Is this the best big budget adventure movie of all time?

Is this the best big budget adventure movie of all time?

Yes. Easily. Without question. GOAT. No other replies needed.

Nah. Temple of Doom is.

I don't care what any of you say, Crystal Skull is in contention.

Does Jurassic Park count?
I'd say they're tied for me, I'd really love an IMAX re-release of both already.

That's not even a good movie.

Neither are you

>It's another dumb American action movie that dumps on the Germans some more, decades after WWII ended

Thats not the last crusade senpai

You lost Hans get over it, just embrace your role as the cool dressed villain already.

Kraut still mad that Anglos dominated your ass?!

Actually, yes.

One of the harry potters desu even columbus directs better


>Is this the best big budget adventure movie of all time?
It wasn't a big-budget movie, though. They gave Spielberg $20 mil. to make it, he did it for 18.

Everything in the first act after the prologue sucks major dingdong.

>talking about Indiana Jones films with the senpai
>dad says he hates the 2nd one but likes the 4th one

Temple is so much fun, you have to be a special kind of pleb to hate it.

It's enjoyable but after watching the original three Indiana Jones movies recently, none of the sequels come close to being as good as Raiders.

>none of the sequels come close to being as good as Raiders
I always liked Last Crusade the best but probably because it was the first Indy movie I ever seen, and also because I loved the LucasArts game.

I think Last Crusade is better.

After rewatching recently, my main problem with Last Crusade is that it's too kid-friendly and has too many corny 'Spielberg moments' if that makes sense. It was my favorite when I was little though.

Russians did, Anglos or better put the yanks did the same as they did in ww2, arrive late, shoot some kids and old people defending their towns and then act cool.

At op
I like the crusade one with sean connery more.

2/10 because you got idiots to reply

Nah it's shit

If it came out today Sup Forums would chimp out and declare it white genocide, because nazis are the baddies

Well, I haven't watched any of the Indiana Jones movies in about 15 years, or even more.

Temple of doom is the worst of the original 3

Is it factual that Harrison Ford is the most attractive man in history? No hyperbole.

Does anyone even come close?

I think my dad doesn't care for it because half the movie involves a bunch of poo in loos and he lost interest, while he loves anything that involves WWII (1st and 3rd movies) or alien shit (4th movie)

TOD felt like a kid's movie, even with the Kali Mar scene.

He's built to be a dashing rogue.

Crusade was always my favorite growing up, but having rewatched them recently I can't agree more about the "Spielberg moments". Also, I know a big part of the charm of the movies is how Indy barely gets out of sticky situations, but by the 3rd movie they got pretty lazy with them (even though the action during those scenes was arguably the best of the entire series).

those are some big hands

>Does anyone even come close
Mad Mel

Can you name me actors present now who emits this kind of masculinity or are the newer gen of actors all pussywhipped or closet faggots?

Can't do it. Actors these days all look like baby faced pussies even in their 30s.

these guys are pretty manly

We will never again have decent "MALE" role models


Daniel Craig
Tom Hardy

That's all I got.

Star Wars cost like 10 million. Empire cost 24 after budget over-runs.
That WAS big budget back in the day.