Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?

Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?

high IQ trump supporter checking in

"Petroleum Geologist"
classic oilmen backing trump

Reporting in also, nuclear physicist

these are rigged. i have never seen a hillary supporter irl even when visiting the usa (florida)

>le scientists are knowledgeable about their field thus they're knowledgeable about everything maymay

I've seen this chart before. I don't know why you didn't post that the most lucrative job fields are highly conservative.

Neurosurgeon, Business Owner etc. are all majority conservative fields.

Science is extremely conservative...I hope that makes you think.

Because they're cucks and low test beta males.

user if at least 1/4th of all of those positions support Trump then there's a lot of high-intellect supporters...

Is that a Rune Factor 4 gif?

>user if at least 1/4th of all of those positions support Trump

They don't.

They're smart enough to read the social climate where the liberal and minority masses revile Trump as Hitler 2.0 and realize that would make life harder for them should they openly support him. There's probably more than a couple that will vote for him and say they're with her.

Most intelligent people don't like collectivism, it's a trait for the commoner.

IQ of 173 here.
I support Trump.
Too bad I'm a cripple though.

>high iq
Choose one

They actually do

>why are people in universities that rely on government funds and loans supporting a party that doesn't want to give them free loans and more funds

Does canada have lower IQ than trump supporters?

yeah this describes me basically
i know that coming out as a trump supporter would hurt my career, so i won't do it
may seem cowardly, but in my world supporting trump is a death knell

Because voting on any given candidate is what stupid people do

Do you know what 1/4 is nigger?

>make life harder for them
is an understatement. You'll definitely lose your career in academia if you don't abide by certain leftists memes (see: Tim Hunt, James Watson)


Interventional radiologist fellow here. Voting Trump.

My medical colleagues' support of libs isn't due to their intelligence per se, it's a function of continual exposure to an academic culture that sustains itself on taxpayers -- simple as that. An internally generated recursive ideological trap that ironically only the most intelligent, open minded intellectuals are able to escape and appreciate alternative perspectives

Wait, doesn't this show that the Democrats are the party of the bourgeoisie and the Republicans are the party of the proletariat?

people who do well in life have more to lose, voting clinton means continuity, voting trump means u could lose yo shit

Where are the IQs this is just a chart of subjects numale major in

There's a theory that the uneducated support A because they instinctually feel that it is correct, that the educated support B because they believe themselves to be so much smarter and superior to the uneducated, and that the truly wise support A, but for the proper intellectual reasons.

The "educated" are therefore both the most ignorant as well as the most dangerous, as they are self-assured in their idiocy.

Climate change.

We like what Trump is saying about protecting the middle class, about deporting illegals, about stopping Islamic terrorism... but he's got stupid as shit ideas about the environment.

Unchecked, climate change is a human extinction event. It's not a hoax or an elaborate conspiracy by (((elites))) to take away jobs - it's the end of the fucking world and no one wants to admit it. Meanwhile, ecocidal psychopaths are out to make as much money as possible before everything goes to shit so that they can live in walled of arcologies while the rest of us starve.

What I want is someone as tough and honest as Trump to talk about climate change. No more lies about green jobs or solar power or fracking or cap and trade or carbon taxes, but real hard answers to the problem we face.

Until I get that, I'll vote for the person that at least acknowledges climate change as a threat. The last thing we need is some conspiracy theorist to set us back 50 years on environmental policy.

Agreed. We need to go back 200 years and freak out like Thomas Malthus

Its changed before and it will change again shut the fuck up already.

was just talking about this with a friend earlier tonight
i want to go into legal academia
as a conservative, couldn't be a worse time given climate on most campuses

Only retards openly show their support for Trump. The current situation makes it so that open support for him can & WILL make your life harder. There is just no benefit at all. That being said, when you go to vote, of course you vote for him, but never let anyone know that.

>hurr we're all gonna die because al gore said so
>muh methane pockets
>we all have to become commies it's the only way
>please give more power to the government
this is why nobody takes liberals seriously

of course you don't expect the technocrats of the liberal intelligentsia to support trump do you? all populist politicians reject intellectualism (nazi book burning, etc) and with good cause. the academic always colludes with the elite against the common man

No, it's Touhou. That's flower lady. She kills people with flowers.

>Unchecked, climate change is a human extinction event. It's not a hoax or an elaborate conspiracy by (((elites))) to take away jobs - it's the end of the fucking world and no one wants to admit it. Meanwhile, ecocidal psychopaths are out to make as much money as possible before everything goes to shit so that they can live in walled of arcologies while the rest of us starve.

Look, beginning cutting off trade with China and renegotiating that trade deal where China doesn't have to do shit about the environment for the next 30 years is something that I could see happening with Trump. If the USA lives under those rules, china has to. Either that we raise import tariffs and make them pay for it. Just like mexico will pay for the wall.

>We like what Trump is saying about protecting the middle class, about deporting illegals, about stopping Islamic terrorism...
no you don't

Because high IQ jobs pay more, enabling whites with money to live in white suburbs and be isolated from the disastrous reality that left wing politics creates.

Additionally, (((universities))) are leftist indoctrination centers.

Malthus was wrong because alternative technology came along and made his predictions moot. Where's the alternative to fossil fuels?

Yeah, one of those changes is known as the Permian-Triassic extinction event.

The only other solution is a mass genocide, because the planet can not support more than 1 billion people. Either we all start living like fucking Cubans, or we start killing people - these are our only choices and I want someone to actually SAY it instead of dance around the issue.

That would be great, but Trump doesn't seem interested in actually making China play fairly on environmental issues. Instead, he wants to cut our environmental policies so that we can compete with China - which would be a disaster.

Fuck off. The middle class is dying because of liberal policies and anyone with a brain can see that. They import illegals for cheap labor and push Americans out of the job market so they can lie and say a product is (((AMERICAN MADE))). Meanwhile, we keep trying to build nations in the middle east and in the process arm more and more terrorists.

Climate change is worse.


I'll stick with the mass genocide option. We can start with Africa.

>Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?
because he's an idiot pandering to more idiots.

>only men with testicles openly show their support for Trump
Fixed that for you, fuckboi.

The only high IQ people that support Trump are on rocks.

Get it?

You can't be intellectually superior without universities.

Here's the hard truth: climate change won't be solved without billions of deaths unless the First World remains intact.

Staunch the bleeding before trying to sew yourself up. Save the First World from extinction before worrying about the rest of the planet.

>Fuck off. The middle class is dying because of liberal policies and anyone with a brain can see that. They import illegals for cheap labor and push Americans out of the job market so they can lie and say a product is (((AMERICAN MADE))). Meanwhile, we keep trying to build nations in the middle east and in the process arm more and more terrorists.
I agree, but that doesn't mean scientists as a group care about any of those things. maybe the middle class one because a lot of them fall into that category. PS clinton's never gonna do shit about climate change either, you're kidding yourself

>i'm so worried that people don't see the amount of high test that i always try to ""boost""
>masculinity is what matters because women is what matters the most

kek, notice how all the "high IQ" but lower paying scientific jobs vote more democrat? It's because they rely on democratic funding so they can do their copy and pasted phD on some useless topic that

A: does not produce a return, let alone a profit
B: does not even progress science

It's the equivalent of a high IQ person being on welfare

>physics don't even progress science
>computer science don't produce a return or profit
>mathematicians being on welfare

2/10 for the effort

Hence why I said I want someone like Trump to talk about climate change. It's not politically correct to talk about the real solutions.

You aren't wrong, but the first world is starting to feel the effects of climate change. Lake Mead is fucked, and when it goes Las Vegas will go too. Our fisheries are fucked, and with them goes a huge sector of the economy. People in 500-year flood planes are losing their homes. The loss of megafauna is causing outbreaks of insect borne diseases, since we and our farm animals are the only things left to feed on. Wildfires have become so severe that we can't actually stop them, and they are starting to encroach on cities.

We're already bleeding from climate change, and it is going to get worse and worse. There's no time to save the world, we need to save ourselves.

Not doing anything is better than making it worse.