Oh shit, through some series of dumb ass events, you are now the head writer of Spider-man. What do you add...

Oh shit, through some series of dumb ass events, you are now the head writer of Spider-man. What do you add? What character(s) do you get rid of? Whats your dream story arc?

I honestly believe there are users of this board who could write better then slott

I'd solve the OMD mess.
No decompressed narrative.
No splash pages.
Aunt may dies, forever.
My characters can smoke or take drugs if necessary or cool.

Kill off Mary-Jane permanently.
Fix Black Cat.
Make Peter poor again.
Bring back Kaine.
Fix Venom.
Delete Miles from existence.
Get rid of Silk.
Keep Spider-Gwen in her own universe.

It would probably suck. I'm not a writer. I would much rather be on art

I would write an arc that's damage control for Slott. Spidey rounds up the Sinister Six, Anna Maria takes over Parker industries, which still helps Spider man, but 60% of the shares now belong to Tony Stark.
The Parker luck dawns again, Pete tries to get a job teaching again to no luck (because it's June)
Norman Osborn steals tech from Ock to insert his brain into all of the sinister six, who become lackeys for the real Norman after he breaks them out.
Flash comes back from outer space, Silk is put on Great Lake Avengers, Kaine is brought back, Miles, SpiderGwen and Arana stay busy on their new team of Young Defenders, alongside Miss Marvel and Nova

>Kill off Mary-Jane permanently.

Your disguise fools noone Quesada

I'd keep everything else, but I'd just reveal the RYV Parkers are the real Peter and MJ and Peter Starker and Jezebel MJ were constructs of Mephisto

-Undo OMD
-Cooper gets hit by a bus
-Mayday Parker comes back
-Peter sells his company to Tony for a ton of cash
-Get a professor job at Empire State University

>Arc where Ock sues Peter for control of Parker Industries and wins. DD the litigator (since fucking ANAD Marvel decided that was a fucking great idea) realizes that Peter Parker is Spider-Man through radar bullshit. He keeps it to himself, but Peter suspects he knows and it freaks him the fuck out.

>Arc where Pete and MJ reconcile their feelings for each other but realize that while they do love each other both their lives are better lived moving forward rather than clinging to the past. They're simply not the same people as they were when they were married and as much as they want to go back to being those people, they can't.

>Pete goes back to living with a roommate, who is also a cape with a secret ID. They never discover each other's secret and it's played for laughs rather than drama.

I'd pull a Geoff Johns and give my favorite villains, Mysterio and Shocker, a big push.

Peter decides to go ahead and cut off his friends and family to focus only on being spider-man after another close call with a loved one. I'm not saying he goes pitch black nitty-gritty, but all he focuses on is telling jokes, drinking coffee, and punching bad guys harder than usual.

Get rid of Spider Gwen, Silk, Miles and all those spider-man wanna-be's.
There can only be one Spider-Man, and that is Peter Parker.

If Bendis insists on keeping Miles around, he can call him Nigger-Man for all I care.

No killing, no adding, the lore is already convoluted as it is. Just do an all-ages book and stay true to the mantra - Peter can't come through for his loved ones because he's busy being Spider-Man. Stories should be stand-alone episodes, like a cartoon, and gradually do a subtle build-up.

Spider-man decides to settle into an advisory role of Parker Industries, and hands it over to someone more competent. He's actually quite comfortably off for once, but goes back to photography because it's his passion.

We have plenty of inspirational stories about Spiderman saving people and just generally making things better. Eventually he gets back together with Mary Jane and surprise, she's pregnant.

Also, Miles becomes a member of the supporting cast, and we have Spider-man and sidekick. Spiderman begins to gradually train Miles so he can hand over the role to him, and they interact regularly as Peter becomes a mentor.

Basically, the past few years have been Spider-man being constantly shit on. We want to get him back to a reasonable place, the way Matt Murdock eventually got to win some victories after the clusterfuck his life had been under Bendis.

Peter and MJ had that "we aren't the same people" speech before, they still got back together. And they undoubtedly will after your run ends by someone who grew up with them.

Spider-Man goes to hell so he can beat Mephisto up and rescue his daughters soul.
After doing that, Osborn kidnaps MJ and takes her to hell so Peter has to go back there. He rescues MJ but he has to stay there forever as the door that won't let the demons come to earth 616.
In the MJ is revealed to be pregnant with his child.

In addition to that, MJ already said that no matter what Mephisto did to them, they'd get back together (indicating anytime they fall out is due to magic and not their real feelings)

Undo OMD
More stories about the toll being a superhero can have on his life
An arc where he stays in costume for too long and it starts to affect his mental state. Highlight MJ's importance as a connection to some form of normalcy
An arc with a competent Spot, and by competent I mean prep-time via internet suggestions on how to use powers. Undone by Spidey's ability to improvise falling outside of Spot's prepared scenarios
Have Spider-man arrested for crimes against DOOM and thus Latveria

what the fuck kind of typing are you doing

kill Aunt May
revive Uncle Ben
kill MJ
revive Gwen Stacy
kill Black Cat
bond Norman Osborn with the Venom symbiote

The keyboard

I don't like this.

>Spidey is chasing Black cat on NY rooftops.
>Catches her, gets kissed.
>Parker unmasks himself and kisses back
>They start fucking
>A sudden blast nearby
>Blasts everywhere
>Peter and Black cat somehow get out
>Police commissioner announces that NY has suffered a terrorist attack and there will be more blasts
>Spidey and Black cat have go to the local mosque to stop the terrorists and save NYC.

>It's revealed in the end that the actual terrorists are 20 year old racist toy unboxing white males that use a Somalian pottery website.
>Ends with Black Cat giving a speech about how not every muslim is a terrorist.

I move him from New York City to Goldendale, Washington. Let him guard the farmstead for a while.

badly that is lmao

It will happen, sooner or later.

>Black Cat then killed by muslim terrorist
>it is revealed in the end that the actual terrorist were skrulls

>Black cat stops calling herself black cat because it is black culture appropriation
>She just calls herself cat and covers herself up.

Keep his bad luck around but make him respected by other heroes again instead of being a manchild bitch.

Bring Norah Winters back she's hot.

>Starts calling herself White Cat
Keeps reverse-burgaling black neighbourhoods, leaving white guilt apology letters and reparations for slavery, despite being a 2nd generation US citizen

Age Miles up.

Have him date and fuck MJ

>revive Gwen Stacy
Boy, you're going to love the new Clone event.

Fuck off, Frank.

Fix everything Quesada ruined.
Let Peter and MJ finally have a fucking kid.

You retards realise that you're trying to outdo Frank Miller's Holy Terror, right?

>People are still talking about One More Day
It was almost 10 years ago now.
also you don't read comics
I don't like Silk and wouldn't use her.

>One of the least liked Spidey sagas
>"Let's keep doing it over and over again"

For what reason.

I'm pretty sure the only people still butthurt about OMD are the ones that actually read comics and try their hardest to keep reading Spidey despite the character being assassinated mercilessly.


Its kind of hard not to talk about the thing that ruined Spiderman.

user, how would people who don't read comics know about OMD?

Granted, I think I brought it up on other boards from time to time and everyone in the thread thought OMD was a bad joke I was making because it was so balls-to-the-wall retarded, but still

>new Clone event

no no no no no No No No No No No No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

From Marvel: House of Ideas
Like rehashing every 20 year old story you can, that's an idea, technically

-Retcon Sins Past and throw subtle shade at Quesada
-Fix Black Cat
-Lock Spider-Gwen in her own universe forever
-Let Aunt May finally die
-Create some new villains, but
-Have Peter date Norah (most underrated girl)
-Peter works for Stark Industries
-Get rid of Miles' venom blast
-Bring back Alpha as a villain for Miles

>Have Peter date Norah (most underrated girl)

You're a good nigga. My kind of nigga

I gotchu senpai

Damnit Pete
Stop trying to throw shit that requires skill

ITT : nostalgiafags who are butthurt because they can't self-insert as Spiderman anymore

Joke's on you: I don't even like Spider-man.

My dream arc is a reluctant team-up with the Chamelon in Moscow to prevent Kraven's formula falling into the hands of rogue Russian operatives.

I have other ideas, but that's my big one. Breaking into comics is hard though, so I'll be lucky to write this within the next 20 years.