Letting men take part in women's sports

>letting men take part in women's sports

are we past the point of no return? is everyone blind? how have is this being allowed?

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Caster Semenya gonna cast her semen on ya

"her" clit is longer than my fucking dick

I need to know what her vagina looks like

Is there a picture of her dick?

>South africa pushing the gender issue since before it was a issue.
I absolutely love the ass blastingt this is generating

>semen ya
You can't make this shit up

>seman ya
>literally Semen Now in spanish

She'd be able to use a girl's bathroom in NC though.

I sincerely want women to be allowed to compete with men in sports, and vice versa

I want trannies to smoke biological women in athletics, and I want a single woman to be allowed to compete in the NFL so she can be turned to ground beef in her first live game

The redpills would be out of control

semen yes!

fresh from the meme machine

A lot of black women look manly. It makes sense that the more athletic ones would look even worse.

Looks like an average nigger lady to me.

She has weak internal testicles giving her the testostetone levels of your average beta male

She is actually biologically a woman, with a vagina and no Y chromosome and everything. An actual honest to God female who has a rare congenital defect.

So apparently "she" has a penis and vagina, no ovarys or womb and 3x the testosterone of an average woman. He shouldn't be competing with women.

She's not a man. She's intersex. A hermaphrodite.

She has internal testes, which explains why shy produces 3 times as much testosterone as normal women.

>A medical report which was leaked to the press also revealed that she has internal testes.

How much testosterone does Sally Kohn produce?

He literally has XY chromosomes, why is there even a fucking question here?

that's a woman?! maybe she'd be better off a man.

is that milo without make-up?

>Gender isn't defined by your genitals
>Unless your genitals don't conform with your biological makeup
>then Gender is defined by your genitals
almost had a stroke from the mental gymnastics lads.

>Caster Semenya
Anagrams to
>Yes, a secret man

This. Once women's sports becomes dominated by trannies there will be a great civil war among the left between feminist and lgbt groups.

all of this! that'd be glorious.

in my eyes all are equal, disabled, retarded, gay, muslims and whatnot. come at me, bro


there's a comma in her name?

Well its not a surprise considering how small white dicks are.

Yeah, an underdeveloped one though