Y: The Last Man

Is it me or are does the vast majority of this comic imply that the world is better of in the long term because of men dying out?

Only a few women seem to miss men and most of them blame every ill on the earth on men.

What was up with this comic?

Other urls found in this thread:


> half of the population dies
> world is better

Apart from the infrastructure damage from losing about 50% of the population, the world isn't really any better or worse. They have all the same struggles that existed before all the men died

No, you dumb fuck.

>the world is better of in the long term because of men dying out?
Only if you consider the world better off without humans of either gender.

I was being unclear. I meant that the comic implies this, not that I believe it.

Well, it's just that in 60 years the world is not just on the same level as it is now, but technologically more advanced and it even states that Iran having the bomb is a somewhat good thing because it shows how all those "brave women" can enrich uranium now that all those evil men are gone.

Even though the world should be in shambles for generations because half of the world died that did most of the dirty and heavy work.

Not to mention that the comic constantly is throwing theories around about how men must have done something or must be obsolete that caused the dying.

At every turning point the comic implies that a lot of women should sigh in relief now that men are gone. It's pretty fucked up.

That's pretty much what I got from the comic too. The ludicrous, and frankly insulting notion that men vanishing would somehow not result in complete collapse of everything and extinction of humanity.

Characters throw around theories influenced by their world view and were eventually proven wrong?

A lot of the story is based on false ideology and ts influence.

Nice bait

Some of the females may imply it but the book shows them as being retarded. Just look at the "Amazons" that cut of their tits and were ready to murder Yorick just for being a man and any others that tried to protect him.

The fact that so many hipster critics still name Y: The Last Man as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” 21st century comic ever only tells you how far comics still are from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous amongst hipsters or richest hipsters or best sellers to hipsters of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in hipster courts around Europe. Comic critics are still blinded by hipster success. Y: The Last Man sold more than anyone else to hipsters (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Hipster comic critics are often totally ignorant of the comics of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Y: The Last Man did anything worthy of being saved

At least try to change some of it up.

It's pretty much guaranteed that if men die out then so will women, and if we do come up with an alternative to sexual reproduction then pretty much all women will be forced to get pregnant at least once a year and take jobs that they don't want to do. It's kinda shitty for everyone involved.

The vast majority of women IRL still like men and identify as being straight so I don't really know why the comic is implying that the world would be better off. Humans can evolve to reproduce asexually and any technology would probably fall flat and be a ridiculous amount of money and time to make it available to every section of the world. The entire comic in general is pandering to radicals who think the world would be a better place if those "evil" men died out.

If all women died then the comic would be a tranny fuckfest and gay galore all the way to extinction.

I mean, this way women already have inventions so there's no need for them to invent anything else, scientific progress is halted but human race continues.

*can't evolve
My bad.

>the world isn't really any better or worse. They have all the same struggles that existed before all the men died
Their struggles double if anything.

The ending of Y is pretty retarded all things considered because it really does indirectly imply that economic and ideological conflict is primarily caused by a chromosome.

>The women may be gone, but at least we still have decades of pornography!

>all women disappear
that sounds like paradise


I don't even agree with you but it's so fucking weird that it's socially acceptable to imagine a world where men go extinct but not a world where women do.

>but human race continues.
Unless they find another way to repopulate then not really.

When you think about it men are never gonna go away. Sperm banks have pretty much guaranteed that if anything happened to living breathing men then the saved up sperm we have will just continue to make more.

Just wait a few more decades for VR and vat-grown babies, then we'll see who needs whom! Or sexbots. This is the end of humanity as a biological species before our replicants inherit our cities.

Aren't there groups of women who go around and destroy all the sperm banks in Y?

Please see this response:

Wouldn't that essentially make women just as bad as men by pretty much going on a genocide of sperm to make sure no more men are created?

Literally nothing about violent behavior would change, it's just clouded in paranoia and hatefulness amongst women.

PLEASE tell me said women were portrayed as villains.

no it doesn't, stop being retarded.

Wasn't that the point of the series? That even without men hate, paranoia, and conflict still exsist?

Further generations of clone women get used to men not being around, don't even think about them really, but there will still be problems. Things settled down into a "new normal", but there are still going to be problems.

Right? No way would something on that premise ever be critically acclaimed. Oh wait, no you're retarded.


>world without men is a beautiful perfect paradise of peace and love
>world without women is violent sexist apocalypse
yeah alright

Crime actually would probably go up due to the absence of men, and a lot of women would probably get desperate as shit for a good life and money and such. Nothing would change really.

They got fuckin' nuked brosef.

Also you clearly haven't read Y: the last man. Because shit is fucked there too.

Why are people even imagining that a world without either one of the genders is a good thing? Are people really that disgustingly hateful?

Uh no it does not. It implies that number one : apocalyptic scenarios suuuuuuck.
Number two : that women are even more lonely with only other women around.

I think even women would get tired of hanging around only women 24/7.

If I remember correctly they were portayed as crazy fondamentalist that also cut their tits.

So that's a yes on the villains thing.

Just the retards in this thread, but then again welcome to Sup Forums

Am I the only one that thinks the books kinda of goes to shit once the lesbian pirate joins the crew?
After Russia it goes down a cliff though.

>I think even women would get tired of hanging around only women 24/7.
I didn't take it that way, but yeah a bit of that. More that some women just need men, its something they want.

Well because its an interesting thought experiment bro. Feminists are always harping on about how good the world would be if there were no men, they fail to realize that predators rise to the occasion, and fill a hole in the order of things.
There will never be peace so long as there is life.

Either way the world would go to shit, if men go away then tons of women will rise to the occasion of being violent and hateful. There already are tons of women like that anyways.

>Either way the world would go to shit, if men go away then tons of women will rise to the occasion of being violent and hateful. There already are tons of women like that anyways.
Well yeah that is what I said. The cycle continues into perpetuity.
Snake eating its own tail.

I don't know, you seemed pretty clear, he just didn't seem to have reading comprehension.

In the very last issue France is shown to be a pretty good place to live in, maybe even better than today. And it's implied that the rest of the world is on it's feet again after 60 years and everything is hunky dory.

Don't forget the part where the protagonist gets tied up, threatened with rape, humiliated and nearly drowned to help him with his suicidal tendencies.

Without him knowing why it was happening to him.

And it worked.

And he was grateful for it.

That had me fuming to be honest.

Not entirely sure about how good things are everywhere, but it showed that they had adapted to the new "normal".

Having a shared, world-wide trauma probably helped bridge some common ground, though.

No it implied that it sucked without men and the women were struggling. It took them years to even get back to where they were and that's after they successfully cloned men.

This. It showed it pretty clearly.

Sup Forums as a whole has terrible reading comprehension. I'm getting really fucking sick of it and it seems to be getting worse and worse. Is it just the common core kids getting online now or what? People can't read for shit.

If I said "Bob doesn't like comics."

I'm going to get 15 replies of people attacking ME for not liking comics. Sup Forums can't fucking read of half reads a post and then replies.

I'm sick of having to rewrite my posts 3 or 4 times just to try and get ONE point across and Sup Forums especially will just not get it on purpose, because they have to be "right" in the Internet argument that's going to 404 anyways. And then we wonder why we can't have serious discussions anymore.

Even the notion of "sexbots" is considered sexist by feminists. Which is weird because you would think they'd be glad men's attention are focused elsewhere.

Keep in mind that every mammal on Earth got hit with whatever caused the die-off.

Strangely the comic never really expands on that in the end.

You mean after they recovered the male scientist's super science shit that let them get to some arguable definition of "stable" after 2 generations and had repopulated some?

What was your point again?

They read just fine. It's obvious OP is saying he thinks the comic is implying the world is fine without men.

He's being called a tard because it obviously doesn't imply that at all.

I think 60 years is a pretty short time to bounce back from not only losing 3.5 billion people, but also losing the possibility of normal widespread reproduction.

Besides, the comic has a nasty habit of women remarking how wonderful it is that they are now free to be who they are without men keeping them down.

The comic also goes on about how the reason everything is extra bad is because men held a lot of important jobs, like being a pilots and soldiers, but nary a word about all the sewage workers or coal miners and the likes.

>the comic has a nasty habit of women remarking how wonderful it is that they are now free to be who they are without men keeping them down
Those are fictional characters. They have ficitional opinions.

that's like the opposite of the point

Did you even read the last issue?

It's just that they have a very weird habit to say how much better things are for women now.

So it'd be Lisa the Painful?

Weird how that argument happens to come up now.

The idea that the world is better off without men is constantly brought up to create anxiety for our main character, Yorick. Despite the fact that he is the literal key to preventing human extinction, he's constantly worried that the world would be better off without the stereo-typically more aggressive sex. Time and time again that's proven false though, these women in the face of Armageddon are as violent and self-destructive as any man. The fact that retards reading Y interpret this as a political statement instead of a character arc, probably shows they went into the comic looking for an agenda.

As for the idea some user posted that 60 years is too early for society to have rebuilt itself and better. I think that's a fair criticism, but I don't think BKV put that in to imply women could build a better society from scratch without men, I think the time frame was used for narrative convenience. The author wanted a happy ending while Yorick was still alive.

Did you even read any of it?

My problem with the ending is that it's absolutely retarded that society could recover that quickly state from half the population dying instantly and not being able to reproduce for years, especially considering how men are far more involved with supporting the world's infrastructure when compared to women. Hell, not only do they recover, they manage to surpass the level of technology there was before the catastrophe.