This is a project for a 200 level course at a $40,000/year university

This is a project for a 200 level course at a $40,000/year university.

Have the liberals won?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. We'll always have FPBP.

> he is getting a comms degree

Its all about identity politics.

They will break down everyones self, in order to rebuild it in the image of jamals cock.

Even worse, the class is designed for autistic tech students

i took a class that was basically just make a blog and create 12 year old quality shit every week

>$40,000 k a year for a communcations degree

Hope they teach you how to say, "would you like fries with that?".

Too bad that your post sucks nigger dick

It's a required course for a STEM degree

Hate this type of shit because they assume I have friends.

>share these with three friends

it's over


Seems like a pretty standard beginning of the year assignment for a communications class. I don't see the problem, why are you bitching?

>i thought i was finally going to learn how to communicate
>dumb bitch wants me to take selfies

>how to be an actor
>communications major
K. It's same as HR people who don't want non cuck non users of zosshul medya

What if I don't have any social media?

What if you don't have three friends? Do you fail university?

I had to take one too. You'll still pass with an A if you avoid racial slurs, even if you call out the crap literature they make you read.

In more ways than one.

Isn't it ableist to assume the person in the class isn't blind, classist to assume they can afford a camera phone, and presumptious to assume everyone has at least three friends?

In what discipline? If its some artsy crap then yeah, thats what you get.

Thankfully pretty much all of my classes (save for one 20xx and one 10xx) has been directly relevant to engineering. Considering doing a philosophy, religion or politics class as an elective though, so I might run into this shit.



I noticed this too, In my uni, homework is either graded as a test or project or not graded at all. Readings and questions at the end are basically optional.

God damn, Russia fucked you dudes over so bad they even stole the vowels out of your country's name.

What can a person possibly eat to turn into a marshmallow

You realise the word "gay" fits under two of those black bars right?

Op is, once again, a faggot.

It's literally the beginning of the year. Also, how about you learn the lesson. The assignment is about communicating self image. Maybe if you understood that college isn't always going to hold your hand and you're supposed to find the value in the lesson yourself, you'd have a more rewarding experience

Tl;dr you're a lazy fuck

Doubt it, communications degree is made for athletes. They show up (sometimes), do some silly easy shit, get a C+ somehow, and focus on their sport.

>School of Communication

Save yourself the 40 grand a year and drop out before you ruin your life financially.

I'd fuck it.

Check'd & kek'd

OP, please heed this user's advice. You're currently on track towards making the worst financial decision of your life.

Read the thread, he's getting a stem degree

>200 level course
>beginning of the year

the year, not my first year in middle school, you fucking retard. for 40k a year i expect college to hold my hand and suck my dick.

My point still stands.

Modern education thread?

Hot girls have to major in something or they will just become cam whores.

At the uni I attend I havn't been met with any bullshit like this (yet). I'm a philosophy + sociology major 3rd year now and its always concerned with what your studying, dosen't try inject any far left shit into it. When the teacher or a student brings it up you can debate them, its pretty civil. Especially in Philosophy when you can quite rightly ask 'why is killing babies wrong?' and its right in the vain of things.

>i expect college to hold my hand and suck my dick
You sure sound like it's your first year of middle school. Grow up kid

Should of done law. Debating, analysing texts, collaborative works etc.

The latter is still the more financially viable option.

been hanging around a lot of middle schools lately, pervert?

Why did you black out the word 'gay'?

No, just been hanging around Sup Forums lately

Only in the short term

$160,000 of non-dischargeable debt for a communications degree is unjustifiable under any circumstance.

I used to be a communications major my freshman year. Ended up switching to accounting after a year. Shit was cool I went out probably 4/7 nights a week

Yeah it varies a lot Uni by uni (here, at least)

yup, college has officially become high school 2.0

(((they))) treat students more and more like children so they can inject their liberal narrative without questioning

>Share these with three friends

Fuck, I didn't have three friends when I was in university, I'd have failed that shit for sure.

It's not a communications degree. It's a required course from the college of communications for a software engineering degree. After seeing the social abilities of most of my classmates I'm not surprised that they want to teach the fuckers how to communicate

i don't own a smartphone and never took a selfie. i'd fail that class.


you mean you wasted someone money and acted like a child getting away with bad behavior?

>Share with three friends
Why do these assignments have to be so hard.

Cam whores don't major in SE user. That was the point I was making


>college has officially become high school 2.0

They don't teach you anything at University level until post-grad

This is why student loans need to be abolished.

I only take about $5-10k of loans a year depending on housing costs

This is job security for me

The (((progressives))) have pretty much completely corrupted any degree outside of STEM, medicine, or business

>They don't teach you anything at University level until post-grad
no, it depends on the degree and university

some degrees are useless even post-grad while some are productive starting freshman year

you mean federal student loans

private loans are perfectly fine, they will disqualify you for a loan in some field they deem will not yield a payback

Good thing you're not the user taking out $40,000/yr.

what retard school do you go to and what shit classes are you taking, my college im taking 5000 level about genomic data being transferred on computer you dumb cuck

Im a software engineer. I dropped out after 3 years and no one has ever not hired me because i didnt walk across the stage

Tldr youre fucking stupid for wasting time in college

College exists only to indoctrinate you into liberalism. Period.

>don't have any social media?
>don't have three friends

I went back to school in a program for working adults. First course had a super liberal jew teaching class and first assignment was to make a facejew and add 10 friends for some bs feedback something or other

After class, I told her it was against my islamic religion and I also worked and lived alone and didn't have any friends because they were all islamophobic. She teared up and that was the easiest A I ever received

>they will disqualify you for a loan in some field they deem will not yield a payback
>no more liberals, SJWs, safe spaces, cuck studies
>universities liberated from degeneracy
>half of the third-tier universities disappear overnight
>universities become affordable again
It's a dream come true.

History can be pretty uncucked depending on the professor, and as long as you're not taking some bullshit like history of women or Africans. Financially lucrative is another question though

>no one has ever NOT hired me because I didn't walk across the stage

You should have stayed in school because you clearly can't read.

Holy shit, can I save this Lincoln pepe?

Why don't you ask for a smartphone from mutti Merkel, Mehmet?

Who are you talking to?

>three friends

Jesus, thank God I had a scholarship that paid all but 26K and the option for uncucked History professors.



Oh, so you got an offer at every single job you applied to? Did you apply to the top companies?

>apply for the top
>not aiming lower and making that company into a top company