Lel Chinese know they ain't packing the goods for their girls

Lel Chinese know they ain't packing the goods for their girls.

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That's why they rather focus on buying all of Australia and China since chinese women are old digging whores

Unlike white women which require Jamal and Ahmed dick, you can't use dick or the jewish trap

Can confirm, chink men are ugly, thats why they are untouchables in western dating, like black women

Chink men should just date black women

Mao wanted to give away Chinese women to be bred by the White man, but we were cock blocked by a Jew.
Can we say this is any example of a Jew trying to SAVE the white race?

Posing with a loser because his skin is white. Sad tbqh.

>imagining the baby of a chink male and black female

Who keeps making these threads? There's one like every 10 minutes

I actually don't like cucking Asians, but they're women are so easy.

Always weird to see an asian with a whitey. Not sure why.


help cuck the gook lovers on Sup Forums

Maybe tiger wood or tyga tier

More docile, less aggressive

Chinks are huge cucks. Today I saw an ugly white neckbeard with a cute as fuck chink girl walking hand in hand and a chink (probably a friend) walking right behind them like a good beta orbiter


can confirm chinks love BWC, even in this video the girl dumps her bf and goes with the white man she just met for like 5 minutes


Hmmm, maybe I should go to a club in Markham, Ontario. It's a chinese colony here

My cock is 15 cm and somewhat thin so when I bed Asians I feel bad for not giving them an impressive visual, but it's always a nice fit since they're so tight.


Far as I know from dating apps/sites data Asian men get the lowest messages from all races, followed by black men, which is kind of sad really. It's more reflective of how dumb cunts are these days they'd all rather respond to Tyrone who has no job and smells like your ass does right now than an Asian guy who probably has a good tech job and can provide for your kids. Asian women especially ghost Asian men funny enough. Then white men get the most attention from all races.

I think the marriage rates for Asian men and other women are shitty too, not as bad as black men and white women but still bad. White men and Asian women is actually the best.

Ok, how do you actually get an asian girl without flying over to china/thailand/whatever and hunt them down? Everyone already in the west are already married to bald, fat fucks.

I also find that half-asian and half-white people to be the most aesthetically pleasing.

Yes, the Asian men vs black men successes with females really shows that most negative sterotypes of the sex crazed man should be applied to women, who think with their pussies and give no weight to contributions to civilization when picking a mate.

I'd rather only date a pure Asian girl, not a hapa. The hapas come with too many issues.

Their small dicks don't help, but to be honest I do feel bad for them in that matter.

>The hapas come with too many issues.

Like what?

this is how a elliot rogers is made


Don't worry English Teacher John you can have the fat women

Pic related is a Korean adopted by Swedish parents and she considers herself a pure Swede and hates being asked "where are you from" and "what's your ancestry?"

Why is Sweden so racist?



She could pass for Finnish maybe

Actually my chink friend we white men are also cucking the niggers! The black women and the white women rate white men higher than black men. So that means we white men are the alpha race.

AM/WF poster in 3...2..1..

>Asian females reply less overall than any other race of women
why is this?

How can you say you are the alpha race?
Homo erectus from Europe and Africa are close to each other when East Asian erectus is relatively genetics different.
You have lower IQ, higher crime rate, higher divorce rate, more likely to be degenerate and so on. WE are the alpha race. Degenerate

best part of the video is it slayed the "dur they like whites cause they think they are rich" argument

later photos showed them literally at the shittiest dirtiest hostel

>You have lower IQ, higher crime rate, higher divorce rate, more likely to be degenerate and so on. WE are the alpha race. Degenerate

Some people are way deep in denial and won't realize their own hypocrisy as they reassure themselves with 'but's and excuses, then will without a hint of self awareness wonder how sjws do the same. The mostly underage retards treasure the memes here very seriously so when it gets turned around on them like this, they feel personally betrayed and will lash out in frustration.

Genetics don't lie. You may say "WE WUZ PAINTERS AND SHIT" as much as you want and you'll still be 15 IQ points dumber than me. You'll still have a smaller skull. Your ancestors still are much genetically closer to the africans than mine. Your civilization is so great that it only lasted for about 300 years while Asian supremacy over the rule lasted for all of remaining history. And now like in the past you are becoming irrelevant again. Look at your own country being completely overrun by blacks and middle easterners. If you're so smart, how come you can't even protect borders?

Nah best part is reading the comments.
"This is Hong Kong, in mainland these guys would btfo!"
That coping, Jesus Christ.

I have a personal experience in Beijing (with a mainland girl)

Was hanging out with a guy from HK (just met him) and he was about to get his ass kicked by some black guys because he kept rapping and saying "nigger".

Being the white, tall lad I acted as diplomat and saved him from death.

Then some chinky girl came to us and started talking to us. HK guy was loaded and said how his dad was huge in the commie party. When we got to his apartment it was clearly true. Huge fucking place all to himself.

I was pretty drunk and tired. The girl said she wanted to go to my place, I actually TOLD her to stay here wtih the HK guy.

When she went to the toilet I snuck out. She followed me back to my place.

I fucked her because she literally wouldnt agree to being left with a chinese guy.

She also got really turned on by me hitting her ass, so that was a plus.

It looks like a spic

I'd say whites and east asians are on pretty even ground. Its true that asians are more intelligent, but whites are more creative. China got fucked by the mongols hard though, set them back a couple hundred years. Really there is no reason for conflict between whites and asians, there are enough niggers to go around as slave labor

Well, I can't speak for every Swede. Perhaps it's because she looks asian (come on, she really does look like any asian tourist), but speaks fluent, probably perfect Swedish.

Also, men are into asian girls, so it's probably only because she's hot and they want to know which country her ancestors are from, so they can go home and look for Korean porn.

Asians say that all the time about past domination, but is there really any evidence ancient China was more advanced than Rome? Really, only from about AD 450 to about 1500 could you make the argument that Europe was behind China, the Middle East, even India.
Still, overall 2/3 of the major human steps into a new epoch were nearly 100% British.

How much of the technology you used to make this post was originally from asian innovation i wonder.

Didn't you guys just sign a trade treaty that finally allowed non-Japanese companies to own Japanese media?

Can you guess what's going to happen?

Because it's pretty uncommon, sure it does happen but not terribly often

>want to get out of communist nightmare using its populace as slaves to become rich
>easiest way is to marry insecure Americans

That's the TTP which has yet to be ratified.

>itt: mud dik

You faggots are acting just like niggers.

1 billion people and they cant even produce one good looking guy, pathetic

Japanese are White, don't forget you allied with Hitler

Stop this divide & conquer shit

Asiatic-Caucasian mixes of varing levels are common throughout the world. It's probably the most widespread phenotype, covering most of the Western Hemisphere, Central Asia, Turkey, and Eastern Europe.

Mongols sent China & Middle East to the stone age, so Europe was ahead again a bit earlier than 1500ish thanks to the great khan's

Asian men need to just rice all black women and be there as a father to a new generation of blasians

Problem solved

Native Americans are all mongoloids that migrated from Asia over 10,000 years ago, anyway. These stupid insecure Hapas are retarded.

Mexicans as a whole are Hapas and some of them are loud and "alpha" enough to be fucking obnoxious. This is a stupid meme.

>MUH genetically superior genes!
>MUH civilization
>MUH white man took away asian culture

kek based Henry.


Chinks are fucking hideous subhumans. Only the most betacuck ugly perma-virgin faggots would touch a gooky pan-faced chink. They're fucking disgusting.


>If whites so smart, how come you can't protect your borders?

You have a valid point here Ichiro. Pathological altruism is our Achilles heel it seems. It is the result of allowing kikes and women too much say in affairs. But I still struggle to get my head around the cuckoldry of the modern metrofag white man. On the average, we are mere shadow of our forefathers. I hope I live to see the day we awaken and obliterate the traitorous and the weak.


and i didnt even have my kevlar on

Just looking at the thumbnail made me think it was Justin Trudeau.