dignity to achieve it.

being an agriculture state is fine, that's what hungary has been since it's founding, there's good soil so it's easy to make good money with agriculture in this place
the problem was that the soviets decided that hungary is gonna be the country of steel and iron, but we don't have iron, or coal, or any capacity to produce steel, so it was another retarded thing that soviets decided for no reason
regardless we got by with agriculture, russia and the access to some asian countries provided a massive market to sell our crops and livestock and the economy was improving thanks to that but then the EU came and decided that we can't export to the west, taking our largest market away and then they used the corrupt politicians to decimate all of our companies, right now there's like 40% of the agriculture that we had and even that isn't in hungarian hands
if we could go back to being an agricultural powerhouse then we could be prosperous again but other countries don't want to let that happen and now there's a consent among young people that agriculture is garbage and useless so there's no one to step up in the future either

*the EU came and decided that we can't export to the east

well if everyones got a garden house at 23 in the west then sure, thats a big difference in living standards

if you're above 18 and live with your parents in the west you're considered mentally retarded regardless of what kind of house your parents have

Maybe in America, here it's normal for 18 year olds to live with their parents until they work and earn money for an apartment.

which is like 1 year for a norwegian

i hope my cunt will import many foods from hungary because most of the hungarian snacks i've eaten fit well with the taste of koreans as far as i know we imports quite a lot of pork from hungary though

No because housing prices are rising and it's hard as fuck for average teenagers to get a job unless they get a job from someone they know.

the government is desperately looking for asian and african countries to export to and the food products aren't bad, it's the only thing that we have capacity for producing
but the eu is on our dick consantly and it's pretty hard to wriggle out of them sometimes, also the lack of young people willing to work in agriculture, and the lack of young people in general just cripples the economy anyways so there's literally no other choice than importing migrants, orbán talks big about immigrants on tv but not very secretly he's been bringing in ukrainians, romanians, chinese and even arabs in doves to fill the workforce
ok now imagine that but 100x worse and you have hungary

I know, I just wanted to say that you're not seen as a weirdo if you don't move out at 18 here.

would you say that it's normal to live your whole life with your parents though? or live with your spouse's parents?

Hungary was the first Ex-Soviet country to have diplomatic relations with South Korea since the collapse of communism. They thoroughly ignored North Korea.

No, it is not normal. I am aware of the split between west/east in that regard though.