Is there a better batsuit then pic related? Also other great costumes thread

Is there a better batsuit then pic related? Also other great costumes thread

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Yes, almost every other batsuit is better than that piece of garbage.

No, batman inc suit was perfect, it adds to everything the character was at that point.

I like the grey and blue more, but that suit it's better for adventure batman, not the ultimate batgod morrison was going for.

I need to add, long ears is the best suit for spooky stories, and short ears are the best for superhero shot

Nope its fantastic but 666 is a close second

Pleb as fuck

I don't really like the codpiece on that suit I prefer my batman with trunks like pic related

You shouldn't start the thread with blatant lies, OP.

You don't even know what that suit is called you plebian

Explain the silly-ass bright yellow target in the dead center of his chest. Even if it's meant as a distraction, that is not a place you want to be hit.

Its to draw gunfire away from his face, his chest has the most armour protecting it, the punisher also does this.

I unironically think the Batfleck suit is the best.

>that is not a place you want to be hit

>Pleb as fuck
Yes, I'm "pleb" because I don't like a suit with an unconcealed codpiece and a pointless raised symbol. Silly me.


I miss the bat trunks though.

This one is nice. Could go practically from an adventure setting to a noir one.

That is nice. The others characters in the pic trying to be "realistic" are autistic, tho.

>Joker waering a suit
>Riddler wearing a suit
>Catwoman wearing a dress
Oh my god where do these artists fet these ideas


Its actually the perfect timeline to have Batman as a proto-FBI agent under J. Edgar Hoover. Where almost everyone wear suits and jumpers. A majority of crime is happening in Chicago.

I am a giant whore for simplicity

You cunts make me sad.

Mazz Batman is best

Sorry for image size

Pic related has always been one of my favorites.

>all these plebs


>Those arms and that chest
Ah, reminds me of when I would draw as a kid and I thought adding more lumps was the same thing as adding muscle definition.

Top taste

I like to think its just included on the suit for intimidation purposes.

>"Breathe it in. That's fear"
>You aren't brave. Men are brave."

Gorgeous in its simplicity. Smooth as hell.

Always loved this design, even if it is Dick.

But for proper Batman, let's face it, there's nothing better than the classic gray and blue.


Speaking of dick pic related is a pretty great suit

Dick/Damian duo was god tier.

You sure that's not Firefly or Killer Moth?

I think yet should have chosen this suit instead of the fatbat suit

No Beyond love? Really?

I wish pope drew batman more often, i would love to see what kind of batsuit he would design for the current run

Every time I see praise for this costume, I think that story must've been amazing, because I don't get the appeal of Bat-hobo at all.

The story is amazing and the costume makes complete sense in the context of the story

Inc. fans getting BTFO!

My goal body desu

>that bastardization
everyone who tries to draw the Beyond Suit completely misses the point, adding lines and plates and textures.

but yeah, I'm with you user

Arkham City Batsuit

I'm with these guys. Slick as hell, melting into the dark.

that's a bad pic, but a great choice

Why do people think a cyber suit with enhancing nano-technology and a built-in HUD with a ton of extra gadgets needs to be armored? The suit cushions impacts naturally without the need to put on plating.

I really do love that suit
It sort of in between tacticool armor with the gauntlets and boot and spandex

I know people love the Jean Paul Valley and the hellbat suits, but i think this is the best bat armour we have ever gotten

Not necessarily a suit but I've always enjoyed the sort of impractically long almost cloak like cape and mile high ears

The sort of image of batman silhouetted against some light source and all he is is a towering shadow with no identifiable limbs or on a roof top and the wind blows his cape and it ends up looking 15ft long

I chock it up to a few things. First, a belief that the only reason the Beyond suit is so minimalist is to make it dirt-cheap to animate, so in a situation where that's no longer a concern they feel free to extrapolate. Secondly, some artists who tend to use more photo references probably feel it looks too much like a straight up power-rangers costume since there are no gloves or boots or what have you to break up the lines. Lastly, in black and white on a page that you need to turn into a colorist the suit looks an awful lot like an anatomical model with bat ears, people who lack confidence in their anatomy tend to try and obscure the fact with kibble to break up those smooth lines.

Oh, right, and of course, artists are creative types and sometimes they just think it looks cool.

Gotta love Kelley jones



perfect ears

Yeah, it's cutting-edge technology from decades in the future. It's probably got, like, a layer of non-Newtonian fluid sandwiched between fabric made of something akin to spider silk and makes traditional plate body armor look like a pile of primitive shit.

Ooo. I like the purple lining. Not so fond of the garish yellow, though.

Mephistopheles. Watch Faust for reference.


Best Batsuit is best.

God i hate that suit. Way too much armor



I like the more spandex look as much as the next guy, but that suit is the aesthetically pleasing shit I've seen in a while.

I really liked the suit you start off with in AK. Looks like an armoured, tacticool version of the classic grey and black. The one you use for most of the game is a bit over designed and gawdy looking.


It looks fucking cool, that's why. Hey how about we get rid of the Batsuit in favor of cool futuristic armor. Hey, how about we get rid of the bat motif and just make him an armor soldier man. Also lets give Bruce wayne a buzzcut because that's all more practical. Fuck aesthetics, only practicality matters, I want a bald space marine batman.

The funny thing about Superhero period pieces in the 30's is a lot of these characters actually existed in that era or close to it. Batman in the 30's wasn't anything like the stereotypical idea of detective pulp like you see in all the fanart.

>Muh detail
>muh armor

I wouldn't mind it so much if it all didn't look so damn arbitrary. There's just lines and padding for the sake of it. The arkham Batman doesn't even look like a human, its a weird uncanny valley thing of stylized 90's Image art with realistic textures slapped all over it.

is that knight or city?

i think thats a perfect dickbats suit

if i were ever to take up vigilantism i would definitely try to recreate this suit

How would you recreate it? Give me some tips on how pls.

I suffer from bouts of nostalgia.

If they fixed the eyes and didn't make the Beyond Suit conform to every single fucking muscle, I'd love the Beyond Suit in City the most.

Yeah. No one takes it seriously then. Comic serials were not taken seriously by adults especially in the noir era. Post-modernism atleast give the comic timeline some redemption for being left out in the era. Because, let's face it. No one in the 30s would take seriously a guy running around in a bat costume in that era where horror films and noir are the norm for adults to watch.

really the only hard part is the cowl and the underlayer. i would probably do, for the cowl, segmented pieces of some sort of kevlar underlayer, a metal midlayer, with a cloth overlayer sewn around it, then sew those pieces together to make the head part of the cowl, if that makes sense, then sew that to the black cloth he has in his upper chest/neck area, and have the cape attached to that, and have the entire thing able to adhere to the shirt. unfortunately the real problem is how i would have it attach such that any mook couldnt rip it off, nanoscale adhesive technology is making great strides, im doing a lot of research into that for my bio class, so i would probably try my damndest to synthesize some sort of nanoadhesive and then when that fails i would probably try to use magnetism with the metal midlayers. dont know if i explained to the best of my ability.

cape is impossible to be used as batman does as it currently stands, i would try to create some sort of parachute cape that folds in on itself and folds out to expand and catch air better using some sort of wire/pulley system but ultimately THAT would be the most difficult part, not the cowl, so the cape would likely only be for show. however with advances in synthetic biosilk within a few years an air catching paracape could theoretically be possible.

Couldn't you use straps, like the holster ones he's using? Where would you get the rest of the gear though, or how would you make it?

definitely could, youre right. and army surplus for the kevlar, im lucky to have people who could facilitate that, and for the metal i would need to use some sort of high strength to weight ratioed metal like aluminum or some such. i would just have to be able to form the metal, but if i had multiple very thin layers of the metal i would be able to form them individually (as the thinner metal would be easier to bend/shape/cut) and then put them together once theyre shaped for necessary thickness. ceramic would be very difficult to mold, i have no idea how i would which is why metal would probably be easier, though ceramic may be safer. i hope this doesnt get me put on a list or something. i feel like vigilantism would be the seen as terrorism, especially where i live

and you could definitely get aluminum sheets at any scrapyard, online, or even some home improvement stores.

Metal in the cowl is a good idea, never thought of that before.
What about the lower part of the suit. Where would you get the boots and armour for the torso?

for the boots i would just try to find some comfortable, steel toed black leather booths with good support that i could roadmarch and run in. i would additionally use some sort of claw/tread type thing on the toe, like the kind rock/mountain climbers use. the length of the boots would be an issue, most mens arent that tall. as for the chest,it would have to be segmented armor. normal kevlar/metal plating as a breastplate, some sort of segmented kevlar ceramic wrap on the stomach and obliques (these would both wrap around to cover the back as well). the extremities are tough due to the movement necessary, so it would have to be a shoulder piece, a bicep tricep piece, an elbow piece, and a forearm piece, all able to move multilaterally so they cannot be connected by anything rigid. same with the legs and codpiece, separate pieces of armor for the thighs, knees, calves. and then, of course, all under the cloth. you can find armor at army surplus stores or other places that sel body armor the only problem is they usually sell bulkier items for arms and legs- riot gear mostly. but its reasonable once could fashion the necessary pieces out of kevlar vests, right? also i would definitely have to include a water bladder


Muh nigguh

>Is there a better batsuit...
>yellow oval

i like alt costumes

i kind like that for if Jason takes the cowl for some reason

If were going futuristic i would personally go with pic related or the beyond suit

Looks like the Origins suit, I like it.

Why do plebs hate the yellow oval so much? It looks much better than just a cutout of a bat on the costume.

i like the full cape design, makes him look like an Dracula or something
not a fan of half a cape

I really wanna smack anyone who says they want the trunks back on Superman's or Batman's suits.

you are a weeb and you need to leave
just look at those dumb fucking ears

I want the trunks back on Superman's and Batman's suits.


Yeah if your gonna go weeb in your Bat-suit design you could do better

Speaking of weeb stuff

I like this. Its something which could scare criminals.

At least the Chinese kept it simple

Fatman could atleast move his neck. Looks like another Nolan jack off piece.

looks like rabbit ears