My allegiance is to the people of the realm

>my allegiance is to the people of the realm
Do you believe him? Will he betray Danaerys?

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Him and tyrion will.

But he will die because of it.

It's not fucking betrayal when he's up front about doing it for the people, not her.

But do you believe what he says? Or is his endgame something deeper?

Varys is ruined in the show.

this. Without the false Aegon, most of his motivations fall short

In a way. She's gonna try and manipulate her via Jon

who cares. he's a complete joke like littlefinger. does anyone take littlefinger seriously anymore?

>Book Varys was all about ending magic
>Starts sweating when he hears that the glass candles are burning once again
>Thinks Stannis would be best for the realm, but doesn't commit for him over because of his Melisandre shenanigans

>enter DABID

>hurr durr lemme pledge allegiance to this magical foreign unburnt bitch with a bunch of magical creatures and a horde of barbarian rapists


Pretty fucking sure he'll turn on her as soon as she decides to side with Melisandre, he hates fire priestesses and the show is already pointing it out.

Either way I like Qyburn more.

>tfw he showed Cersei the dragon skeleton i thought he was going to tell her he reanimated a dragon

His interrogation by Daenarys this season was to set up that he will betray her. There was no other reason for that scene.

Eh, I don't know. She essentially interrogated all of her current advisors except the ethnics

Since all he's ever done is embrace or plot against whatever ruler is good/bad for the kingdom I don't see a reason to doubt him. Doesn't mean Dany should trust him, since her ruling history sure as fuck hasn't been stable.

By this point, I don't really care anymore.

Aren't all ethnics slaves she liberated tho

>Do you believe him?

Gotta remember this is D&D's story now, there are no more twists and intrigue in the show. Its all about the spectacle and action.

>my allegiance is to the people of the realm

Fucking commie

Don't underestimate the power of bad writing

She did, when she first met them. Varys has been part of her group for the past season. It's a strange time to question his loyalty now, unless of course it's meant to set up a future betrayal.

Vary's, Davos, and Melissandre get burned by Cersei as they try to make a truce with her against the white walkers.
Sorry for the spoilers.

>There was no other reason for that scene.

Except the obvious reason, that she has reservations about Varys' loyalties? What the fuck are you even saying?

how are you people forgetting that one scene where he implies he wants to sit in the iron throne when he has a conversation with oberyn in the throne room?

Now she questions him? After he's been by her side for the past season? This would have made more sense when they first met. To do it now is awfully silly on her part.

Why didn't he just sit then? The throne room is empty by midnight

>season 8 spoilers


you know what i mean you silly goose

Are you sure that wasn't littlefinger? Varys has never seemed interested in that

Red herring.

he says something like, "you see what desire can do to people", and then "having no desire leaves you with time (or whatever) to do other things", and then he looks at the throne and leaves Oberyn

here's what I mean

So she asks him not to betray her but to let her know if she fucks up, but she's slowly going mad and Tyrion seems awfully worried from the "I almost drank myself to death but then Varys showed me someone to live for", so is he going to just her around with Tyrion?

I feel like I can't think about this shit too much because the show is completely off course from the books as far as style & writting goes so is it really that simple? She becomes unreasonable then they tell her she's being unreasonable so then she starts being reasonable all of a sudden and Doth'Raki no longer rape & murder the populace?

I just wish Gendry would forge a dragon glass arrow for Bron to shoot the Night King with and end this pain.

She's surely not going full villain but the Dothraki are going wild now that she destroyed the food that would feed them.

She has 100 thousand man to feed but destroyed the fucking food with her dragon. I remember someone posting a reaction bitch that says "no excuse for that" when she does it.