When is pic related going to happen again?

When is pic related going to happen again?

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It never happened. Poles joined the German side and killed Jews and Russian POWs.

did OP confuse the murderer with the victim?

polish death camps

when turks from both sides will cleanse w*itoid scum from europe

I just realized that Adidas may be the reason why Russia doesn't go all in on Europe/Germany

Never stopped

Three words:

Polish Death Camps

>never happened
Poland wasn't on a map for 120 years.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. That guy on the right is Finnic.

They're both Russia mafia.

was, you uneducated britbong, look at Varsovienne Duchy, Congress Kingdom of Poland et cetera

You've REALLY done it now

As a part of Russia or other countries, dummy.

t.Scottish cocksucker

>a sovereign state of the Russian part of Poland connected by personal union with the Russian Empire under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland

I have to call you uneducated britbong again, sorry

Hopefully soon

Your end draws near.

>our Russian masters gave us a scrap of meat, so we totally weren't a vassal state of the Russian empire bro!

awww it's another british troll, don't answer him

Hey shizo

You were considered a province of the greater Rus, you retard polack.

Yours is just around the corner my paki brother

POOland strunk!

Horryfic betrayal of 1400 children rules the waves


When the AfD gets into power


lovin this thread

>tfw you swap Russia for Poland and you get the history of Prussia

Except you never cucked Russia, while Prussia cucked you.