I don't think I can watch this show any more

I don't think I can watch this show any more

OP is a faggot

its cool user masturbation doesnt actually make you go blind

she's seventeen... and he's like 30-40
I know bojack is a bad guy, but come on

he's at least 50
but she's old enough

Yes, and?

stop rooting for protagonists just because they are protagonists. he's awful.

Why, she can consent?

>tfw she turns on him too not even 6mo later

when everyone tells you he took advantage of you, you start to believe it

So who is she supposed to be?

keep watching OP it gets better.

She's of legal age so there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with him wanting to fuck a girl less than half his age.

He was like an uncle to her. She is of legal age, yes, but he should be mature at 50 to not take advantage of a high school girl. It also fucked over the family he was staying with.

>Hey buddy, you can stay with us as long as you want, get your head on straight
>Fuck my daughter too while you're here!

I wish more people let me fuck their high schooler daughters

it'd be nice to have their permission for once when I do it anyway

he denied her three times before the cock growed

What's your secret?

this is correct, OP you are a faggot acting like he jumped on her and forced himself on her. OP confirmed for SJW feminist.

>He may have said no 3 times and she may have been the agressor, but women can't rape men so the man must be the rapist in any scenario!

This is probably the most disturbing the show gets OP (outside of the fried chicken episode) so you'll be fine for season 3

also they didnt even do hands stuff

It's morally wrong.

It wouldn't be illegal here to fuck your friend's girlfriend, but it would still be wrong to do it.

Just the same it's morally wrong to try to fuck your friend's daughter, especially after she rejected you and already told you to leave.

Age of consent in that staye days its okay.
Also, Bojack is not supposed to be a role model for your life.

Also, its nowhere near as bad as Woody Allen.

There's also the realization how dumb you were.

Her reaction isn't just about Bojack himself.

Did you forget he fucked the adult version of a woman who played his daughter and looked up to him as one?

That was kinda weird too, but we weren't discussing that.

Legally, sure, he could fuck her. It wasn't the right thing to do, because he had a relationship with her mother and was living there. It violated the family situation. So yes, just morally wrong.

He is also the older of the two and is expected to be the one who was in control. Nobody would buy that "she seduced me" in that context, he's 50 and should know better. She's 17 and inexperienced and made a mistake. Maybe that's not fair, but that's life. Life is not fair.

No shit its morally wrong.

Did you have problems watching other shows with protagonists you aren't supposed to emulate like Metalocalypse, King Of The Hill, and Rick & Morty?

Look user.

This may come as a shock.

But it being a horrible thing is the point. The writers said the point is that Bojack has the emptional maturity of a teenager and no self control, this was the culmination of that where he realizes that now just how terrible a thing that really is. He carries that burden in Season 3. No excuses are made, and we do later see the results.

Yeah he goes on to destroy more lives with no repercussions.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I know Bojack is an asshole. I was arguing against this user who said there is nothing wrong with what he did.

He hasn't even gotten to actual spoiler OP don't read that other Penny scene


Sounds like a good host!

I thought you were OP, who was stunned that a bad person will do bad things without thinking about it.

Tibetans actually do that.

You straight up do not send your children, male or female, to their wedding a virgin.

This has two effects. One, genetic diversity in a population that is very spread out and very isolated geographically.
Two, it incentivizes travel to your region.

Bonus effect: first times are always awful, so your first sexual experience with your monogamous other is improved.