Hillary Clinton campaign workers committing voter fraud in Las Vegas


Behavior violates NV election law (NRS 293.505)

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Statute at issue


Kill yourself trumpshill


Only after indictment.

She's going to burn for Seth Rich.

ooo... I like your zeal. Double pay for you.

10 cents have been deposited in your account.

Just Corrupt My Record Up

DELETE THIS. Scary pic.

this is one of the most physically repulsive women in Hollywood.

atm its rocketing up

no happening ?

Gonna have to repost this at a more burger friendly time, it's going viral though

the Dems have made voter fraud a core strategy of theirs for decades now and I'm afraid we're to the point that even direct, incontrovertible, evidence of it occurring will just get a "meh" from the public.

Good point, thank you.

People can change.

You niggers, I figured it out.
Lots of key figures are released troughout the world this week,
(translated legit norwegian finance newspaper)

Hectic macro calendar
On the macro calendar starts the week quietly, but it gives us insight into the mood of purchasing managers around the world. So-called PMI is released in Japan and the United States Tuesday and the euro zone countries and the Union as a whole on Wednesday.
Wednesday my friends...

Tuesday there will be a preliminary consumer confidence index from the eurozone and nyboligtall from the United States, the rise in German gross domestic product revealed Wednesday.
>Consumer confidence index from the eurozone
>German BNP to be revealed

Thursday is expected including an update of the Swedish economy, before it is released statistics for new dagpengesokere and orders for consumer durables on the other side of the Atlantic.
>Swedish report on economy and immigrants

The week ends with the Japanese consumer prices and growth figures from France, Britain and the United States Friday.

Winter is coming.....and it's happening.


She is commiting voter fraud, but I doubt shit will happen to her

Not after 50 years of corrupt shit. Can't teach an old cunt new tricks, especially if they won't make her money.


I contacted her employer lol

>Voting for Hillary over Trump
I hope you are trolling. Even if you don't agree with everything that Trump says (I don't but some of his stuff is very reasonable) he makes a hell lot more sense than Shillary.

you are a scholar, good job

Report her to the authorities

tl:dr it for me burgers, how is she committing voter fraud?

The guy filming the video is a racemixer. lol

When being a registrar of voters you must be totally impartial and unbiased. No political bias in any way is allowed.

But Hilary shills are actively promoting her and hating on Trump as they register voters, mixing Democratic Party support into what should be unbiased voter registration.

What is that in shekels?


Get this to mark dice and thr foot soldiers over at r/the_donald stat

>She had to hurry over to the cemetery to register more voters.



WTF? Democrats are now registering *living* voters?


His black GF is part of the 3% of blacks voting Trump. She knows career politicians like Hillary haven't done shit for blacks since the 60s when Malcolm X himself was calling them out on it.

Man she wears the same fuckign armband under the violet thing. Stanfort Tennis and in her Vita she graduated there checks out.


yawn nothing is going to happen.. this shit has happened with Hillary supporters so many times, they are above the law

But this has to be stopped this is likely systematic o.O

we can still ruin their careers. contact her work and the investors that own shares in the company she works for


usa bros start texting that number

It's a bot, you mong

I know you cunt.
its an autoreply
a human will read the message you mong

1 post by this mong

>what does that MEAN?

A human absolutely will not read the message. By texting it, all you're doing is essentially signing up for a newsletter.

And no shit there's only one post by my ID. It's 8am, and there are ~40 posts total in this thread. Summerfags are the fucking worst.

By the way, bringing this to the attention of the Hillary campaign early gives them time to maneuver around it (claim she was working solo, file a copywrite claim so the video is taken down, etc.) before it gets picked up by media. You fucked up.

>a human will read the message


>bringing this to the attention of the Hillary campaign early gives them time to maneuver around it

yeah yeah bullshit they already know

they already saw the video. they pay people to keep track of her media exposure. by watching all videos that mention clinton.

contact her employer and tweet it to trump hashtag: ClintonsCriminals


another one bites the dust.

bamped for CTR

We are not even surprised anymore are we? We've come to expect voter fraud from Democrats, they can't win otherwise. They have nothing to offer.

You seem to think that just because someone is rich and powerful, they must have unlimited resources. You have a lot of growing up to do, kid.