Is this show communist filth?

Is this show communist filth?

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It's part of the Geekdom Starter Kit, so I wouldn't know.

It's OK, slightly funnier and wittier to orrow, just enough to make the average bluepill normie faggot feel like they're intelligent by watching it. It is not as in-your-face with the SJW propaganda, just slightly overstates the value/usefulness of women at certain parts and pushes drug/sex degeneracy.

It's numale shit so pretty much yes

"slightly...wittier THAN AVERAGE".

Fucking ios (((autocorrect))).

Who the fuck cares, cartoons are waste of time.

Anything not devoted to self-improvement is a waste of time. Like tv or posting on Sup Forums (outside of campaigning for Trump).

its subtly makes redpilled points in many episodes. for example, when the all female civilization collapses or the intentional absurdity of the interracial cucking of jerrys dad in the anatomy park episode.

Sup Forums is a waste of time, but cartoons are a brain drain waste of time. At least I can laugh and debate with you retards instead of mindlessly watching the communemasters approved Stephen universe

That is true, at least one is honing one's debatong skills/learning how to deal with idiots on this site. My philosophy is to try to turn every activity I do into some form of self-improvement.

Season two, what happened?

The ad lib episodes are shitty too. They were interesting the first time watching, then it just random retarded speeches the second time around.

That's a good philosophy, though I can't say I share the same. Sure I try to self improve, but I end up procrastinating. I don't even know why I pay the TV Bill anymore, really. The Olympus weren't even interesting

Three words, School House Rock

Also, Muzzy

>campaigning for Trump

Given the fact that he's going to get BTFO in November, I'd say that's a waste of time too.

>when the all female civilization collapses
But it did not collapse? What the fuck are you talking about.

You ready to get drafted on hillary clintons soon to be famous army draft death match to Iran, shill?

Jerry´s dad is a cuck.

If you procrastinate or watch tv, try doing something productive like working out (treadmill, dumbbells and weights, etc.) at the same time. It's surprising how much difference little things like that can make.

Cool guy over here

How can you post here on ifone? Can't even view webms.

>not wanting to go boots on ground and put the rest of the world back in it's place by reminding them of the superiority of the American race

Don't view webms usually. The (((apple))) jew has cucked me hard.

I dont watch much TV, but I do have a workout routine. I follow it like a religion. My problem is abusive friends and shitty relationships with any women. Abusive friends are the worst though. Idk why I still hang with them, but they're the only friends I got, and I'm not good at making any.

Why even browse Sup Forums with your phone? I never understood this trend.

>Loosing more troops for (((oil)))
I-I'm afraid of dying

at worst it's nihilist

>what is VLC

Normies don't have computers, they just have phones which they use twitter, facebook, instagram, tumblr, reddit, etc from.
Banning phone users from your site or at least making it so its layout is not friendly to phone screens blocks basically all normie trash, but at a high cost of losing 90% of your traffic.

>hey I'm a stupidly smart scientist and I shut people down who don't use facts with class and wit
>grandpa women earn 70 cents on the dollar
>I'm not going to say anything

I would rather my child watch this adult cartoon than Steven Universe.

No, it's political messages are bearable and even red-pilled sometimes.

Personally I think it's pretty hilarious, smart, unconventional and sometimes amazingly unnerving/unsettling. I personally think it's a great show but I can see a lot of Sup Forumsiticans not liking it because it's definitely nu-male/redditor-tier shit, though. The fanbase is cringey as all hell.

download the VLC app to watch webms on iphone

some of us leave the house

Clover app is better than using my laptop

It's one of those shows that make fun of everything, there is no political agenda.

>Is this show communist filth?
No, it is not a communist show, nor do I think communists had any significant role in making it. Liberals clearly did, but liberals pretty much make everything that is good.

It's an amazing show.

I browse on the phone from the shitter.

Sometimes I like to browse in bed, saves me getting up to turn my PC on.

And in that time you need to browse Sup Forums?

Aoteaora is right

Women are shit 90% of the time, and the ones that aren't don't advertise themselves nearly as much. Either don't take shit seriously with them (i.e. don't expect deep relationships) or try looking elsewhere where non-trash ones would hang out (Church, clubs and hobbies, political organizations, etc.). Or if you have good friends, meet people through them. But do keep looking, persistence is key.

And if your friends suck, tell them to stop being faggots or fuck off. Life is too short to waste time with shitty people. It's not that hard to make new friends, just go out, talk to people and jave a good time.

It does promote degeneracy. It's okay in some parts, but in general, it seems too certain with its logical positivist and reductive physicalist vision of the world. I also really hated Morty's lecture to his sister, regarding his duplicate's body being buried in the backyard, because I think the modern age is showing us the limitations of existential feel-good bullshit. That speech was retarded and contradicted the show's message like a stupid Camus.

I'm really tired of this generation. It's as if everyone has taken Camus' The Absurd as an accepted fact and no longer believes in a deeper metaphysical truth to anything. There was a time I was big into it, reading figures like Thomas Ligotti, but I kind of hate it now.

Even the belief in Christ has neutered many Christians and become more of a nationalist identification. I'm tired of how soulless people have become and have kind of accepted it as a consequence of greater understanding of the material world.

I had one very close friend who I have kind of distanced myself from now. He was autistic and big into the whole moral nihilist, antinatalist, physicalist scene, but I have come to hate him a lot, and I cannot think about Rick and Morty without remembering him too. I do not know how people can laugh at the "icy bleakness of things".

Are tablets, like Amazon Fire 7", big enough and work with most sites?

>the shitter
I've never met anyone who used this phrase & wasn't human garbage.

>Morty's lecture to his sister
encouraging lecture*

You sound pretty autistic homie

>>Morty's lecture to his sister
motivation speech* sounds better...
it's late

some of us have jobs, faggot.

just stop holy fuck
nice username bro, did I hurt your feelings? maybe head back to facebook or whatever you floated in from so you can have a proper username & be around the nice, normal, "non-autistic" people you love so much

i genuinely don't understand the appeal of this show and everyone praises the fuck out of it, people always ask me if i like it and then proceed to get irrationally mad at me when i say no. it definitely strikes me as lolxdrandom >'nu-male/redditor-tier shit'

It's god tier. A hundred years Rick and Morty.

Good analysis. It's a perfect cross-section of modern-day pre-packaged feel-good philosophy. I.e., glorified narcissism. Doesn't encourage action or change, just complacency and self-satisfaction.

So what? I have a job aswell and can lurk perfectly fine.

this is the only guy that gets it.

its magnificent in the stories it tells, as outlandish as it may be, but at the end there is no meaning or context outside of its single episode. no moral or political implications. it's pure nihilism honestly.

Sup Forums is haram, brah. Sharia death squads are coming to spread the peace to you. Imshallah.

>just stop holy fuck
You shut the fuck up, you stupid pleb.

No it's not. Do you still feel cool for browsing Sup Forums because le exploding vans and le place with le cp? Grow up, Sup Forums is a normie place and the biggest reason for that is mobile browsing.

I think in general people should read Evola to really improve things. They should understand his dialectical thought process in order to transcend a truth/false dichotomy tied to scientific understanding. I think once we can do this, we can defend national identity and ethos without having to feel compelled to deconstructive scientific analyses.

Fuck Deleuze and Derrida.

Fuck Deleuze and Derrida.

>compelled to
threatened by*

Why don't try a little fucking harder next time champ

Still shown to be shit and capitulated to fashion design as an argument.

It's cool brah. Please return to counting Shekels for Herr. Goldberg or eating bbc condoms or whatever your job is. We will continue fucking your gf, sisters and daughters. When we come to you maybe we'll only take one testicle, imshallah. Peace be upon you.

when I'm bored at work, yes

Clover on Android is comfy af. Also I have to leave the house every once in a while and when I'm hanging out with friends I'm not bringing my laptop but I still want to low key shitpost.

Also, literal shitposting while taking a dump is the best. In fact I'm going to do that right now.

How was it shown to be shit?
The whole execution by dropping a big rock on them for example, that doesn't show it to be shit, those things were just jokes.
I don't see how you can be this bad at remembering the episode considering it was just shown recently & I'm pretty sure you watched it.

Hey its me again, still shitposting on Sup Forums, just mad a sandwich and still selling REAL FAKE DOOOOORS!

You seem to be mad.

The world will be better off without you

This guy understands

The improvisation shit in the inter-dimensional cable episodes was painful to watch. Just awful.

I know for sure that they knew they were shit too, but having an excuse to do improvisation means you can be lazy & don't have to actually write a fucking good episode.

Clover is a lot better than desktop desu

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Technically there is no better or worse within the "perspective" of Rick and Morty's universe. That's my point. The Universe doesn't give a shit, it's meaningless within the perspective of the creators of Rick and Morty -- that's the whole message of the show, imbeciles.

Why tho?

AND it doesn't look like shit. You have to agree the website does look pretty shit. Personally it makes my eyes bleed

why are you acting so pretentious about a cartoon on a politics board on an anonymous anime website?

and yet a show about a depressed talking horse still portrays that same message better

Job and wife. Browse Sup Forums at work. Housework at home

I can guarantee that no one around you can stand you.
Everyone lets their personality leak into their posts, even when doing something like explaining. The small snapshot of your personality you've shown us within this thread is enough for us to know what kind of personality you have. Guess what? It is fucking awful. The picture you've painted is awful. Improve your personality ASAP or die alone. Maybe just lay off the addys, who knows.


They're idiots that don't understand what I am saying. I didn't make it convoluted or anything, and I could simplify it if necessary.

I dislike how Rick and Morty and much of modern shows take for granted the logical positivist, reductive physicalist perspective of the Universe as given. They basically think the forlornness of man and the indifference of the Cosmos hints at nothing greater, life as nothing special, and therefore, all man does is meaningless or insignificant. I'm tired of this being the de facto of the "academic mind".

I'm saying we need a new definition of truth, perhaps by abandoning metaphysics altogether and reevaluating what it means to be a person. I am tired of this "scientific materialism" deconstructing all attempts at meaning and then people laughing at it casually. It's as if it precedes all discourse and then thereby seeps into it.

Look at a corpse, festering, worms and ants crawling through it, can you laugh? Rick and Morty is viewing the Universe like an Ingmar Bergman film and then laughing. It's like the rape scene from The Virgin Spring or like Michael Haneke's brutal Funny Games. This is not stuff you laugh at. This is not stuff you treat like a whimsical edgy teenager and then laugh.

The liberals of this new generation are monsters, and I think we ought to imprison and execute them. I saw an extremely disturbing music video recently, very frightening, and the comments from liberals was beyond disturbing. All whimsical, all flippant, to the decaying corpse.

its a great show, doesnt really have a message but it keeps you entertained

also its no where near communist filth, its just edgy (in a good way) most of the time, nihilistic i suppose

No deffo not brah. Peace be upon you, may Allah watch over you and your women. Imshallah.

>its just edgy (in a good way)
No, it's edgy in a bad way. It's edgy in the way Michael Haneke criticizes:
>"My films are intended as polemical statements against the American 'barrel down' cinema and its dis-empowerment of the spectator. They are an appeal for a cinema of insistent questions instead of false (because too quick) answers, for clarifying distance in place of violating closeness, for provocation and dialogue instead of consumption and consensus."
>—From "Film as catharsis".

It's like, people have gotten used to whimsical nihilism and laugh now.

You didn't hurt anyones feelings, you just have severe autism

>and yet a show about a depressed talking horse still portrays that same message better

Bojack Horseman is about as "muh feminism!" as you can get. It even gets praised for how feminist it is.It would be more enjoyable without all of the fucking feminist pandering.

Rick is a libertarian

I'm honestly impressed at the amount of asshurt a cartoon for stoners and pop science fans can generate in a single person.

That or you've taken the le everything is degenerate meme and turned it into brilliant satire.

I sincerely hope for the second.

Are you incapable of sustaining a normal human conversation without namedropping esoteric schools of philosophy, or were you just masturbating your own ego when you wrote this?

At least give me a you when you're trying to reply user

Shut the fuck up. Suck my dick, bitch. I'm not here to appeal to your sensibilities. The more I piss you off, the happier I get.

it's the point I'm making: this world doesn't exist to give you thrills or appeal to your deepest held sensibilities. Therefore, why does it exist? Ask yourself that, you piece of shit? Watching shit like Rick and Morty tells you it's all meaningless and so you treated it like a machine, to get your cheap thrills here and there, but let me tell something, faggot, why don't you start thinking for once instead of lashing out against those who actually think...

you piece of motherfucking goddamn frivolous little nigger brained muzzie equivalent piece of shit

>5 paragraph reply to a two word post
>one the words wasn't even typed out in full
>the post wasn't even directed at him

What a fucking faggot you are

>I do say let us examine this cartoon programme in the intellectual mode of the post-modernist existential syndicalist way towards the path mathematical dit-blot tajibbinz

There it is

Hehehe hohoho

I like that the website looks like dogshit, drives all the normies away

I am discussing something complex. Even Zizek mentioned it once. Don't you see the greater sociocultural significance of laughing at an "apparent meaningless"? You have to be very meta about this.

We have a reached a point, societally, where we all take for granted for positivistic scientific materialism as given. We no longer believe in the promise of a transcendental purpose or even an immanent one! And this is what Rick and Morty plays off of to make us laugh: the absurdity, jarring, forlorness involved in situations.

It is like Camus' the Absurd. There was a time we view it with melancholy but now people are viewing it with jovial nonchalance.

I am saying: you are part of the problem. Go burn a mosque while beating your chest and saying, "For Europa." then you'll feel a "truth" that is beyond any material reality.

>They basically think the forlornness of man and the indifference of the Cosmos hints at nothing greater, life as nothing special, and therefore, all man does is meaningless or insignificant
It's pretty hard to refute this though

So does reddit but they flock to it.

Look up the scene in Holy Mountain where that Spanish girl uses the orgasm machine. You approach the Universe in much the same way.

I like the show...