When did capeshit films become 'The Notebook'?

or are all capeshit fans just beta cuck ass bitches? this is fucking pathetic.

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Kevin Smith cries at all kinds of dumb comic book shit because he's a sad, obese manchild

he also named his daughter after a cartoon character he wants to fuck, which is pretty messed up.

but why does he have to record it?

CRYING at a comic book film

Die you fat ugly fuck

Kevin Smith also cried when his dog died. Lol he's such a pathetic failure

he likes attention

t. Dog eating chink

>full blown sobbing at that shit

Oh my god fuck off Kevin you sad sack of shit. It wasn't that good.

So does he just pause these movies then go on his webcam and takes a picture "you guys look its a fucking great movie and I'm not even finished with it!"


He cried at The Flash dude.

What a fucking cuck.
When my dog was old and couldn't walk anymore I took in my arms and went to the clinic to sacrifice it.
I stood at his side while his consciousness faded away.
And I didn't shed a single tear.
That's what a man does.

what ? Tell me this ain't real. Because I like Kevin smith. I never imagined him as a pussyass bitch.

What a fucking pussy

>you felt the need to post that
>call yourself a man

Jesus Christ this board

The only time I ever felt emotional while watching a capeshit was Yondu's death and his funeral scene
But I didn't cry like a fucking bitch

t. insecure cuck

The irony is real.

I cried when my dog died and I've actually gotten laid but thanks for (you)

It is pretty insulting to compare The Notebook to capeshit desu senpai.

Just because one fat girl gave you a handjob once doesn't mean you have gotten laid fag.
I slay pussy on the regular because women can feel my manliness radiating from me.

>it's a kevin smith thread

When did he become such a bearded woman?

if dubs you're a cuck

Capeshit has always been a medium for virgin neckbeards, fedora toppers, nu-males and Sup Forumscksucking bugmen

Honestly I feel Sup Forums would be 100 times better if capeshit was moved to Sup Forums

You use the term cuck as a defense mechanism to hide your homosexuality.

I can hear your mom telling yoiu the tendies are ready from here

And a fat girl is still a lay

Kevin Smith is the perfect of all those "too cool to care" apathetic gen x faggots who try to stay relevant by clinging to children's media.

i burst out laughing when i saw the pic because i thought it was shopped

he really does this all the time huh

>spoiling the ending
good job there

He's developed a woman's vanity.

>I have a vagina!

He's been putting estrogen in his coffee to understand his gay brother.

Men should never cry publicly, much less broadcast it to everyone, especially when he's crying at a third rate capeshit movie.

it's called trolling, you fucking moran

I'm like 80% sure Kevin watches his wife have sex with other men.

>I'm joking retard hah!

Fat people have very high estrogen levels

It's good to cry. It separates us from the animals. Shows you have a soul.

You really are actually gay and it's a problem.

It's a great scene, but come on man.

Why is he always crying? He's literally "i crai evry tiem" man

That's what a man does


If a gay man were to be less than 5m around me, I'd destroy his fucking fag face and step on his neck.

It's okay to cry when a loved one or a dear friend dies.

It's not okay to cry at a summer popcorn flick. Every. Single. Week.

what if my father died in a summer popcorn flick

Then your father was gay.

There are times when its acceptable for a man to cry, but watching some capeshit isn't one of them.

>u got le trolled

back to kid

Oh wow, lad. They were joking but you really are a closeted poof.

Not funny, my wife's son died that way.

The beginning scene in "Up" made me cry like a fucking baby

It's one thing to cry when something happens to you.
It's another thing to cry when something happens to someone fictional.

Both are acceptable (under the right circumstances).

It's an entirely different thing to cry when something happens to someone fictional and then you make sure to take a picture of yourself crying so you can upload it to the fucking internet.

I think pathetic is the word I'm looking for.

I'm not gonna lie that scene got a tear out of me
it hits too close to home

It was a pretty sad scene.

I cried at the end of TDKR. I dont really know why, I just evoked some emotional response from me. I'm not very proud of it, but I'm glad there was hardly anyone in the theater.

Nah, see I get that. A dog is like a retarded kid that you can love because (if you have the right breed) it'll murder someone for you. You know if shit goes down that dog will defend you with its life. My dog is massive fucking retard but I pity the fool who breaks into my house and meets him.
But crying over goddamned capeshit? Especially mediocre capeshit? What a homo. Nah, that's an insult, I've met gay dudes who were way, way more masculine than that.
Seriously though, if you don't cry when your dog dies you're a robot.

I'm thinking marijuana destroyed what little manhood Kevin Smith had left. It;s no wonder that Bruce Willis wanted to punch this manchild.

I think Guardians 2 was a little ham-handed with comedy and tragedy, but there are a lot of scenes like the ending in comic books. I think it makes it more true to form than many other capeshit movies.

number of capeshit films that my i've weeped to:

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was bad

eh, it was better than most of the other shit that was released this year

I cried too, I thought it was never going to end. What a fucking piece of crap jesus christ